Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5 Tenglongzhen was humiliated

At dawn the next day, Qin Hong arranged things at home properly and asked Qin Fengming's third uncle to send the old man home. Then he packed his bags and headed to Tenglong Town, thirty miles away, with Qin Fengming. .

The location of Tenglong Town is extremely important, as it is the only way to pass through Qijia City and Luyu City. It is also the largest town store within a fifty-mile radius of Qinjia Village. There is a main street in the town with various businesses on both sides of the street. There was an endless stream of businessmen passing by, making it very lively and lively.

After arriving in Tenglong Town, Qin Hong and his son first came to the blacksmith shop to visit Qin Fengming's second brother. After more than a year of blacksmith training, Qin Fengming saw that his second brother's face was red and his body was much stronger than before.

When asked about his visit to the town, Qin Hong only said that he was selling some mountain products and did not mention his grandfather's injury. He just asked Qin Fengming's second brother to take good care of him, and then he and Qin Fengming got up and left.

Tenglong Town is surrounded by mountains, but the business of selling animal skins in the town is also booming. The father and son sold the mink and python skins for three taels of silver without too much effort.

Three taels of silver is enough to support Qin Fengming's family for half a year, so the two of them are naturally happy.

After receiving the silver, the father and son went directly to the largest pharmacy in Tenglong Town: Wanshoutang without any further delay.

In the drug store, an old man in his sixties was sitting on a wooden chair next to the counter with his eyes closed, while a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old was sorting the herbs in the medicine boxes on the counter.

Entering the store, Qin Hong didn't answer, but directly took out the snake gallbladder and placed it on the counter.

Qin Hong's actions naturally woke up the old man with his eyes closed. When he saw it, the old man immediately showed a look of shock. He sat up and held the snake gallbladder in his hands.

"This is the gallbladder of a python. Judging from its age, I'm afraid it's a hundred or two hundred years old. Are you planning to sell it?"

"Well, old gentleman, how much do you think this can be sold for?" Qin Hong quickly replied after hearing the old gentleman's question.

The old gentleman looked at Qin Hong and his son, pondered for a moment, and said: "This snake gallbladder is quite well preserved and was recently stripped. It is worth five taels of silver. What do you think?"

Qin Hong did not speak, but took out the prescription and placed it on the counter, saying, "Old sir, this is a prescription for treating trauma. As for the snake gallbladder, do you think you can replace it with these herbs?"

Seeing Qin Hong take out a prescription, the old gentleman's face showed no signs of change. He stretched out his hand to take it. After looking at it for a moment, he turned to the young man and said, "Da Ming, look at the Dragon Tooth Grass." .”

"There are still three coins, I just checked." The young man was very smart and replied immediately.

When they heard about the dragon tooth grass, Qin Hong and his son felt relieved, and a stone finally fell to the ground.

The old gentleman took the prescription and pondered for a moment. Then he picked up the brush and drew a few strokes on the prescription. After picking up the abacus and crackling it for a while, he said to himself:

"Look at this prescription, it is used to treat trauma. I thought about it and removed some of the excess herbs. Five pairs of herbs cost six taels of silver. However, seeing that you are hunters in the mountains, life is not easy, so just take this Let the snake gall bear the blame."

Hearing what the old gentleman said, Qin Hong and his son were overjoyed: "Thank you very much, sir."

Just when the old gentleman ordered the young man to grab the herbs, there was a loud noise outside the store door, and then four big men crowded into the store surrounded by a young man in his twenties wearing colorful clothes.

The young man held a folding fan in his hand and wore a six-sided hat at an angle.

As he entered the door, he glanced sideways at everyone in the medicine shop and let out a soft "hum" without saying a single word.

But the four big men shouted loudly: "Old Liu, do you have any mulberry seeds and dragon tooth grass here?"

As soon as he saw the young man entering, the old man in the shop stood up hurriedly and walked out from behind the counter. At the same time, he ordered Daming to take the chair and said with a very respectful face: "Master Zhang, why are you here? What are your orders? Just spread the word."

Master Zhang looked sideways at the old man and waved his hand to a follower. The follower immediately said: "Young Master went hunting in the mountains just now, and Rhubarb accidentally broke his leg. If you need mulberry seeds and dragon tooth grass, hurry up and get them."

When the old gentleman heard this, his expression changed slightly: "Wei Zi has it, but I just sold the dragon tooth grass to them." The old gentleman said, pointing at Qin Hong and his son.

After hearing what the old gentleman said, the young master did not look at Qin Hong at all, but said with a sullen face: "I need the dragon tooth grass now, no matter who it is, I will keep it."

Although he didn't know who the young master in front of him was, Qin Hong also knew that he must be a powerful person. He didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Master Zhang, we need the dragon tooth grass to take back to save lives. Please show your noble hand and give it to us." Bar."

After hearing this, Master Zhang looked at Qin Hong, sneered twice, turned his head to the side, and looked disdainful to talk to him. A follower rushed to Qin Hong and shouted:

"Take it back to save your life, haha. The rhubarb is much more valuable than your lives. Our young master went to Qijia City last month and bought it for fifty taels of silver. Get out of here, make the young master unhappy, and save your lives too." Get off." After saying that, he began to push Qin Hong hard.

Qin Hong was originally a hunter. He was so excited that he pushed the big man to the side. The big man was immediately pushed several feet away. Then he turned to face Master Zhang and said: "When buying things, you have to go on a first-come, first-served basis. Since we bought it first, why should you take it away?"

Seeing that Qin Hong dared to resist and yelled at him with an angry look on his face, the young master Zhang immediately became furious. He slammed the table and said to the big men: "Haha, there are people in Tenglong Town who compete with me first to arrive first." , I really don’t know how to live or die, come here, give this ungrateful thing to the young master, I will throw it out."

The big men couldn't help but push Qin Hong out of the door with punches and kicks, and said bitterly: "If you yell again, I'll beat you all to death."

Although Qin Hong was strong, he could not withstand the crowd. When he was pushed out of the door, his feet stumbled and he fell onto the street. When Qin Fengming saw his father being beaten, he came over to help, but was slapped in the face by a big man and thrown out of the drug store.

At this time, there were many people watching on the street. Some brave people are also whispering: "Look, the young master of the Zhang family is bullying others again."

"God is not wise, Tenglong Town has such a person who has been stabbed a thousand times."

Qin Fengming got up and helped his father stand up. Qin Hong wanted to go into the drug store to argue with him, but a fellow villager held him back and whispered:

"Seeing as you are from the mountains, it's better not to go. He is a tyrant here, and you can't afford to offend him. A good man won't fight against power, so you'd better be patient."

Although he grew up in the mountains, Qin Hong also knew that he would never be able to please him again. So he stood aside and stared angrily into the pharmacy. Qin Fengming was only ten years old and had never encountered anything like this before. His mind suddenly went blank, but he only had one thought in his mind: When he grew up, he would take revenge and make the young master of the Zhang family die a miserable death.

After a while, the young master of the Zhang family came out of the drug store with his evil servants. Seeing that Qin Hong had not left, the evil servants sneered and said: "You dare to snatch things from my young master in Tenglong Town. You are really impatient. Be careful to drag you away." Go to the mountains and feed the wolves.”

After saying that, he ignored Qin Hong and his son and left with the young master of the Zhang family.

After a while, the old man from the drug store walked out, looked around, and whispered to Qin Hong:

"The Zhang family has a great business in Tenglong Town. His father is the mayor of Tenglong Town. I heard that the Zhang family also has a younger son who is studying immortality in a blood refining sect. His eldest son relies on his father's influence to become a leader in Tenglong Town. Longzhen bullies men and bullies women, and does all sorts of evil, so you foreigners should just be patient."

Qin Hong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, widened his eyes and said nothing.

The old gentleman stood for a moment, frowning and thinking: "I will prescribe another medicine for you. Although there is no dragon tooth grass available, other herbs can be used instead, and the effect is not much worse than that one. I will give you a few more medicines, no matter how heavy they are. Any external injury will be cured."

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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