After being re-sacrificially refined, the power of the five natal swords is no longer what it used to be. Judging from Qin Fengming's judgment, even if an early Xuan-level monk suddenly fell into the sword formation, he would not be able to escape easily.

But when the Four Elephants Sword Formation was fully activated and came into contact with the little black insects, Qin Fengming suddenly discovered that the hurricanes and clouds carrying powerful power seemed to have encountered a hard stone wall and were blocked by the cloud of insects. .

What frightened Qin Fengming even more was that he actually felt an extremely terrifying suction force, trying to absorb the terrifying energy contained in the sword array away.

"This monster insect is really weird." Seeing this situation, Qin Fengming frowned. With a low drink in his mouth, the magic formula in his hand came out quickly.

In an instant, lightning bolts and wind blades swept towards the black insect cloud.

Seeing hundreds of huge wind blades slashing unstoppably into the swarm of black insects, Qin Fengming did not show the slightest hint of joy.

Instead of feeling happy at all, his brows furrowed even more.

I saw huge sharp wind blades several feet high, carrying the terrifying power that could break mountains and rubble, and quickly touched the countless swarms of small black insects.

Countless black star points were swept by the sharp condensed light carried by the wind blade.

These small black beetles are only about the size of soybeans, with round and dark bodies, hard wings, and their entire bodies seem to be covered with a layer of extremely hard leather. A small black light enveloped his body.

The wings spread like a small dark stone floating in the air.

The huge wind blade swept with terrifying power, and countless black beetles were drawn into it. The wind blade swept forward rapidly, and hundreds of beetles were directly strangled to death by the wind blade.

Just this wave of hundreds of wind blades slashing rapidly, the number of black beetles lost was already hundreds of thousands.

However, such a large number of beetles may not be even a drop in the bucket compared to the overwhelming army of black demonic insects.

Qin Fengming released his spiritual consciousness. At this moment, the area in front of him that his spiritual consciousness could cover was completely covered by black insects. With such a large number of demonic insect swarms, it is no longer possible to use specific numerical values ​​to indicate the number of demonic insects.

A wave of wind blade attacks, after killing hundreds of thousands of black beetles, the huge wind blade that was rushing forward suddenly slowed down greatly.

More black beetles swarmed up and instantly enveloped the huge wind blades.

While Qin Fengming was stunned, the huge wind blade wrapped in sharp and condensed light was rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, covered by countless black demonic insects.

In just a breath, Qin Fengming launched a sword array and wind blade attack with all his strength, and then collapsed in the crackle of countless black beetles.

What gave Qin Fengming some peace of mind was that the dozens of thick lightning bolts activated together with the wind blades had some resistance against the attacks of the terrifying black demonic insect swarms.

But there was just some resistance. The duration of persistence was only a dozen breaths longer than that of the Wind Blade.

When Qin Fengming used the wind blade and lightning, the Four-Elephant Qingyan Sword Formation that spread thousands of feet was also surrounded by overwhelming black beetles.

Qin Fengming only felt the thick energy condensed in the clouds and mist of the sword array, like rolling water bursting through a dike,

The energy was lost rapidly.

In just this short period of time, less than half of the magic power in Qin Fengming's body was consumed.

Such a terrifying consumption of mana suddenly gave Qin Fengming a bad feeling.

With his ability, no matter how terrifying the monsters and insects around him were, it was naturally impossible to easily break through the sword formation and attack his body.

Qin Fengming would not worry about the consumption of mana, but Fang Liang and He Xuan did not have the liquid in the small gourd to quickly replenish their mana.

From the moment I received the message from the two of them, half a cup of tea had passed.

Such time, of course, is nothing in normal times. However, in this swarm of black beetles in the sky, half a cup of tea is enough to drain an early Xuan-level monk's body of mana.

After half a cup of tea, he only moved forward for a few miles.

Facing the swarms of black beetles all over the mountains and plains, Qin Fengming's eyes turned cold. Look at the jade plaque in your hand and see an extremely dazzling light flashing in the fluorescence. From this, we can know that at this moment, he is no more than five hundred miles away from Fang Liang.

Five hundred miles, in normal times, can be reached in the blink of an eye.

However, among this terrifying black insect swarm, the distance of five hundred miles made Qin Fengming feel as if he was separated by a natural chasm, and it was so difficult to reach.

His eyes were cold, and a terrifying and sinister aura suddenly emerged from his body, and a compelling scornful aura filled his body at the same time.

He waved his hand and threw three drops of spiritual liquid into his mouth, and the magic power in Qin Fengming's body began to circulate crazily.

The sword technique in his hand was released, and the Xuanwei Qingyan Sword suddenly made a harsh buzzing and trembling sound. A brilliant curtain of multicolored light appeared around him in an instant.

The figure was wrapped in a colorful light curtain and suddenly shot forward.

The sword array buzzed loudly, and huge multicolored sword lotuses swept past like sharp sword balls, shooting towards the swarm of black insects ahead.

At the same time, amid the thunder and roar, huge sword blades also shot out from the clouds. In conjunction with the wind blades and lightning, they tried their best to attack in the other three directions, stabilizing the countless enemies that continued to press around the sword array. Black bug.

At this moment, Qin Fengming had activated all the power of the Four Symbols Qingyan Sword Formation.

In the sword formation, although he could still use the magical power of split-light swordsmanship, that kind of attack was only suitable for fighting a monk. Facing the insect swarm, it has no effect at all.

Before the clouds rolled, the terrifying attacks had never stopped.

In just a short cup of tea, the Danhai mana consumed by Qin Fengming had been consumed five or six times.

Such rapid consumption of mana did not change Qin Fengming's situation at all. The scope of the sword array, which had been compressed by the swarm of insects, was compressed again.

At this time, only an area of ​​1,230 feet was protected by the sword formation.

Although an unknown number of black insects were lost under Qin Fengming's thunderbolt attack, if their corpses were piled up together, it would be difficult to say that a mountain with an area of ​​several hundred feet and a height of hundreds of feet would be comparable in size. Compare.

However, such a terrifying number of small black insects were killed. To the swarm of insects that covered the sky and the sun, such a loss was nothing more than a drop of water in a vast lake.

At this moment, Qin Fengming felt that the Four Elephant Sword Formation could no longer hold up.

The terrifying black bug flew forward fearlessly and gnawed hard, causing the majestic sword formation to lose a lot of energy. Even if Qin Fengming activated the Four Elephant Sword Formation with all his strength, he would still be suppressed within a hundred feet around him. With such a range, it is now difficult for him to exert the powerful power of the sword array.

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