Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4215 Stone Platform

"Impossible, that man actually jumped five times." Just as everyone started talking and didn't pay too much attention to Qin Fengming's brief moment on the platform for asking one's heart, a shout of tenderness suddenly sounded in the hall.

There was a hint of disbelief in the cooing voice, as if he had seen something shocking.

Qin Fengming also recognized the female cultivator who was speaking. She was the early-stage spiritual cultivator among the two female cultivators with the middle-aged name Jin.

This female cultivator spoke harshly, and when she first met Qin Fengming and the others, she was also sarcastic.

"What? You mean that fellow Daoist Qin jumped five times before he came to the Heart-Questioning Platform? Did you read that correctly?" Following the female cultivator's words, the noisy voices in the hall suddenly fell silent. After a while, the middle-aged monk's shocked voice sounded in a low voice.

A monk jumped five times when he climbed the mountain. Everyone present knew what it meant.

That means that people who can sense the spiritual energy of the five attributes very easily are more sensitive to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth than people with heavenly spiritual roots. It can be said that there are no five spiritual roots in his body.

The so-called lack of spiritual roots means a mortal existence. Mortals can also be regarded as having all five spiritual roots.

The monk's theory of spiritual root is actually a circle. In terms of qualifications for cultivating immortals, people with five spiritual roots are not as good as four spiritual roots, four spiritual roots are not as good as three spiritual roots, three spiritual roots are not as good as two spiritual roots, two spiritual roots are not as good as single spiritual roots, and single spiritual roots are naturally inferior to no spiritual roots.

But a person without spiritual roots is naturally a person with all five spiritual roots.

Although this explanation seems difficult to understand, it is the fact. This is like the hours of a day. Zi hour is both the end of one day and the beginning of a new day.

No matter whether you are a monk or a mortal, it is impossible to have no spiritual roots, so you have not cultivated spiritual roots, which means you have all five spiritual roots. In other words, there are mortal beings who cannot cultivate immortality.

But mortals cannot cultivate immortality, and they no longer exist as truth in the spiritual world. Although mortals can become immortal cultivators through several means, once they become monks, they can no longer maintain the situation where all five attribute spiritual roots exist.

Because any method of making a mortal become an immortal cultivator will change the attributes of the spiritual root in the mortal's body.

Once it changes, there will no longer be the so-called five spiritual roots in the body, which means it does not have no spiritual roots. .

And being able to jump five times in succession on the mountain peak transformed by the Tongtian Pillar is an accurate indication that that person is extremely sensitive to the spiritual energy of the five attributes. That is to say, there is no spiritual root of any attribute in its body.

Such a situation naturally shocked everyone. Unless the young man is like Hu Shiyun of the Quefu tribe, he has a virtual spiritual root, and he is also a person with four virtual spiritual roots.

Void spiritual roots and spiritual roots are virtual and real existences. It seems that all five spiritual roots are present, but among them, the spiritual roots do not really exist, and the five spiritual roots are unstable and can transform into virtual and real.

If it is just a single spiritual root, although it can sense all five attributes of spiritual energy, its speed of absorbing spiritual energy is no different from that of a monk with four spiritual roots. If you have four virtual spiritual roots, you will be more sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth than a person with heavenly spiritual roots.

The entire Quefu clan has existed for a very long time, but there was only one person who jumped five times in the Tongtianzhu test, and that was when Hu Shiyun participated in the Wenwen test.

But at this moment, there was another monk who jumped five times during the test. How could this not shock the Quefu monks who knew the key to this?

"It can't be wrong,

It actually jumped five times. Just for those five jumps, the young monk paused for a short time, only a slight delay, and then ejected and climbed up again without hesitation. And from beginning to end, he never made a single wrong step. "

The female cultivator's words were extremely certain and at the same time seemed very incredible.

As a monk in the realm of divine connection, she did not believe that the young monk was also a monk with four virtual spiritual roots.

The female cultivator's words rang out, and shouts and exclamations suddenly resounded throughout the vast hall.

When everyone in the hall was screaming in surprise, Qin Fengming was already standing on the vast stone platform halfway up the mountain.

This stone platform was shrouded in a light mist, making it look somewhat hazy.

Looking around, there are densely packed stone piers on the stone platform. The specific number cannot be seen at a glance, but a rough calculation shows that there are tens of thousands of them.

At this moment, there are hundreds of monks on the stone platform. These monks are sitting cross-legged on a stone pier, and they are praying with their eyes closed in an extremely stoic manner. It seems like I am meditating, but it seems difficult to fall into concentration.

It is said to be stoic because everyone at this time seemed to be extremely uncomfortable, and their expressions seemed a little distorted, as if there was some extreme pain in their bodies.

At this moment, no one has a trace of energy pressure on them, so it is naturally impossible to judge the specific level of cultivation. There were men and women, old and young. Although it was impossible to judge the level of cultivation, Qin Fengming also knew that among these monks, there were some who were in the realm of divine connection.

Looking upward across the stone platform, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown slightly. Because above the stone platform is a land shrouded in thick fog, there is no path at all, even the rocky walls no longer exist. It seems that this stone platform is just a suspended existence.

As soon as Qin Fengming stood on the stone platform, he immediately felt an inexplicable aura filling the stone platform.

The aura was very strange, seeming to linger in his heart, making his originally peaceful state of mind seem to be in turmoil.

Qin Fengming didn't know why everyone stayed here, but since he was here, he naturally needed to find a path and climb up.

In the aura here, although there is that very strange aura of fairy runes, it is too weak to cause any reaction in the wordless book.

He vaguely felt that the higher he went, the thicker the aura became, so he needed to climb to a higher place.

Turning around and looking around the stone platform, Qin Fengming soon saw a huge stone tablet three or four feet high standing on one side of the stone platform.

The stone tablet is wrapped in a layer of forbidden fluorescence, with writing on it, emitting a faint fluorescence.

Several monks were standing in front of the stone tablet at the moment, looking at the writing on it with solemn expressions.

Qin Fengming paused for a moment, then slowly stood up to the stone monument.

There are only a few words on the stone tablet, but there is a very ethereal and illusory artistic conception on it, which makes it look hazy and unreal.

However, Qin Fengming glanced briefly and could still clearly see the writing on it.

There is nothing special about the handwriting. It just asks the monks to close their eyes and meditate, collect their minds, understand the artistic conception of heaven and earth, and judge the quality of immortality based on the length of time.

Qin Fengming thought for a moment and already had some inferences about how the Tongtian Pillar would test a monk's qualifications.

None of the monks who arrived here had any mana or soul energy, and their ability to sense the vitality of heaven and earth was naturally greatly reduced.

If Qin Fengming's prediction is correct, the monks here should have the same sense of the energy of heaven and earth. It is not determined by the quality of the monk's spiritual root attributes. At the same time, there will be some strange energy aura within this restriction.

Only by getting rid of some strange disturbing auras targeting one's own spiritual root attributes can a monk enter samadhi. To achieve the purpose of this stone platform to test the monks.

The last sentence of the stone tablet also shows that if you want to reach higher places, you must overcome the harassment and step out of the stone platform on your own.

Leaving the stone monument, Qin Fengming walked slowly around the edge of the stone platform.

He could know that except for the direction where he climbed onto the stone platform by climbing the rocks, there were no paths on the stone platform in the left and right directions. Looking from the edge, it was a bottomless and deep place.

On the other side, there was an extremely thick white mist shrouding it, and it was impossible to tell whether there was a stone wall inside.

However, when Qin Fengming stood in the land of white mist, he felt the lingering nuisance aura, which seemed to be significantly stronger than in other places on Shitai.

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