The terrifying consciousness contained in Hu Shiyun's soul took over Qin Fengming's body through some unknown means without damaging Qin Fengming's soul.

And using special means, the majestic soul energy in her body was sacrificed and injected into the body of the female cultivator.

If a strange situation happened to Qin Fengming, even if he was experiencing it personally, it would be difficult for him to believe that it was real.

Qin Fengming can certainly control the souls of monks whose realm is much lower than his own.

But that kind of control only imprisons the opponent's soul, controls the opponent's body, and makes some simple movements. Moreover, the opponent's soul is not controlled, but is imprisoned and loses conscious control.

That kind of manipulation is absolutely impossible to compare with what he is experiencing at this moment.

What he encountered was that his body was completely controlled by the other party, and he could use the other party's consciousness to drive magic spells and release powerful soul energy. It was as if there was another consciousness in his soul that had taken over his physical body. But his own spiritual consciousness has not been lost, but he has been deprived of the control of his body.

Moreover, the talisman patterns his body produced were something Qin Fengming had never seen before.

Being able to guide one's soul energy out of the sea of ​​consciousness is definitely something that is difficult for most monks to accomplish.

You must know that what monks practice is magic power, not the power of the soul.

Although monks can control soul treasures, they are only driven by mana. Even if a monk has achieved spiritual enlightenment, the soul energy and magic power have been integrated. But the specific energy used to control the soul treasure is still mana, and the divine soul energy is just a talisman spell to bless the mana.

It is precisely for this reason that the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique driven by pure divine soul energy performed by Qin Fengming is a magical power in the immortal world, and not everyone can practice it successfully.

Even the Yin Luo Saint Ancestor of the real ghost world had to secretly comprehend and cultivate slowly in a ghost world.

At this moment, his body can be controlled by that weird consciousness, and the majestic soul energy in his body can be actively drawn out of his body. This is no longer something that ordinary powers can do.

The panic in Qin Fengming's heart moved away as time went by, and was slowly replaced by the mysterious runes. His attention was completely focused on the runes.

And he could vaguely feel that although the strange consciousness controlled his body, it did not have the tendency to completely obliterate his consciousness. It seemed that the other party just wanted the majestic soul energy in his body.

'Watching' the majestic soul energy in his body disappear, Qin Fengming's consciousness suddenly felt the danger approaching.

If the sea of ​​consciousness in his body dries up, even if the other party releases his physical body in the end, he will inevitably suffer a great loss in his sea of ​​consciousness and a great decline in his cultivation level because of the lack of soul energy. Whether it can be restored in the future will also be difficult to determine.

Seeing the soul energy in his body disappear rapidly, fear once again enveloped Qin Fengming's consciousness.

But just when he was frightened, something strange suddenly appeared, and Qin Fengming suddenly felt that his consciousness had regained control of his body.

Suddenly he felt his body sink, and the powerful magic power that he had not seen for a long time was under his control again.

He retracted his palm and sensed his body. Apart from losing a large amount of soul energy, he did not suffer any damage. Frowning slightly, he waved his hand and put away the Soul Thunder Bead, the Soul-Eating Beast, and the Temple.

By this time,

He already understood in his heart that even if he resorted to these methods, he would not have the slightest chance to fight against the terrifying consciousness sweeping through him.

If the other party wants to kill him, it can be said that he will not have the slightest resistance.

But when Qin Fengming turned around and looked at the female cultivator in front of him, who was completely naked and had an alluring body, he suddenly discovered that the soul energy in the female cultivator was surging, as if it was about to break through the sea of ​​consciousness and break through her body.

Qin Fengming was shocked when he suddenly saw this scene.

His first thought was to quickly escape from this Sumeru space and avoid that terrifying consciousness.

But this kind of thought only flashed in his mind and was immediately erased by him. The consciousness hidden in the female cultivator's soul is extremely powerful and terrifying.

If he fled regardless of the physical danger of the female cultivator, maybe that weird and terrifying consciousness would appear again.

At that time, when he has no resistance, it is not impossible that the existence of that strange consciousness will directly seize his body and erase his consciousness.

Faced with the female cultivator's body in such a state, what Qin Fengming could do was to use all his means to suppress the violent soul energy in her body so that her body would not collapse.

Without much hesitation, Qin Fengming immediately sat cross-legged on the ground again, stretched out his hands, and directly touched the pink-skinned and flawless female cultivator's body. He then began to use all the means he could to help the female cultivator to move the body inside her. The violent soul energy is stable.

It can be said that the soul energy in the female cultivator's body comes from Qin Fengming's own body.

The reason why the female cultivator's consciousness sea suddenly became violent at this moment is because the soul energy has not been completely refined by the female cultivator's consciousness sea and turned into what her own consciousness sea should be.

At this time, Qin Fengming didn't know whether it was Hu Shiyun who was controlling the female cultivator's body at this moment, or the terrifying and weird consciousness.

Fortunately, he was convinced in his heart that he was completely under control at this moment.

After trying his best and using various methods, Qin Fengming finally succeeded in subduing the agitation of his soul. The reason why he was able to do this was precisely because the soul energy did not completely disappear from his own aura.

If it were the soul energy of other cultivators, Qin Fengming could be sure that even when he was at his peak, he would never be able to stabilize the soul energy of the female cultivator.

It wasn't until the female cultivator's consciousness completely refined the soul energy in her body and turned it into her own that Qin Fengming finally let out a sigh of relief.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of the meeting, Qin Fengming pretended to fall asleep when he saw the female cultivator opening her eyes.

Hearing the female cultivator scream in surprise, he was finally convinced that the person controlling the female cultivator's body at this moment was Hu Shiyun himself.

"Hu Xianzi, you have regained control of your body now, and the soul in your body has become stable. It seems that the old disease should be removed and the injured body has recovered." The thick fog disappeared quickly, and Qin Fengming's pale face reappeared in Hu Shiyun's eyes. In front of him, his eyes were calm and he said.

"Ah, is Senior okay now? Junior pays homage to Senior and thanks Senior for taking the risk of death to save and cure the chronic illness in Junior's body. If it weren't for Senior, Junior would have had no choice but to die."

Hearing Qin Fengming's calm words, the female cultivator, who was worried and thinking wildly in her heart, immediately opened her eyes, stood up, crouched down quickly towards Qin Fengming, and thanked her with an extremely respectful tone.

What the female cultivator said was not false at all. She had been suffering from a serious illness for hundreds of years, and her confidence in being able to persevere had gradually been exhausted. If there was no improvement, would she be able to persevere? I am no longer optimistic about it.

The female cultivator's gratitude to Qin Fengming came from the bottom of her heart, but there was also something strange about it.

"Fairy Hu, there is no need to be polite. Qin has an agreement with the nobles. Since he agreed, he will take action with all his strength. However, Qin did not expect that he could remove the fairy's stubborn disease in one fell swoop. It seems that this is due to the fairy's own luck."

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