In Qin Fengming's opinion, the puppet technique and the talisman spell used in this article should definitely come from the fairy world. Because the runes inside are all the most original basic runes.

It is very different from the runes in the spiritual world that have been improved by ancient powers.

It can be said that the magic of the immortal world is something that can be treasured and not easily passed on to others. Just like the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique practiced by Qin Fengming, let alone that he couldn't teach it to others, even if he could, he would never do it.

Such a cherished thing, Juyang passed it on to him just after meeting him, which suddenly made Qin Fengming feel something strange in his heart.

Although Qin Fengming is not a kind person, he has been influenced by the righteous sect since he was a child, and he has received the teaching of chivalry and justice, eliminating evil and promoting good. Therefore, when he acted, he tried his best not to harm innocent people too much.

Looking at it this way, he has a slightly gentle personality, but he is not stupid. Not only is he not stupid, but he is extremely thoughtful.

This time, a Mahayana spiritual clone, just a few days after meeting him, so easily gave away a fairy mantra that could be said to be extremely precious to any Mahayana person. This made Qin Fengming couldn't help but think too much. .

He didn't think that just by repairing the Sumeru magic circle, he would be able to make Juyang's clone burst into tears and give such a thing to him.

This mantra is from the fairy world. Qin Fengming knew that it was impossible to comprehend this mantra that was imprinted in his mind easily, but he still stopped on the spot for two full hours.

Based on his experience, he didn't find anything wrong with this spell.

Silently calming down, Qin Fengming suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and began to look around the cave.

Apart from the huge refining furnace, there is nothing else useful here. And this weapon refining furnace, except for the puppet spell above, is not a cherished thing.

And the huge refining furnace seems to be integrated with the ground here. If Qin Fengming wanted to put it away, he would have to destroy the ground here. But there seemed to be some restrictions on the ground, so that the hot energy would not penetrate the ground during the refining process.

It seems that although Juyang intends to let Qin Fengming get the incantation, he does not intend to let him take away the weapon refining furnace as well.

Qin Fengming once again confirmed that the mantra had been imprinted in his mind, and then turned around and left this place, which may be Juyang's retreat.

Standing in the mountains, looking around for a moment, he did not look at any buildings, but identified the direction and rushed towards the mountain gate of Jiyang Palace.

This trip to Jiyang Palace can be described as a narrow escape from death.

Originally, he just thought that this was just a treasure hunting trip. Even if there was danger, it should only be some ancient prohibitions. Who would have thought that he would encounter several beings that he could only look up to.

It can be said that any one of the four Juyang soul-splitting puppets, the Brutal Canglin and the Bloody Saint Ancestor, can easily kill him if they appear in front of him.

The happy ending for everyone was beyond his expectation.

Although this experience was dangerous and unpredictable, for Qin Fengming, the benefits were enough to offset the dangers. Not to mention that he got the broken body of the Black Flame Thunder Frog, but the incantation that can control the soul into the puppet body at will is definitely something that any puppet master would want to get.

The most important thing is that in that valley, he actually transformed all the Yin Qi energy in his body into the Qi of real ghosts, and with this, he broke through to the late stage of divine connection.

Such benefits can really be compared with the dangers encountered.

Of course, he also got other benefits from his trip to the ruins of Jiyang Palace. Just the fermented mucus contained in the wine jar was enough to make Qin Fengming excited for a long time.

Qin Fengming is not a greedy person. Now that he knows that the avatar of a Supreme Ancestor from the Jiyang Palace is stationed here, he will naturally not covet anything from the Jiyang Palace.

Although he was sure that even if he really broke the restrictions in one or two palaces, Juyang's clone would not show up to stop him, but Qin Fengming also understood the benefits of giving a good impression to a Mahayana.

Listening to the words of Violent Canglin and the Bloody Saint Ancestor, he could tell that Juyang's status in the spiritual world was not low. Although he may not be able to reach the status of the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor, he should be stronger than Brutal Canglin.

Qin Fengming did not want to provoke such a powerful being.

As he walked quickly on the stone road, Qin Fengming kept scanning the mountains and buildings he passed. The sparkle in his eyes kept flashing.

He didn't know what happened to the ancestor Zhan Yuan and the Jin brothers and sisters who were stranded in the Jiyang Palace when the great powers fought in that valley. Judging from the ban situation of the Jhi Yang Palace that was affected by the battle, although the entire ban of the Jhi Yang Palace could not be triggered at that time, it is expected that most of the bans could be affected.

The restriction on the area where the three ancestors of Zhan Yuan were located was probably also affected.

Qin Fengming also wanted to know whether those powerful restrictions had killed the three of them. If he could see the bodies of the three people, he could also take back the treasures obtained by the Jin brothers and sisters.

The Chili wooden box and the jar of sticky juice are definitely the things that Qin Fengming is thinking about.

There is also that little beast that is extremely sensitive to forbidden fluctuations, which is also something he desperately wants to get.

Along the way, Qin Fengming saw several traces left by the monks' attacks, but he did not see any fresh corpses in those places. Some are also some skeletons.

After walking all the way, Qin Fengming did not take too long to stand outside the mountain gate of Jiyang Palace.

Turning around and taking a look at the tall mountain peaks and buildings shrouded in clouds and mist, Qin Fengming finally felt relieved.

He could now be sure that he was finally safe. Naturally, he didn't know where Violent Canglin and the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor had gone. But one thing he can be sure of is that those two powerful and terrifying beings will definitely not stay near the Jia Yang Palace to rob him.

From his perspective, he could tell that Brutal Canglin and Blood Charm Saint Ancestor must be far away from here at this moment, hiding in a secret place and trying their best to recover their condition.

Although everyone had sworn a strong oath at the beginning not to tell others about the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor.

But the Blood Charm Holy Ancestor, who had just escaped and ascended to heaven, naturally knew the danger outside. If other Mahayana people see it, there will definitely be another bloodbath.

And Qin Fengming also had some fears in his heart, that is, he didn't want to encounter the ruthless Cang Lin and the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor again before he advanced to the Daoxuan level.

Judging from the ferocious look in Cang Lin's eyes, one could imagine that the man from the demon world had not given up on the existence of the mysterious treasure on his body. As long as it is given a chance, or if it returns to its Mahayana strength, even if Fairy Yao Xi and Master Yiyang's clone spirits are around, they might take risks and rob him.

The power of the temple can definitely be snatched by any Mahayana adventurer.

After stopping for a moment, Qin Fengming did not stay away from the Jiyang Palace, but stopped on a mountain peak not far away, and sat down cross-legged, waiting for the ruins space to close.

The most stable place at this time is near the Jiyang Palace. Juyang would not leave the Jiyang Palace, and the two Blood Charm Saint Ancestors did not dare to stay near the Jiyang Palace anymore.

More than twenty days later, thick clouds suddenly appeared in the calm sky, and a terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly appeared. Around Qin Fengming, a majestic force of space suddenly swept over his body...

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