It’s not that I don’t understand, it’s just that the world is changing so fast!

Qin Fengming was naturally relieved when he heard that Juyang's clone made such a happy decision and promised not to detonate the ban on Juyang Palace.

Roughly calculating the time, he has only been cultivating for a thousand years. There are still many things that bind him in his heart, and there are many things that need to be completed by him. He does not want to fall silently into this ruin space.

Being able to solve the fatal situation like this is really the best thing.

Qin Fengming felt a sudden chill in his heart as he watched the terrifying energy suddenly appear in the air and sweep towards the bodies of the people who were performing the technique.

He could clearly feel that when Fairy Yao Xi and the others made the oath, a strong force of law suddenly emerged from the heaven and earth.

Although when the Immortal Contract was activated, there were also some strange changes in the world, but compared to the moment when several monks took the Star Ancestor Oath, it seemed much weaker.

"At this time, we have all made our oaths according to what fellow Taoist said. Fellow Blood Charm Daoist below should also fulfill the promise and tell everything he knows." The energy in the air dissipated, and everyone stopped their hands. They all looked at the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor, and Juyang said with a calm expression.

Everyone's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Hongyuan Immortal Palace is definitely an irresistible temptation for all Mahayana in the Three Realms. That is the only place where the Three Realms can communicate with the Milo Realm.

After the laws of heaven and earth in the lower interface are completely consolidated, it will be extremely dangerous for powerful immortals from the Milo Realm to go down to the lower realm without the guidance of a fixed astrolabe.

Even if the Dao Lord exists, without the guidance of a fixed astrolabe, there is a 70% to 80% chance of getting lost in the virtual realm, or being completely killed by a terrifying space storm.

The rumored Hongyuan Immortal Palace is a strange place that connects the lower interface and the Miluo Realm.

As long as you can find Hongyuan Immortal Palace, enter it, and pass the test inside, you can naturally ascend directly to the Miluo Realm and become a true person with the same life span as heaven and earth.

Entering the Milo Realm, for Mahayana people, is not only a benefit of worry-free longevity, but also another big benefit is that everyone can use the spirit of the immortal spirit to advance their cultivation level again.

In the lower interface, Mahayana is already the highest level that a monk can reach.

It is also the vital energy of heaven and earth that can stimulate the human body's potential to reach the most profound state. If you want to advance further, you can only absorb and refine the spirit energy that is a higher level than the vitality energy.

It is no longer possible to obtain the spirit of the fairy, the spirit world, etc. on the same interface.

As for the Hongyuan Immortal Palace recorded in the classics, as long as they are Xuan level or Mahayana people, they can be said to be flocking to it, and no one can resist it.

"Don't be anxious, everyone. Since I have promised you, I will not regret it." Looking at everyone, the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor's expression was surprisingly calm, and there seemed to be some flushing on his young face. But it quickly recovered.

After a brief pause, he spoke again: "Back then, I and two Taoist friends obtained an ancient scroll. In that ancient scroll, there was a location marked. The three of us judged that it should be a historic site. .And it is very likely that it is a monument left from the upper world..."

Taking a deep breath, the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor seemed to be calming his mind, and then slowly spoke calm and indifferent words. The sound was not loud, but the huge valley was filled with the words of the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor.

In Qin Fengming's eyes, the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor was an indomitable existence.

If he hadn't been framed by Zhu Canglin and led to the ruins of Jiyang Palace, it would have been impossible for him to meet the existence of the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor.

Even if he is lucky enough to see him, in the eyes of the other party, he is like an ant and will not even look at him.

Listening to the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor's slow narration, Qin Fengming's brows could not help but wrinkle slowly.

It turns out that the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor and the three of them obtained an ancient scroll together. From the records in the scroll, it can be seen that what is marked in it is a relic, and it is most likely an ancient relic in the upper world.

Those who can obtain the scroll together with the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor will naturally be strong.

And the only relics that can make all three of them excited are the relics left from the upper world.

It's just that the place marked on the scroll is not the Three Realms, but a small interface that is equivalent to the Three Realms. Although there are many interfaces equivalent to the spirit world, the real ghost world, and the real demon world, with the guidance of the scroll, it did not make it too difficult for the three powerful people.

After searching for decades, I finally found that small interface in the virtual realm.

What shocked the three of them was that the small interface was unremarkable and extremely deserted. Following the guidance, the three finally found the ancient ruins.

But in that ruins, the three of them didn't gain anything.

Originally, the three of them thought that the matter would be over, but they never thought that they would actually trigger a mechanism and enter a Sumeru space, where the three of them discovered a stone tablet.

On the stone tablet, the specific location of Hongyuan Immortal Palace is marked.

According to what was marked on the stone tablet, the three of them actually found the ancient altar marked on it in a dangerous place on the small interface, and according to the method marked on the stone tablet, they actuated the altar and made it invisible. The Hongyuan Immortal Palace appeared in the void.

With the knowledge of the three people, they can naturally judge the authenticity of the Immortal Palace.

Although they found the Immortal Palace, the three of them did not actually enter the Immortal Palace. Because entering the Immortal Palace originally requires the Hongyuan Token, which can be carried directly into the Hongyuan Immortal Palace.

But for some unknown reason, the immortals originally stationed in the Immortal Palace were missing, and Hong Yuan Ling no longer existed in the world of immortal cultivation. If the three of them want to enter the Immortal Palace, they can only break through the restrictions of the Immortal Palace and break in from the main entrance of the Immortal Palace.

But what left the three of them speechless was that the three powerful men could not even break through the first level of restrictions and were forced back.

Not only that, all three of them were injured to some extent. One of them was found by his enemy after he returned. During the battle, he actually fell into the hands of the enemy.

Although he used his secret technique at the last moment and escaped with a few strands of soul, he could not escape the result of being killed by the opponent. In the end, he was found by the opponent's men and completely killed.

It is precisely because of this that the world of immortality knows about Hongyuan Immortal Palace.

Because the memory of the great master who was killed related to the Hongyuan Immortal Palace was sealed, so although the other party knew about the Immortal Palace, it was not complete.

But the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor and others naturally became the targets of being hunted.

It can be said that because of this incident, not only the Mahayana in the three realms, but also the Mahayana in some small interfaces were also attracted.

Because the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor was injured, he was captured by the people from the Jiyang Palace and was trapped here for a million years.

In the end, the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor did not tell the specific location of Hongyuan Immortal Palace. He only said that two thousand years later, everyone would gather at the Mo Bing Sea in the Ice Extreme Realm and then enter the small interface together.

After listening to the Blood Charm Saint Ancestor's detailed explanation of the past events, Qin Fengming's heart was filled with excitement.

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