Please remember the domain name of this website: Golden House Bailian Ascension Record

Chapter 4145 Heavy damage

Qin Fengming, who was standing in the distance, saw the combined force of four Xuan-level puppets attacking together. The shock on his face could not be described in words.

It's not like Qin Fengming has never seen a late Xuan level monk take action.

When he was in the Tianhong Realm, he had witnessed the fight between several late-stage and peak Xuan-level monks.

But compared with the attacks of the puppets and demon birds that appeared in front of them at the moment, those fights that they saw at the beginning seemed like the playfulness of children.

Qin Fengming stood in the distance, but he did not see clearly the huge treasure that Gu Changtian used to perform the magic, which was hidden in the thick mist.

But he still listened carefully to the puppet's exclamation earlier.

Moreover, the changes in the huge restriction wall above the square allowed Qin Fengming to conclude that the magic weapon that served as the base of the formation had indeed been collected by Gu Changtian.

Qin Fengming was extremely shocked that Gu Changtian was able to collect that powerful ancient treasure.

As a master of formations, he certainly knows how closely the magic weapon as the base of the formation is integrated with the formation. It was beyond his imagination that Gu Changtian could directly use the Treasure Control Technique to collect the magic weapon without breaking the magic circle.

But the shock of having the magic weapon taken away was still far inferior to the shock he felt when he saw the four puppets take action.

When the four Xuan-level peak puppets saw that a formation-based magic weapon had been taken away, they felt frightened and angry in their hearts. With a shout, the four puppets swayed without a trace of hesitation and waved their hands rapidly. Suddenly, huge palm prints suddenly appeared.

While roaring, it slapped towards the huge demon bird in front.

The initial speed of the eight palm prints was not very fast, and as soon as it appeared, the second palm print quickly touched the first palm print.

As the two huge palm prints touched, a ball of silver light flashed wildly, and the two palm prints merged together in an instant.

A more terrifying energy than before suddenly filled the air from the huge fused palm print.

The powerful power displayed by the palm print seemed to increase by several points in an instant.

Just when the two palm prints had just merged together, six huge palm prints followed closely. In the wild flash of silver light, they all touched the palm prints at the front without any sound.

Silver light flashed, terrifying energy surged, and the palm prints merged one after another, causing the already huge and solid palm prints to more than double in size in just an instant. The spiritual patterns on it flashed, and wherever the palm passed, the void was like a calm lake being cut by a sharp blade, and a huge hole immediately appeared.

At the edge of the hole, there are long gaps that quickly spread around.

In Qin Fengming's eyes, for such a terrifying attack, even if there was a mountain over a thousand feet high in front of him, it would not be able to withstand the bombardment of the palm prints, and it would definitely break into pieces like a pile of grains of sand.

Faced with such an attack, Qin Fengming couldn't afford even the slightest bit of resistance. If the attack was coming towards him, he could be sure that he would be unable to do anything other than close his eyes and wait for death.

The puppet who contains the Mahayana soul in his body knows that as long as he kills this demon bird spirit from the real demon world, this crisis can be solved.

In the eyes of the four puppets, the two spiritual cultivators Qin Fengming and Gu Changtian were no different from ants.

Facing this attack from the four puppets, the giant monster bird that had shown some disdain before now no longer had any composure.

A high-pitched bird call resounded, and a pair of huge wings suddenly flashed up.

A series of terrifying spiritual patterns suddenly appeared, covering its huge body. The thick vitality energy in the valley swept through like a hurricane, quickly gathering around the huge demon bird.

With the trembling of the huge wings, three phantoms of the demon bird were seen shooting out from the body of the demon bird one after another, flying towards the huge palm print displayed in front of them.

As three huge demonic birds flew out,

The demon bird spirit body, which was originally more than ten feet tall, suddenly shrank significantly.

It was as if part of the huge soul energy in his body had been drained away.

Being able to transform into three phantoms in an instant is already the demon bird's most powerful attack at the moment. But in the face of the joint attack of the four puppets at the top of the Xuan level, the eyes of the demon bird flickered with a terrifying look. It still felt that these three phantoms were still unable to resist the joint attack of the four puppets.

As its fierce eyes flickered, its huge wings suddenly stretched out, and the feathers suddenly flashed with gray light, and then they suddenly embraced each other. The entire body of the vicious bird was immediately protected by its wings.

There was a rumble, and a bright and dazzling light appeared on the scene.

The first demon bird's illusory body was struck by a huge palm that merged with eight huge palm prints. Without any resistance, it was shattered by the huge palm print, turned into dots of stars, collapsed and disappeared on the spot.

Then came the second phantom of a huge demonic bird, which still showed little resistance and disappeared.

The third phantom of the demon bird, under the wild flash of gray light, seemed to have a momentary stalemate with the huge palm print, but it still shattered into pieces and dissipated on the spot as the terrifying power swept across it.

In a flash, the huge palm print was directly printed on the body of the demon bird guarded by two huge wings.

Amidst the roaring sound, silver light and gray light suddenly merged together.

Amidst the terrifying energy impact, unspeakable strong winds suddenly spewed out, and spiritual patterns intertwined, and a terrifying roar swept across the world.

Qin Fengming's face was shocked, and blue light flashed in his eyes. Although the explosion energy spurted out, he could see clearly that the two feather wings wrapped on the huge monster bird's body were flying one by one when the huge palm print bombarded them. , suddenly turned into sharp gun blades, shaking rapidly, and suddenly collided with the palm prints.

A shrill scream resounded, followed by a banging sound.

The body of the huge monster bird was thrown directly into the air like a kite with its string broken, and fell into the thick black mist behind it.

At this moment, less than half of the feathers on the two wings of the huge demon bird have fallen off. The whole body was damaged, and there was no integrity left. If it weren't for the two feather-covered wings that resisted it, just this joint attack from the four puppets would have been enough to smash its body to pieces on the spot.

Seeing such a scene in front of him, Qin Fengming's eyes showed fear, and his heart was filled with waves, but he could not think of any way to deal with it.

Not to mention him, even if he sacrificed the temple, he would not be able to withstand the combined attack of the four puppets.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still held the temple in his hand tightly.

Qin Fengming's mind has always been tenacious. Although he knew that this time it would be a life-or-death outcome, he was still filled with unyielding will in his heart.

And even if he died, he would not let the three powerful men in the temple survive alone.

Just when Qin Fengming was frightened and thinking rapidly, suddenly a terrifying energy wave even more majestic than the terrifying energy wave that appeared when the four puppets joined forces to attack the huge demon bird suddenly spewed out from the thick black mist. At the same time, a harsh buzzing sound also resounded on the spot. To find this site, please search for "6毛" or enter the URL:

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