Please remember the domain name of this website: Golden House Bailian Ascension Record

Chapter 4127 Skeletons

Seeing the sudden situation in front of him, even though Qin Fengming had rich experience, he couldn't help but be shocked by the strange methods displayed by the little beast in front of him.

Also shocked along with Qin Fengming was Patriarch Zhan Yuan who retreated with him.

But Gu Changtian, who was standing next to him, didn't show much shock from the beginning to the end. On the contrary, deep in his eyes, there was a flicker of greed.

"That weird energy, even if I take action, may not be able to block it. I didn't expect that this little beast, which seems to be only at the fifth or sixth level, has such amazing strength and can dissolve that energy so easily. A strange forbidden energy."

Ancestor Zhan Yuan looked shocked, and he couldn't help but speak out words. He was extremely surprised at the little beast.

Qin Fengming's expression also showed a look of shock. Looking at the inconspicuous little beast, his heart was filled with waves. It was hard for him to imagine that this little beast had such strange magical powers.

This little beast named Tianlimon is not much bigger than his red fox rat, and its realm is only one or two levels higher. It has not survived the disaster of transformation, but it shows great power. The strength is even more powerful than a theosophy monk.

At least in the face of the strange invisible and colorless fluctuations, Qin Fengming had no confidence in being able to resist it. The only thing he could do was to retreat quickly and get out of the range enveloped by the fluctuations.

Glancing at Gu Changtian, Qin Fengming's expression softened slightly.

As Jin Shaotian retreated, the square stone returned to its original state. And that strange fluctuation immediately disappeared without a trace.

The five people at the scene looked at the empty stone road, and their faces were all filled with gloomy expressions.

At this time, the vigilance in the hearts of the five people finally increased to the extreme. This place where the ruins of the Jiyang Palace seems to be in no danger, but it is full of dangers. If it is ignored, it may fall into a place of eternal disaster.

After standing for half a cup of tea, the five people looked at each other and their expressions returned to calm.

None of the five people knew what the strange fluctuation was. However, since the sudden change in Jin Shaotian's expression when he fell into it, Qin Fengming could be sure that the restriction was extremely terrifying and should be a mysterious restriction that restricted the magic power in the body.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a spiritual cultivator to be unable to react at all.

"Fellow Taoists, are you still interested in exploring the mountains and forests at this moment?" Seeing that no one spoke, Qin Fengming looked at everyone and said calmly.

He was not interested in the spiritual grass in the forest to begin with, but after encountering such danger, he even wanted to leave in a hurry.

"It's true that there must be precious spiritual grasses in the mountains and forests. However, if the risk is just for a spiritual grass, Gu thinks it's too much to gain, so Gu doesn't plan to stay here anymore." Gu Changtian's eyes sparkled. In a flash, he immediately followed Qin Fengming's words.

Everyone is not ignorant of importance, so they naturally know how to choose.

After experiencing the situation just now, the Jin brothers and sisters experienced it more profoundly than Qin Fengming and the others. The fear of the strange energy sweeping through the body, causing the body to lose both mana and consciousness at the same time, has been difficult to get rid of for a long time.

The five people looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, everyone knew what to do. They swayed and followed the little beast's body, running towards the valley.

At this moment, everyone understood that as long as they did not step out of the wide stone road and did not destroy the path, they would not be in danger.

With a flash of figures, everyone quickly entered the valley.

The place in front of you is a place where palaces are located. There are six palaces located in the valley. on both sides of the valley. In the middle is a square. The stone road passes through the square and leads to the other end of the valley.

Looking at the six tall palaces on both sides of the valley, everyone's eyes were filled with sparkles.

Among these six palaces, two of them still show a faint forbidden fluorescence. This should indicate that no one has ever entered these two tall halls, located in the middle of both sides of the valley.

The remaining four halls have no energy fluctuations at all, and the doors of the four halls are wide open at this moment.

You don't need to go to check, you should know that those four halls have been visited by previous monks.

"Let's go take a look at the four main halls with open doors first. It seems like how well the palace is being repaired?" This time it was Qin Fengming who spoke first. He looked at the palaces around him and finally looked at a palace with an open door. road.

Whether it is stone ground or palaces, the materials used here are all ordinary. Even the appearance of these palaces is far different from what they saw in the underground palace in the Nightmare Moon Realm.

Of course, if you compare the palace here with other sect palaces, it is still slightly better.

The carved beams and painted buildings of these palaces are all made of hard forest trees. They can be said to be very extraordinary in terms of workmanship and style.

Although the materials used are difficult to compare with that of the underground palace, this is enough to show that the Jiyang Palace is very powerful.

This point is also easy to understand. Patriarch Yunxiao did not have many disciples, so the space required was not large. A few palaces were enough, so it is understandable that the building was luxurious. But there are tens of thousands of disciples in the Jiyang Palace, so it is naturally impossible for them all to be built with extremely precious materials.

Others immediately understood Qin Fengming's proposal. Therefore, no one had any objection. With a sway, everyone arrived in front of a palace door.

The reason why Qin Fengming wanted to take a look at this palace was to see if there were any remaining restrictions in the hall and any traces of the previous monks who broke the restrictions.

Standing in front of the hall door, none of the five people were in a hurry to enter the hall.

Looking at the empty hall, the five people couldn't help but secretly take a long breath. I saw several mutilated corpses scattered in the main hall.

These corpses were already shapeless, and their body bones were scattered everywhere in the hall.

Seeing these corpses, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown slightly.

Although the life span of a monk can be long, it is many times longer than that of a mortal. But after a monk dies, he is definitely not treated as well as a mortal.

Most mortals have heirs. After a person dies, his soul will fall into reincarnation, and his heirs will perform filial piety, take his body and bury him well, and pray and worship him every new year.

However, although the longevity of most monks is much higher than that of ordinary people, most monks die unexpectedly. Those who can die well and run out of life are really rare. And even if the body dies, it is extremely rare for the soul to fall into reincarnation in the netherworld.

Most of them were killed by others, and their souls also perished or were captured by others, and finally lost their intelligence.

Although the white bones seen in front of them may not have died after fighting with others, they definitely did not die from exhaustion of life span. They may have been trapped here due to the ban on the hall.

Looking at the main hall, Qin Fengming seemed to have a look of thought in his eyes.

"Whoosh!" With a soft sound, a sword energy that was not very powerful shot out of Gu Changtian's hand and entered the hall directly. Suddenly, a terrifying scene was revealed in front of everyone.

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