Please remember the domain name of this website: Golden House Bailian Ascension Record

Chapter 4097 Token

"Fairy, that's ridiculous. Qin and Daoist Huang came here originally to borrow the Quefu tribe's teleportation array. Although they signed a contract with Daoist Zhan, they will not get involved in the fight between your two tribes. Tianlai 2 But what is the purple token that the fairy mentioned?"

When I first heard about this very charming female cultivator, there was not much strange look on Qin Fengming's expression. But there are still some doubts about what he said.

Entering that Sumeru space requires a prohibition token, which Qin Fengming has already learned from Huang Qizhi and Hong Changfei. He didn't know the color of the token.

It is obvious that the token that can escort the monks into the Sumeru space is different.

Regarding Qin Fengming's question, Zhan Yuan and the other five monks were all slightly startled, but no one asked Qin Fengming anything. Instead, the female monk continued:

"It seems that fellow Taoist is not a monk from the Beiyuan continent. Every time the ruins of the Jia Yang Palace appear in the world, a certain number of forbidden tokens will be released by themselves. Only with the protective power of the tokens can one enter that place. In the Sumeru space.

There are three types of tokens, one is yellow-red, one is brown-red, and the other is purple. These three kinds of tokens can protect five monks into the Sumeru space. But because of the different colors, the location of entering the Sumeru space is also slightly different.

When the yellow-red token enters the Sumeru space, the monk will appear on the edge of the Sumeru space, while the brown-red token can enter the Sumeru space deeper. The purple token can even transport monks to deeper places.

The classics say that the ruins of Jiyang Palace exist near the place where the purple token was passed. Of course, if it's nearby, it's still hundreds of millions or even billions of miles away. Because it does not transmit a fixed location, it is not easy to find it.

But in general, only the monks who passed the purple token have a chance to find the ruins of Jiyang Palace. The other tokens can be said to be negligible. "

The female cultivator was very talkative, smiled slightly, and explained to Qin Fengming in great detail.

"I see, but I wonder how many purple tokens will appear every time a ruin appears?"

Hearing what the female cultivator said, Qin Fengming's heart couldn't help but move. If only the purple token could make it possible to approach the ruins of Daojiayang Palace, then the purple token should be what everyone is fighting for.

"Fellow Daoist Qin doesn't know that every time a ruin appears, only one purple token appears. It is precisely because of this that the surrounding ethnic groups in the place where the ruins appear will take action in order to get the purple token. .”

Qin Fengming thought that there wouldn't be many purple tokens, but when he heard that there was only one, his heart still sank.

If there is only one purple token, then he has to rely on the power of the three groups to enter the Sumeru space, and the chance will naturally be reduced a lot.

"I wonder how far the fight between the Gui Alliance and the Quefu tribe has reached at this time? Where did the ruin token appear? Have you obtained the purple token?"

Qin Fengming had long thought about not wanting to get involved in the fight between their clans, but when he heard the female cultivator's words, his heart suddenly felt cold. It seemed that he could no longer care about this matter.

If the Quefu tribe got the purple token, wouldn't his work have been in vain?

"After more than ten days of fighting, we have now reached an agreement to divide the area shrouded in white mist into two parts. Our three tribes will occupy one half, and the other half will be occupied by the Quefu tribe. As for the token, Because it is only one month since the white mist appears, there are only two other types of tokens scattered randomly in Xumi Space. As for the only purple token, it will only appear when the two months expire.

As for which side of the two of us the token will appear on, it's hard to say. However, even if the purple token appears, not everyone can easily get it. Its spirituality is much higher than the other two, and its flexibility is also higher.

And it is more dangerous than the other two. It is already difficult for the gathering monks to capture it. Only those with spiritual powers and above can catch up and intercept them. To capture it, several people need to work together.

This time, with Senior Zhan on our side, the chance of getting the purple token is still very high. If fellow Daoist Qin comes to help, it can be said to be a sure thing. "

Hearing what the female cultivator said, Qin Fengming was greatly surprised. It turned out that those tokens did not fall to the ground after appearing, but they had a certain spirituality, and there were certain dangers to the cultivators. If they were not careful, they might be injured. In the rapid flight of the token.

He had heard before that the area shrouded in white mist might be tens of thousands of miles in radius. With such a large area, if only the cultivators from the Quefu Tribe, Qiongshan Tribe, Qingyue Tribe, and Qiangyou Tribe entered the mist-shrouded area, It seems that it is not easy to intercept the purple token.

You must know that although the Quefu tribe has dozens of spiritual monks, the other three tribes combined only have twenty or thirty spiritual monks.

Even if there is a Xuan-level ancestor Zhan Yuan, it still seems extremely weak to intercept a small token in the mist where the spiritual consciousness is greatly suppressed.

"Since the ruins have appeared for a month, do the other major clans in the Beiyuan Continent know about it?" Qin Fengming pondered for a while and asked again.

The Beiyuan continent is vast, and although the Quefu clan is considered a big clan here, it is insignificant compared to those big clans with a population of tens of millions.

Moreover, the overlord of the Beiyuan Continent is the Wuxie Clan, and there are many Xuan-level people in their clan, even those at the top of the Xuan-level may be there.

If those big clans also get involved, not to mention getting the purple token, maybe other tokens will also be looted by others.

"Fellow Taoist, you can rest assured about this. Ever since the ruins appeared, our four tribes have blocked the news. And all of them have sent strong personnel to stop people passing by, so the chance of leaks is not very big. And I heard that the Quefu tribe has already The nearby external teleportation array is under strict supervision and no further teleportation here is allowed.

Therefore, even if someone sends a message, it is unlikely that the message will be passed on to those big clans. If it is just some small clans like us, it is impossible for them to arrive here within a few months. "

The female cultivator smiled slightly and soon relaxed Qin Fengming's heart.

The Beiyuan continent is extremely vast, and even a small ethnic group like the Qiongshan tribe can control an area of ​​billions of miles. If a spiritual cultivator were to escape, it would take several months to pass through the control area of ​​a small group.

Even if the news spreads, if monks from other places want to come in a big way, they will not be able to arrive in a short time.

Even if it comes, there will no longer be tokens. In this case, even if there is a big family who knows the news at this moment and is willing to come, it is unlikely.

Qin Fengming has a very clear mind and can already understand what she meant by practicing a little bit.

During the conversation, this extremely beautiful middle-aged female cultivator was always speaking, and even Zhan Yuan did not speak. After seeing this beautiful woman from the Qiangyou tribe, her status in the alliance of the three tribes is extremely high.

"In this case, Qin and Daoist Huang will rest here for some time. After the purple token appears, Qin and Daoist Huang will go to help."

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