Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4072 Fusha Pen and Wingman Knife

Please remember the domain name of this website: Golden House Bailian Ascension Record

Chapter 4072: Fusha Pen and Wingman Knife

"Hmph, it's not easy to easily break through the siege of this rhinoceros ring. With your cultivation at this time, it's impossible for the magic weapon to harm it at all." The old man surnamed Dai said coldly with a look of disdain on his face.

Along with the old man's words, a red and blue sword light shot out from Qin Fengming's hand.

The sword light flashed, and a huge red and blue sword suddenly appeared, slashing towards the huge ring magic weapon suspended above the head.

A cold sword energy and a hot sword energy suddenly spurted out. The two sword energy entangled each other, wrapped in a sharp and huge sword blade, and went straight towards the ring above.

The ring was disturbed by the sword energy, and a buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and a hot halo suddenly flashed out. The haloes of light were like circles of red silk, rapidly rippling towards the huge sword blade.

What made Qin Fengming nervous was that before the huge blade of the Burning Sun Cold Light Sword touched the ring in the air, a very powerful strange force suddenly acted on the sword.

Qin Fengming felt that the scorching sun and cold light sword, which was extremely closely connected to his mind, swung uncontrollably and shot towards the center of the huge ring.

No matter how he controlled it, it was difficult to stop the Burning Sun and Cold Light Sword from changing direction.

With a whooshing sound, the huge red and blue sword blade passed directly through the ring and shot upward into the sky.

Qin Fengming kept moving, and Qing Yan's sword light was still resisting the red fire blades shooting down from the ring, but his eyebrows were already wrinkled.

By this time, he already knew the power of the ring magic weapon offered by the female cultivator.

If the female cultivator is not trapped in the Four Elephant Sword Formation at this moment, but can combine other attacks, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble for Qin Fengming.

Seeing that the magic weapon sacrificed by Qin Fengming was completely broken by the rhinoceros ring, the old man surnamed Dai also had a smile on his face. But his smile only just showed, and his face couldn't help but straighten.

Because Qin Fengming, who was trapped under the ring magic weapon, had a huge purple-black square seal floating above his head.

This square seal is like a hill, and a thick purple-black light spurts out from the square seal, shining directly towards the huge ring suspended above.

The red fire blades that shot out from the ring were like smoke when they came into contact with the purple-black light. They were instantly dispersed by the impact and disappeared.

Under the illumination of the huge purple-black light, the Lie Rhino Ring, which had been showing off its power just now, suddenly shrank in size with a buzzing sound.

A huge multicolored hand appeared, grabbing the ring that had grown several feet in size.

The colorful rays of light flashed wildly, and under the flash of the ring, it finally shrank to a size of several inches, and was grasped by Qin Fengming in his hand.

"Hahaha, this magic weapon is of some use, so Qin accepted it."

In just an instant, Qin Fengming had erased the imprint of the female cultivator's soul on the ring magic weapon and made it his own.

Seeing what he saw in front of him, the originally calm face of the old man named Dai suddenly changed.

In his opinion, Madam Luo's magic weapon was not out of Madam Luo's control at this moment. Although it was no longer infused with Madam Luo's magic power, its power would not be greatly weakened by the powerful energy of the magic weapon itself.

Even if the young monk's method is powerful, it will definitely take some effort to get rid of it.

Without thinking, the other party almost instantly got rid of the strong treasure that would make him frown whenever he encountered it, and took it into his arms.

"You're very good. Let Dai teach you your methods." Although there was no fear in his expression, the old man surnamed Dai no longer had his original calm attitude.

"Qin has that intention." Qin Fengming smiled slightly and replied without any hesitation.

After speaking, his hand pointed at the blazing sun and cold light sword and fantian seal suspended above his head.

Two huge dragons appeared,

Under the entanglement of each other, they flew towards the old man surnamed Dai in front. The huge purple-black seal suddenly flashed with purple light and suddenly disappeared without a trace in the sky.

A ball of purple light flashed, and a huge square seal appeared above the head of the old man named Dai.

"Well done!" A loud shout rang out, and a gray-black light and shadow suddenly appeared. Under the rapid flash in the air, a giant talisman-like magic weapon several feet long appeared.

The giant pen suddenly appeared and was suddenly swung out in the air.

In the mad flash of black light, a strange character that seemed to be composed of black sand was revealed. The characters flashed wildly, facing the purple-black light emitted by the huge square seal that suddenly appeared in the sky.

In an instant, the huge characters came into contact with the purple-black light.

The beam of light, which had the power of confining, weighing, and corroding, came into contact with the huge character made of black sand, and a scoffing sound suddenly resounded.

Although the powerful purple-black light that could imprison the Five Elements magic weapon encountered some obstacles, it quickly melted the huge character and was finally swallowed up entirely in the light.

But before the purple-black light shone down, huge black characters appeared one after another in the mid-air, and in a flash, the huge square seal was completely covered.

Seeing the opponent's talisman pen that was constantly waving in the air, Qin Fengming's eyes couldn't help but freeze.

This magic weapon of the other party actually blocked Fantian Seal.

And just when the talisman pen appeared in the air, a huge silver blade as thin as a cicada's wing also appeared in front of the old man named Dai.

A buzzing sound like the flapping of bees' wings resounded, and a dazzling array of silver light appeared.

In every flash of silver light, a blade only about a foot long flashed in it.

The blades flashed and swept towards the two dragons that were flying towards them. Suddenly, a terrifying sound of dragon roar echoed on the spot.

Qin Fengming was shocked when he suddenly saw the blades unfolding.

But fortunately, although there are many blades, their power is not very great. The attack power of each blade is only equivalent to the normal attack of a monk in the early stage of spiritual connection.

Even so, being attacked by dozens or hundreds of blades, the Burning Sun and Cold Light Sword could only support it.

"Hahaha, although the two magic weapons of this junior are extraordinary, it is difficult to show anything in front of Dai's Fusha Pen and Yimang Dao." Upon seeing Qin Fengming's two powerful weapons, they were completely restrained by what he had sacrificed. , the old man surnamed Dai couldn't help laughing loudly.

By this time, Qin Fengming already knew that the monks in the Cold Raid Realm cultivated magic weapons, not the physical body. In battles, they usually like to use magic weapons to attack from a distance. Unlike the Nightmare Moon Realm, monks like to fight close to the body.

Faced with this kind of fight, Qin Fengming naturally likes to see it very much.

Seeing the opponent's two magic weapons displaying their power and surrounding Fantian Seal and the Burning Sun Cold Light Sword, Qin Fengming's expression was solemn, but there was no trace of panic in his eyes.

"This battle has just begun. I wonder how well you can block Qin's attacks with several treasures."

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