Qin Fengming has already experienced ultra-long-distance teleportation once. The distance teleported this time was less than one-tenth of the distance he teleported from the ancient battlefield to Quzhou. The uncomfortable feeling during the teleportation was something he had experienced since he was a child.

When he first emerged from the teleportation, he was already fully awake.

After the teleportation array slowly came to a halt, his figure floated down and jumped from the teleportation array to the ground. So he looked around at the place he was in.

I saw that this teleportation array was also located in a tall hall. The hall was also extremely vast, and the magic array was placed on the stone platform in the center of the hall. Looking at this formation, it is very similar to the one seen in Quzhou, and seems to be a replica of it.

At this time, the uncle and nephew of the Xiao family who were in the teleportation array had just woken up. Seeing Qin Fengming completely awake in such a short period of time, Xiao Jinxuan was greatly surprised.

When he was teleporting just now, even with his peak foundation-building cultivation, it was difficult to restrain the dizzy state, but the middle-aged monk in front of him didn't seem to be affected by the dizziness.

"Haha, welcome three fellow Taoists to Yuzhou."

Just when the three of them had just stood still and were looking around, suddenly there was a light on one side of the circle, and a monk appeared. His appearance was extremely strange, as if he appeared out of thin air.

When the three of them saw clearly the cultivation level of the monk in front of them, their expressions suddenly changed and they became extremely respectful. This person turned out to be a monk in the middle stage of Alchemy.

"See you, senior. The three of you are new to Yuzhou. I wonder if you have any other instructions?"

"Haha, since the three of you who are using the teleportation array of my Huangfu Dynasty are guests of my Huangfu family, there are no more instructions. I wish the three fellow Taoists a happy stay in Yuzhou, and you can leave on your own."

The Chengdan cultivator in front of him was extremely kind and had no intention of embarrassing the three of them.

Qin Fengming and the others did not dare to stay for long, so they all bowed and walked towards the door of the hall.

Just as the three of them turned around, a white light shot out from the Chengdan monk's sleeves and landed on Xiao Ning's clothes silently.

Watching the three people leaving, the kind face of monk Chengdan slowly faded away, and he couldn't help but whisper: "Haha, it turns out that three foundation-building monks can spend such a large number of spiritual stones to teleport from Quzhou. Come here, I think I still have a lot of spiritual stones on my body. This time I only need to trouble a few of the Yan brothers, and I think I can capture them. If there is no Chengdan monk to divide them, I can get some more benefits."

He whispered in his mouth, but his hand did not stop. When he turned his hand, a transmission note appeared in his hand. With a slight movement of his lips, he shook his hand to activate the transmission note.

When Qin Fengming and the others came outside the main hall, they discovered that the main hall was located on a mountain peak. The mountain peak was not high, but it was surrounded by lush trees. There were no restrictions. I don't know if there were any or not. The Chengdan monk has already removed the restriction.

His spiritual consciousness was slowly released, and he scanned the area carefully. He already knew that this mountain peak was within a huge city.

After a little identification, the three of them flew towards the east.

None of the three of them are familiar with Yuzhou. Although they have a map of the Yuanfeng Empire, it is only a rough description. If they want to know more about it, the three of them must look for Yifang City and buy the map here.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, in a secluded place, three people appeared. Walk among the pedestrians and slowly walk towards the outside of the city.

The Huangfu family of the Yuanfeng Empire has long had a strict order prohibiting monks from flying within any city, no matter who they are. If there is any violation, the Huangfu family will definitely punish him severely. Qin Fengming and the others did not dare to rub the tiger's beard in the slightest.

During the journey, Qin Fengming had found out clearly that this city was the location of Jingxi City, the capital of Yuzhou. Although there are places selling classics in the city, there are no jade slips used by monks. The three of them have to go to the market to do so.

From the memory of Zhang Bing of the Blood Fox Alliance, there is a city located seven or eight thousand miles southeast of Jingxi City.

Two hours later, the three people came out of Jingxi City. When they came to an uninhabited land, Qin Fengming sacrificed Bai Jizhou again, and a white light flashed and disappeared into the vast wilderness.

Just as Qin Fengming and the others had just flown away, five monks rushed out from Jingxi City and came to the place where Qin Fengming and the others stopped and stopped motionless. Of these five people, three are old and two are middle-aged.

"Brother, these three people actually have such flying treasures. They must have a lot of spiritual stones on their bodies. This time, they are more advantageous than our brothers."

A middle-aged monk in his forties stopped and said anxiously with a look of joy on his face.

"Hmph, even though we were the ones to take action, it was the Huangfu family who took the big head. I hope I can catch a big fish this time, otherwise my brothers and I will be working hard in vain."

The white-bearded old man who was called the eldest brother snorted and said in a hateful voice, as if he had some resentment in his heart.

"Brother, please be at ease. If it weren't for the Huangfu family, we wouldn't have this opportunity. Although Quzhou has poor resources, it has a lot of spiritual stones. They come here just to exchange for precious spiritual herbs and elixirs. So every time I come here, I carry a lot of spiritual stones with me."

When the elder brother heard this, his face slowly relaxed. Just when he was about to say something else, he heard an old man with a black beard next to him say urgently:

"Brother, those three people flew hundreds of miles away in such a short time. It's better for us to catch up quickly and not be too far behind them."

The old man was holding a Dharma plate, looking at it with both eyes, and spoke urgently with a look of surprise on his face.

"Okay, I'll leave immediately."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a black silk ribbon several feet long appeared in the air. The five people swayed and landed on the long silk ribbon.

The several-foot-long black silk swayed in the air, and suddenly the black light emitted. In a flash, it galloped away in the direction where Qin Fengming and the others left. The speed is also extremely fast. Although it is slightly inferior to Qin Fengming and Bai Jizhou, it does not seem to be far behind.

Ever since he left the teleportation array, Qin Fengming had a strange feeling in his heart, but after careful attention, he didn't find anything wrong. This made him extremely uneasy.

The higher the monk's cultivation level, the stronger his inner feeling. Qin Fengming did not think that his strange feeling appeared for nothing.

As he flew along, he released his spiritual consciousness from time to time and glanced behind him, but found nothing.

Although many monks were encountered hiding in the nearby mountains on the way, none of the monks got up to chase the three people in the flying boat.

After flying like this for five or six hours, Qin Fengming landed the flying boat on a high mountain.

Although it has spiritual liquid in its body, there is no need to worry about its own magic power, but controlling Baiji Zhou for a long time is also a big test for itself.

"I'll rest here for two hours and then move forward."

After Qin Fengming finished speaking, he found a rock, sat cross-legged on it, and regained his strength.

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