Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4021 It won’t happen next time

Please remember the domain name of this website: Golden House Bailian Ascension Record

Chapter 4021: This will not happen next time

The entrance to the elixir was Qin Fengming's tough body, which was stronger than the thick meridians of the cultivators at the top of the spiritual realm, but it could not withstand the terrifying and majestic energy that the elixir emitted in an instant.

Several parts of his body were instantly charged with unspeakable majestic energy.

Even the meridians in the body were broken in many places.

If it were any other monk, without the rapid flow of majestic energy through his meridians, his body would be instantly charged with terrifying energy. But Qin Fengming, who has the body of five dragons, escaped this disaster.

His whole body, whether it is meridians or flesh and blood, can allow energy to flow.

This allows the mana in his body to flow even without meridians, transporting the majestic mana out of the body. And the majestic elixir energy is refined through the magic formula and transported into the elixir sea.

With this function of flesh and blood, Qin Fengming also had the possibility to repair his meridians.

It was also the severe pain in Qin Fengming's body that had been numbed. Otherwise, just the pain of ruptured meridians all over his body and his flesh and blood being charged with majestic energy would not be something that anyone could endure.

The terrifying effect of that pill was far beyond Qin Fengming's imagination.

Under his strong suppression, all the muscles and veins in his body were shattered twice before he could finish refining them.

The time lasted for two months.

Qin Fengming didn't care about stabilizing himself and immediately put another pill into his mouth.

He knew in his heart that if the mana in his body was sucked out by that terrifying suction force, he would really be at the end of his life. When the time comes, without the majestic energy refined by the mana-suppressing elixir and the movement spell, he will inevitably be drained of mana by the terrifying absorption force around his body.

There is no doubt that he finally died in this place.

As each terrifying elixir entered his mouth, Qin Fengming charged his body with the terrifying energy of the elixir almost every time. But he gritted his teeth and persisted with a ferocious look on his face.

It wasn't until he swallowed more than a dozen pills that Qin Fengming became calm. The body is no longer charged.

As time went on, the pills in the two jade bottles continued to be consumed, and when only two pills were left, the majestic energy above the gray light behind him had already caused Qin Fengming to feel his heart tremble.

It seems that just a slight touch is enough to explode.

Qin Fengming was extremely afraid of that terrifying gray light, and he did not dare to touch it at all.

Seeing that he could not break the restriction in the hall, Qin Fengming put the last two unknown pills into his mouth with a ferocious expression at the last moment.

Feeling that the unbearable terrifying energy was filling his body, Qin Fengming used all his strength to run the magic formula, and used an extremely terrifying, suicide-like method to send the maximum amount of magic power in his body out of his body.

The terrifying energy quickly dissipated from his body. His body was like a terrifying energy source, and majestic and unspeakable energy spurted out.

Sensing that the wall made of gray light was in danger and might explode at any time, Qin Fengming's eyes were wide open and his face was so ferocious that it was hard to describe.

He knew in his heart that if he could not break the restrictions in this hall at one go, he would have no choice but to perish.

Just when his liver and gallbladder were about to burst, he endured unspeakable pain, and almost activated all the magic power in his body, the expected sound of the wall breaking finally resounded.

As a terrifying mist spewed out, Qin Fengming finally left the tall treasure hall.

But what he didn't expect was that just when he was overjoyed, thinking that he had finally broken through the restrictions in the hall and came out, he suddenly felt that the magic formula in his body seemed to be operating at full strength uncontrollably.

In the flash of yellow light, the round cymbal that had not been seen for a long time suddenly shot out from his body. When it was in the air, it immediately turned into a huge object about ten feet tall.

It was when the round cymbal appeared that the remaining magic energy in Qin Fengming's body spurted out and quickly merged into the round cymbal.

The subsequent development was even more beyond his expectation.

After the round cymbal absorbed the black mist, the body that had been exhausted was suddenly directly injected with the majestic energy from outside.

The majestic energy integrated into his body, making Qin Fengming immediately feel the feeling of the energy of heaven and earth integrating into his body when he overcame the tribulation.

At this time, he naturally stopped thinking about it and immediately began to close his eyes, trying his best to refine the majestic heaven and earth energy integrated into his body.

What Qin Fengming never expected was that his replenishment of mana would actually allow the two Dan Yings in his body to advance directly from the early stage of spiritual enlightenment to the middle stage of spiritual enlightenment.

If the majestic energy hadn't been exhausted, maybe he would have been able to break through the bottleneck in the late stage of the divine power by virtue of this opportunity and become a powerful person in the later stage.

Such an experience for him can be said to be a blessing in disguise, and he has reaped indescribable benefits.

What Qin Fengming didn't know was that he fell into the ban of the hall this time. If he hadn't been in the body of a five-dragon, and his body's mana contained all five attribute energies, even if he knew that the majestic energy could explode the ban, It is also difficult to complete.

Because that magic circle requires all five attribute energies to be balanced before it can be broken.

If you change to another monk, imagine who can have all five attribute energies and achieve balance?

In fact, what excited Qin Fengming the most was that the round cymbals hidden in his body that had been joined together actually appeared again this time.

And at this time, he could already sense that the round cymbal was present on his chest.

It's just that the feeling is still very weak, I just feel that the round cymbal is staying on the chest, but no matter how I probe with my spiritual consciousness, I can only feel the existence of a hazy thing, but I still can't control it at all.

Even so, for Qin Fengming, it was already a big improvement.

At this moment, what shocked everyone present was that it was true that the young monk had advanced to the middle stage of divine connection, but his aura seemed to be very strong, unlike others who had just advanced, showing that both his magic power and the state of his soul were unstable. .

It seems that he was originally a person in the middle stage of spiritual enlightenment, but he only released his breath at this time.

Hu Fengzheng was so regretful that his intestines were blue. The disciple of the Eagle Demon Palace in front of him really cannot be judged by common sense. He clearly knows that his ability in the formation is extremely unpredictable, but he still insists on violating the other party's instructions. This is really asking for death.

"I will spare your life today. I will only destroy your body. If you, the Hu family, have any ill intentions towards Qin and fellow Daoist He in the future, you will know the consequences."

With a move of his hand, he threw Hu Siqi's Danying directly, and said in a calm and unruffled tone.

With a finger pointing out, the restriction that imprisoned Hu Fengzheng was also released by him.

Regarding Qin Fengming's strength, several members of the Hu family already felt fear from the bottom of their hearts. Even the female cultivator, who always had a cold face, also had a deep fear in her eyes.

Qin Fengming has always valued his friends very much, and he would do his best in dealing with the Wu family. If He Xuan was hurt, he would become angry and take action harshly.

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