It is said that Youhuang Ye grows in the secluded earth, absorbs extreme yin, condenses ice and cold, and is nourished by the thick soul energy before it can grow. It is extremely difficult to smelt and cannot be used as a magic weapon, but it can be stimulated to reveal the cold and majestic energy of the soul.

Its greatest effect is to calm the mind and guard the sea of ​​consciousness.

It can be said that this object is naturally restrained against the glare of Wonderful Water. Although it only has a certain effect, if it is controlled by a powerful monk, even the pure glare of the wonderful water in front of you can be enough to resist the fantasy mood with the calming effect of the Youhuang leaves.

The ancestor of Yinshan actually has such a powerful divine material in his body.

This made Qin Fengming couldn't help but admire the strange treasures on the body of the Xuan-level power.

"This junior's knowledge is extraordinary. He actually knows about You Huang Ye. As long as there are these leaves, even if the Glazing Wonderful Water is pure, there is no way it will affect me."

The ancestor of Yinshan, who had regained his composure, spoke cold words in his mouth, and a majestic cold breath suddenly appeared all over his body. He raised his two arms, and two black mist swept out like a hurricane.

As soon as it spread out in the air, it immediately transformed into two terrifying monster birds with a wingspan of three to four feet. It stretched out its two sharp claws and flew towards the jade bottle flying in the air.

Seeing that the Glazing Wonderful Water could not inflict a fatal attack on the opponent, Qin Fengming had already given up the thought of sacrificing it. At this moment, seeing the ancestor of Yinshan trying to snatch the jade bottle, Qin Fengming snorted coldly in his nose, and two purple lights With the belt, they suddenly appeared in front of two huge ferocious birds.

The purple light belt was as sharp as a sharp blade, carrying the sound of piercing the air, and stabbed straight towards the chests of the two ferocious birds.

What suddenly made Qin Fengming's heart tremble was that he saw two huge ferocious birds that did not dodge and grabbed directly on the purple light belt with two sharp claws.

The sharp light belt, which carried the aura of chaos, touched the sharp claws of two ferocious birds, and was directly broken by the sharp claws, breaking on the spot.

"Junior, this chaotic thing of yours is just an acquired thing. It is far from a real chaotic spiritual treasure. It can only kill people who have the ability to communicate with the gods. Under my innate supernatural power, There won’t be much efficacy at all.”

Seeing the purple light belt filled with the aura of chaos being broken so easily, the Yinshan Ancestor felt relieved, but he said indifferently.

The vicious bird continued to move forward and pounced directly on Qin Fengming.

With the help of two fierce birds, Qin Fengming could be killed directly.

With the slight obstruction of the two purple light bands, Qin Fengming put the jade bottle containing the dazzling wonderful water back into the wine cup.

Dozens of purple light ribbons without any fetters, shaking violently, entwined towards the two ferocious birds.

A crackling sound immediately sounded from the two purple light groups.

"One purple light belt is not enough. With the combined force of those dozen light belts, your two ferocious birds will not have much power at all."

Qin Fengming felt relieved as he saw bunches of ferocious bird feathers falling from the sky.

The Chaos Purple Qi Cup did not disappoint him. After refining the Chaos Purple Qi Bead, its power has increased significantly.

At this moment, he was facing the innate magical attack of a powerful person in the early stage of Xuan level, and he actually had the potential to tangle with it.

Although the purple light strips were constantly broken under the bites and claws of the ferocious birds, the broken purple light strips were turned into energy again under the sweep of the chaotic aura, and were taken back into it by the chaotic purple energy cup. .

As long as the magic power in Qin Fengming's body is not lost, a steady stream of purple light bands will emerge.

"Damn it, junior, you have nothing to be proud of." Seeing the other party's strange and powerful magic weapons emerging one after another, the ancestor of Yinshan suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He felt that he was full of energy, but it seemed that it was difficult for him to exert all his strength in front of the young monk in front of him.

The opponent is obviously only in the early stage of divine connection, but any magic weapon that is sacrificed brings out terrifying and majestic vitality.

They are even better than the magic weapon of a monk at the top of the spiritual realm.

And any magic weapon seems to be something that you have to restrain yourself from sacrificing.

It was obvious that any of the opponent's magic weapons were at a disadvantage, but they were still able to withstand his extremely powerful and terrifying attacks.

Such a method was difficult for even one of the many cultivators at the pinnacle of spiritual communication he met to be able to do it.

With eyes wide open, the ancestor of Yinshan finally became truly angry. After squeezing his hands, a pair of wings reappeared on his back.

A ball of gray light suddenly appeared, and the old man disappeared immediately.

Seeing the old man disappear, Qin Fengming's expression did not change at all. But in his heart, there was a hint of joy.

It was very obvious that this Yinshan ancestor planned to use close combat to fight with him.

The monks of the Winged Tribe have a physical body that they have cultivated. It can be said that everyone has cultivated an extremely strong and tough physical body. As a profound power, he is naturally more familiar with this.

With blue light flashing in his eyes, Qin Fengming retreated quickly and swung the giant ax in his hand quickly to one side. Two huge ax blades appeared in a flash and struck towards an empty place.

An afterimage flashed, and two huge ax blades measuring several feet in size only slashed at a shadow.

With the fluctuation, a figure has appeared a few feet away from Qin Fengming and Chi Youfa. The claws of his hands stretched out, as if they were made of two sharp fine irons, and they clawed hard at Qin Fengming's left ribs.

There was a trace of disdain on the face of the ancestor of Yinshan Mountain, his eyes were sharp, and he took decisive action, as if he could kill Qin Fengming immediately with one grab.

"Hoo!~" A sound broke through the air, and two sharp claws directly grabbed the tall body of Chi You Dharma Body. They penetrated from his left rib and stretched out his palm directly from his right rib.

But there was no blood and flesh splattering. What he attacked was just a shadow. When the other party got out of the way, even the Xuanjie Yinshan Ancestor couldn't see through it.

Secretly saying something bad, the Yinshan Ancestor wanted to dodge away. But at this moment, a change occurred.

"Chi!~" A strange sound wave carrying majestic soul energy suddenly sounded from behind the Yinshan Ancestor who had just launched an attack. At the same time, a huge palm also appeared behind the Yinshan Ancestor.

At the same time as the Shock Boo was launched, Qin Fengming's physical attack was also launched at the same time.

What shocked Qin Fengming was that the ancestor of Yinshan was slapped in the palm of his hand, but it was also a shadow.

With a wave of waves, the Yinshan Ancestor, whose wings appeared, reappeared a hundred feet away.

If the two of them hadn't really attacked each other just now, no one would have judged that the two of them had ever made a move at all.

"Old man, let me give you a taste of the power of your young master's sword array." Qin Fengming didn't hesitate at all when he missed the blow, and a loud shout came out of his mouth.

As the sound rang out, within a few hundred feet of the Yinshan Ancestor, the sound of wind and thunder suddenly resounded, and terrifying sharp blade attacks suddenly appeared around him.

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