What he saw in front of him was completely different from what he had seen before. The scene seen outside is just the illusion of the illusory formation.

It's just that the illusory formation was too powerful, and even Qin Fengming's clear eyes couldn't detect anything strange.

However, he did not fail to discover that when he changed the location and entered the building complex, he had already used runes to detect that what he saw in front of him was just an illusory formation.

And this powerful illusion formation should be the Nine-Bend Ecstasy Formation that Hu Fengzheng mentioned.

The word "enchantment" is enough to explain the effect of this magic circle, which is that it can enchant the soul. Divine consciousness is the power of the soul, so it can naturally make it fall into it.

It's just that when the divine consciousness was used to explore, the illusory array was only showing its power, but the soul did not fall into it.

But what you see in front of you now is where the real palace is.

This is also a magnificent building complex, but there are only nine tall palaces. There are three rows at the front and back, with three palaces in each row. Looking at the layout, it is obvious that there is one main palace and two side palaces.

It's just that each palace is extremely grand and spectacular. Even the side halls cover an area of ​​hundreds of feet, the main hall is two hundred feet wide, and the height is tens of hundreds of feet wide.

Such a huge palace is extremely difficult to compare with the palace buildings that Qin Fengming usually sees. Just looking at these nine buildings is enough to tell that the owner of this underground palace is extraordinary.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, where are the several halls in front of me, are there any restrictions?"

After suppressing the shock in his heart, Hufeng looked at the three huge palaces in front of him, his eyes flashed, his brows slightly furrowed, and he asked Qin Fengming.

At this time, Qin Fengming's words were undoubtedly the most reassuring to everyone.

After such an experience, Hu Fengzheng, who is at the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment, has already sincerely admired Qin Fengming.

Blue light flashed in his eyes, and Qin Fengming's expression also looked very cautious.

Being here, although he thought there would be no more restrictions here, he still dared not relax in his heart.

The owner here is definitely a top-notch being above the magic circle. If he randomly arranges a small magic circle on a whim, it is not something that his current level of cultivation can withstand.

"There should be no restrictions, but we also need to be careful. Qin has a puppet here. Although his level is a little low, he can still do the job when used to explore the way."

After looking at it for a long time, Qin Fengming frowned slightly and said cautiously.

As the words came out, a humanoid puppet with only the stage of transforming into an infant appeared in front of everyone. Without any stagnation, the humanoid puppet headed towards a tall palace in front of him at the prompting of his divine thoughts.

Standing in front of the tall palace, looking up at a tall and broad plaque above the main hall, Qin Fengming showed a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

In the main hall that you first enter, there is a purple-red plaque hanging on it, with three big words "Tingxuan Hall" written on it. From these three words, Qin Fengming already understood in his heart that this palace should be the place where the master explains Taoism.

When Qin Fengming stopped and stood in front of the main hall, he was shocked by the construction materials of the main hall.

The walls of this huge hall were all yellow and seemed to be very soft. A layer of light mist filled the walls, making it seem a bit unreal.

The reason why Qin Fengming was able to stand stunned on the stone steps was probably because after looking closely, he had discovered that the walls and doors of this tall palace were actually built with a strange material called water gold stone. made.

Water gold stone is definitely one of the most cherished in the world of immortality.

This kind of material is soft yet hard. When touched by hand, it feels soft, but it is difficult to damage the magic weapon. Moreover, it contains a sharp flavor, which can not only increase the toughness of the magic weapon, but also make the magic weapon sharper.

Back then, Qin Fengming had integrated this substance into Guofantian Seal. Fan Tianyin's toughness has been greatly enhanced.

I never expected that this hall was actually built with ores containing hydrolite.

With Qin Fengming's refining methods, it is not difficult to smelt the ore containing many impurities and obtain pure hydrometallic stone.

It's just that he still has a lot of water gold stones on him, so naturally he won't be interested in these water gold stones.

Looking at the shocked looks in the eyes of the other four people, he knew that the four of them also recognized the aquamarine contained in the materials of the hall.

"Fellow Taoists, the temples here seem to be made of ores containing hydrographite. However, it is not a simple matter to purify the hydrographite in these ores. Therefore, fellow Taoists, please wait for us to investigate. Later, we can try to get some away, but I think this wall is tough and extremely difficult to separate."

Qin Fengming spoke calmly and with certainty.

Everyone is a strong person, and they agree with what he said. Seeing that everyone had regained their composure, Qin Fengming urged the infant puppet and walked towards the gate of the tall hall.

With a creaking sound, the tall palace door was slowly pushed open by the puppet.

Following the puppet, the five people also stepped into the hall.

This main hall is very similar to what Qin Fengming imagined, which is a place where Taoism is explained. The entire hall is vast, with a stone platform several feet high directly in front. On the stone platform, there is a spacious wooden platform.

There were hundreds of futons placed around the stone platform.

Apart from these, there is no other treasure-like item in the entire hundreds of feet wide hall.

But looking at the crystal clear futons placed around him, Qin Fengming's eyes couldn't help but twinkle.

He raised his hand and a futon came into his hands.

"It's true, these futons are actually woven with ice silk threads." Looking at the spotless futons in his hands, Qin Fengming couldn't help but show surprise.

Before Qin Fengming could say anything, the other four people also shot a futon into their hands.

When everyone saw clearly what was used in the futon in their hands, everyone's expressions were filled with surprise that could not be suppressed. Everyone is a person with strong cultivation, and naturally has a wide range of knowledge. If you look carefully, you will be able to know what the futon in your hand is.

Ice silk, this is an extremely precious spiritual silk. It can avoid water and fire, is tough and hard to be injured, and is extremely cold. It is an extremely versatile tool for refining weapons.

But this thing is extremely difficult to find. Ice silkworms, whether they are Jiuyou Ice Silkworms or ordinary ice silkworms, will only spit out real ice silk silk after they reach semi-mature or mature bodies.

As for the ice silkworm that has reached a semi-mature body, its strength is so powerful that even the aggregation monks cannot compete with it.

In this vast hall, there are hundreds of futons woven from ice silk. Even a Xuan-level being would be shocked when he suddenly saw this.

Qin Fengming ignored the futon at his feet, but urged the puppet to go directly to the stone platform.

Although the materials used for this stone platform were extremely extraordinary, Qin Fengming did not care about it. It was just the wide wooden frame that made him look solemn and thoughtful.

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