"Huh, don't be proud, junior. Let's see, Mr. Pang, how you can make you feel so good about yourself."

Seeing that his two fellow disciples could only stand at each other for a moment under the attack of two indifferent monks from the other side, Pang Su suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart, but after all, they were people in the late stage of spiritual enlightenment, and their master was also a The Xuanjie being who stood at the top of the world of immortality naturally did not take Qin Fengming into his eyes.

Amid the cold snort, his figure swayed, gray light shone all over his body, and a pair of wings suddenly appeared on his back.

Amidst the sound of piercing the air, his figure suddenly disappeared on the spot.

In Pang Su's view, even if the other party has extraordinary means, if they compete in physical form, the other party will definitely fall behind. Therefore, as soon as he came up, he already wanted to rely on his escape skills to defeat the opponent and get close to fight with him physically.

If he knew about Qin Fengming's visit to the Holy Burial Valley, he would definitely put aside such thoughts.

But Pang Su would naturally not know about Qin Fengming's previous deeds, so his move would undoubtedly make him fall into a place of eternal destruction.

Qin Fengming couldn't help but smile to himself when he saw that the other party used his powerful escape skills as soon as he came up and planned to fight with him. However, he did not follow the other party's wishes, but looked at the figure that was approaching quickly. The fingers in the sleeves of his robe had already been tapped out.

The sound of wind and thunder suddenly resounded on the spot, and terrifying hurricanes appeared out of thin air.

At some point, Qin Fengming had already arranged the Four Symbols Qingyan Sword Formation here.

At this time, Qin Fengming would naturally not entangle with the other party. According to his original intention, when the three of the other party gathered together, he would directly cover the three of them in the sword formation.

However, the three of them maintained their identities, and before they could reach him, they had already dispersed, surrounding him like a corner. Under such circumstances, his wishful thinking naturally failed.

As a last resort, he asked Fang Liang and He Xuan to appear and restrain the other two first.

Now that he was facing Pang Su alone, he naturally didn't have to worry about anything anymore and immediately activated the sword array. It was directly shrouded in it.

Pang Su, as a powerful disciple of Xuan level, but his methods did not show how powerful he was.

Under the full attack of Qin Fengming's re-refined Four Elephant Sword Formation, he did not resist for long before he was imprisoned in the sword formation by the sword blades. Just a Danying appeared in the sword array in horror.

If he is a human race cultivator in the late stage of divine connection and at the peak of his powers, even if his physical body is not very powerful, with the power of a powerful magic weapon, he can still withstand the attack of the sword array for a moment. However, the Winged Clan monks have never practiced magic weapons very much. They only rely on the power of their physical bodies. They really don't have much resistance to the attacks of the Four-Elephant Sword that contains the Xuanguang Sword with sharp power.

As soon as the sword formation was revealed, Pang Su could already feel the terrifying dangerous aura approaching.

At this time, he finally knew that the reason why the other party was able to carry such a terrifying and ferocious aura was not just because he had killed many people of the same level as him, but because the young monk had killed many people far beyond his level of cultivation. Middle and late monks.

And at this moment, he will also become a person on the opponent's kill list.

By this time, Pang Su felt extremely regretful. If he hadn't been so concerned about the numerous pills on his body, he wouldn't have been so enthusiastic about encouraging Kong Liang and the others to come.

Regret, of course, can no longer bring him any benefit.

Seeing the sharp blades sweeping towards him, Pang Su's Dan Ying didn't hesitate at all. He immediately activated the magic power in his body and exploded into the Four Elephant Sword Formation.

"Hmph, I want to escape my soul, I'm dreaming!" When a terrifying explosion energy swept up, Qin Fengming was already in a hurry, and the four sword blades suddenly retracted.

Although the sudden self-destruction of a Dan Ying in the late stage of divine connection may not damage the Four Elephant Sword Formation, Qin Fengming would not take any risk. Because Dan Ying self-destructed, it was extremely powerful.

As Dan Ying's self-destruction caused an extremely terrifying wind to sweep across, Qin Fengming's figure suddenly disappeared from the scene.

In the slight sound of phoenix,

A sharp claw carrying the power of the terrifying soul has shrouded a group of spirits that suddenly appeared and planned to escape.

"I am the direct disciple of the Yinshan Ancestor. You cannot completely kill me."

Feeling the majestic power of the soul that was terrifying and making his soul tremble, Pang Su's soul just appeared and screamed loudly.

The power of the soul made him feel like he was facing his master.

Feeling like this, Pang Su, who had only his soul left, suddenly thought of a possibility in his mind. Could it be that the young monk in front of him was a mysterious being.

"Of course I won't kill you. Qin is reluctant to kill such a powerful spirit."

A force of confinement emerged, imprisoning Pang Su's soul and throwing it into the Shenji Mansion.

Looking at where the other two waves were fighting, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown, and without any hesitation, his figure immediately disappeared from the scene.

During the two waves of fighting at this moment, Fang Liang was surrounded by a fog that was one to two thousand wide.

In the mist, the sound of banging and fighting could be heard in the distance.

On Hexuan's side, there were two figures darting and flashing, like a revolving lantern, a huge attack of more than twenty feet flashed continuously.

Qin Fengming doesn't have to worry about Fang Liang at all. If the numerous spirits in the Ten Thousand Souls Tower, as well as the ghosts and ghosts summoned by the secret technique of eating ghosts, could not kill the cultivator at the top of the spiritual realm, it would be really unreasonable.

But He Xuan was obviously in a desperate state.

Just when Qin Fengming disappeared, the middle-aged monk in the late stage of spiritual connection who was fighting with He Xuan suddenly discovered that there was no Pang Su's aura around him.

Startled, he immediately thought of a possibility. Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly launched two attacks with both hands, blocking He Xuan. He turned around and tried to escape into the distance.

After reaching the realm of spiritual communication, a monk will undoubtedly put his own safety first.

Although it was only a short period of time, the possibility of a dignified late-stage spiritual master falling into the opponent's hands was extremely low, but the middle-aged man named Qian still planned to escape quickly without hesitation.

But at this moment, it is no longer possible for him to leave.

When He Xuan saw the other party, he actually had the attitude of running away. How could he let him get his wish easily?

From the bronze mirror above his head, several beams of light shot out, immediately blocking the opponent's body.

It is true that there is a slight gap between He Xuan and the middle-aged man, but the difference in strength is not to the point of being crushed by the opponent's strength. The sudden appearance of his crazy attack forced the middle-aged man surnamed Qian, who had originally planned to run away quickly, to quickly activate his magic power, dance his hands, and resort to secret techniques to resist.

"It's too late to leave now."

Just as the middle-aged monk quickly launched an attack to neutralize He Xuan's attack and walked away in a flash, a faint voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Ah, no." The middle-aged monk said something bad in his heart. He didn't turn around at all. A three-foot-long sharp blade carrying terrifying power suddenly appeared from his body and fired towards the place where the voice appeared. And go.

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