Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3737 In the Ten Thousand Stone Forest

"Bang!" There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, followed by a wave of dust, which suddenly enveloped the entire place where Qin Fengming was standing.

"Hey, what is this? It looks like a beast puppet, but it doesn't seem like it is."

Following the dull thud, Qin Fengming, who was already standing far away, couldn't help but let out a soft cry. Looking at the gigantic monster beast that was shaking in front of him, his expression also showed surprise.

Qin Fengming had never seen this huge monster beast that fell directly from above. Its head was like a wolf beast, but its body was that of a tiger, but its four powerful claws were like dragon claws. The whole body is protected by scales, and its tail looks like a leopard's tail.

Such a weird thing, there is absolutely no existence in the form of such a monster on the list of spiritual beasts and insects.

What puzzled Qin Fengming even more was that he couldn't feel any life on the body of this monster, as if it was a dead thing.

"This is an imaginary thing. No wonder I can't sense the slightest breath of soul from its body." The blue light in his eyes flashed, and Qin Fengming's expression finally relaxed, knowing the true reality of this monster.

This place is aimed at the monks in the early stage of spiritual communication. The strength of the monsters they transform into will not exceed those in the middle stage of spiritual communication.

Looking around, Qin Fengming felt at ease.

The location of this place is very secret, and the monks from Eshan City who followed could not see the situation here at all. Everyone followed, just to witness whether he could leave Wanshilin safely.

Since no one outside can see where this place is, Qin Fengming can naturally take action at will without having to worry about anything.

In fact, due to the high level of his soul at this time, even if a cultivator at the top of the spiritual realm stood aside, it would be impossible for the other party to tell that he was not from the Winged Clan.

It's just that he can't use the innate magical powers of the Winged Clan.

As soon as the terrifying monster fell to the ground, a beast roar resounded. A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his body barely swayed before he looked at Qin Fengming.

With a flick of his four legs, his entire body was like a cannonball, flying towards Qin Fengming who was dozens of feet away.

Although the monster beast was huge, it was extremely fast. In just a flash, it was already in front of Qin Fengming. Two sharp dragon claws flashing with faint light suddenly came out and enveloped Qin Fengming's body.

An extremely majestic force of confinement of heaven and earth energy also acted on Qin Fengming's body as the ferocious beast flew in front of him.

"Okay, Qin will take a look and see how powerful this transformed beast is."

Faced with the ferocious beast flying towards him, Qin Fengming not only did not dodge, but stood on the spot, looking straight at the ferocious beast flying in front of him, and said a calm word to himself.

Qin Fengming really didn't put the ferocious beasts at the early stage of divine connection in his eyes.

Even if it is a powerful and ferocious beast in the late stage of divine connection, Qin Fengming can fight it with his own physical strength alone. If the secret technique of transforming treasure ghosts into refining secrets is used, it will be difficult to resist even the ferocious beasts in the late stage of spiritual communication.

The ferocious beast swooped over, and its two dragon claws were like several sharp blades, suddenly covering Qin Fengming's body.

With two big claws, he killed Qin Fengming on the spot.

His face condensed, Qin Fengming's two fists suddenly raised up, and a majestic energy spurted out, turning into layers of energy armor, and immediately wrapped around his two clenched fists. .

"Boom! Boom!" Two ear-splitting roars resounded one after another as two huge fists that had rapidly expanded were punched out.

The two sharp dragon claws shattered on the spot in an instant, like mud kneading paper into pieces amid the roar.

"Well, this monster seems to be stronger than the monsters in the early stage of divine connection, but it has not yet reached the middle stage of strength. It seems that this monster is not just one. It is expected that there will be other monsters."

Qin Fengming, who directly smashed the monster's two sharp claws into pieces with one hit, had completely seen the strength of the fierce beast in front of him.

His hands swung out quickly again, and the roar resounded, sending the beast's body flying away.

"Ah, the restrictions here are really interesting."

Seeing the huge body of the monster flying out, flashing in the air, suddenly shattering and disappearing, Qin Fengming couldn't help but utter a soft sound.

After the fight just now, Qin Fengming could really feel that the monster, although it was an illusion that was forbidden here, looked very real, like flesh and blood.

It's just that after the monster beast was killed, it turned into energy and dissipated in the huge array here. It seemed that the energy had not disappeared at all, but Qin Fengming still felt the extraordinary power of the restriction here.

At the same time, Qin Fengming can also be sure that not only one such monster will appear in this restriction, but more will definitely appear in the future.

Although this monster is stronger than the Winged Clan monks in the early stage of spiritual enlightenment, it has no spiritual intelligence and relies only on instinct, so it is naturally no match for monks of the same strength. Judging from this, there will definitely be several or a dozen monster beasts appearing later.

It is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of monsters in this strange maze.

Unless the monk stands still and waits for ten days to pass, he will be transported out of this place. Otherwise, as long as you move your body to look for the so-called jade tablet, the restriction will inevitably be triggered and the monster will be revealed.

Of course, Qin Fengming would not stand still. Although there were some threats from monsters of this level, he could resist with his body as long as he was not attacked by the beasts at weak points in his body.

After understanding the strength of the monster, Qin Fengming naturally no longer hesitated. With a movement of his body, he pointed in a direction and walked away quickly.

Sure enough, as Qin Fengming rounded a mountain peak again, a ferocious beast appeared again.

This ferocious beast is the same as the previous one, with the body of a tiger, the head of a wolf, and the claws of a dragon and the tail of a leopard.

Faced with the monster beast swooping towards him, Qin Fengming did not take action to directly kill it. Instead, he flashed his body and dodged its attack.

The figure did not stop, but still detoured towards the mountain peak on one side.

That is, just after he rounded a mountain peak, a beast roar suddenly resounded from above his head, and another ferocious beast suddenly fell from the top of the mountain.

The roar of the beast resounded, and the two ferocious beasts quickly flew towards Qin Fengming, who was dodging quickly.

Qin Fengming faced the two ferocious beasts behind him, but still made no move to kill them. His figure flickered, and with Xuantian Weibu's powerful display, he was able to dodge attacks from the beast's claws every time.

Qin Fengming certainly didn't know how big this maze-like place was. As for how to break this restriction, he did not think carefully at this time.

But at this moment, Qin Fengming made a decision in his heart, which was to see how many ferocious beasts this magic circle could transform into.

Although this formation is a confusing formation, there are no other attacks. Except for the endless emergence of ferocious beasts, no other attacks were revealed. This made Qin Fengming feel relieved. Just because of these ferocious beasts, even if he curled up on the ground and allowed these ferocious beasts to attack him, his life would not be in danger.

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