At this time, Qin Fengming had already concluded that the beautiful woman in front of him was undoubtedly the Supreme Elder of Biyougu, a first-class sect from hundreds of thousands of years ago: Fairy Cailian.

When this beautiful woman appeared in the main hall, Qin Fengming felt something strange in his heart. But at that time, he only had a brief feeling in his heart, but he didn't know what it was. Just as his mind was turning, a sudden flash of inspiration made him scream out in surprise.

But Qin Fengming still had a hard time understanding why Fairy Cailian would be resurrected after tens of thousands of years. Is it possible that Qi Qi and his sister Shang Lingxi usually had their remaining souls stuck in this world and then reawakened by chance?

"Humph, if you want to surround me with just a magic circle, you underestimate my ability. When I break the magic circle, I will capture the two of them, extract their souls, refine them, and never enter the netherworld."

"If the magic circle is removed at this time, I can release two people and one horse."

At this time, Fairy Cailian had calmed down. Although her words contained a threat, she knew that this magic circle would be difficult to break with her own abilities.

"Hehehehe, Senior Fairy, please don't utter any threatening words. If this magic circle were in its true form, it would be difficult to stop it at all. But with Senior's ability at this time, if you want to break it, I think it will be difficult for you to do it."

"If you don't believe me, Senior Fairy, you can try your best and you will know that what I said is true."

For Fairy Cailian in front of me. Qin Fengming was also unable to decide how to deal with it. Although the Yin-Yang Bagua Array is quite powerful, he still has no idea whether it can survive for tens of thousands of years in the Cailian Fairy Killing Array.

Ling Xi was shocked when she knew that the beautiful woman in front of her was the fashionable Fairy Cailian from hundreds of thousands of years ago.

He had also heard the name of Fairy Cailian, although he did not know the reason why there was no news about her sect overnight. However, the names of several late-stage infant-transformation monks in Biyou Valley are widely circulated in the world of immortality and are recorded in books.

Fairy Cailian was already a top figure in the world of immortality at that time, and was only one step away from ascending to the throne. At this time, although she was not facing her true form, she felt a depressing presence in her heart.

At this moment, Fairy Colorful Lotus had already taken action. She saw nine colored lotuses suddenly appeared in front of her on the lotus platform under her feet. After stopping for a moment, they shot toward Qin Fengming standing in front of her.

Seeing the opponent's sudden move, Qin Fengming calmly pointed out that the Yin-Yang Bagua array was in full operation.

I saw that the sky inside the magic circle had been clear just a moment ago, but now there were rolling black clouds. Within the dense black clouds, there were thick lightning flashes interspersed with bursts of thunder, and the sound of thunder came from the clouds and mist, which was extremely deafening.

Where Fairy Cailian stopped, a huge black and white yin-yang fish suddenly appeared and slowly rotated. A huge wave of energy suddenly appeared and a huge pressure swept towards Fairy Cailian who was standing there. Even with her alchemy cultivation, she was not only His body swayed slightly and he quickly used his magic power to resist the pressure.

At the same time, the yellow sand and stones that had just disappeared appeared out of thin air, and the sand and stones suddenly began to rotate rapidly in the whimpering hurricane. Several feet of large rocks were mixed in the yellow sand and shot towards where Fairy Cailian was.

A huge wind blade also slashed itself in the hurricane. Although it seems that it took a long time, the various changes in the magic circle only appeared when Fairy Cailian sacrificed Cailian.

Faced with the sudden change, the Colorful Lotus Fairy did not panic at all. Instead, she stepped on the lotus platform and a huge colorful lotus shadow suddenly appeared. The huge lotus petals opened and closed and completely wrapped her delicate body.

Just when he was ready to defend himself, the wind blade and boulder were already close, and a huge impact sound came out from the center of the circle. Fairy Cailian didn't feel anything strange at all.

The wind blades and boulders hit the huge lotus shadow and disappeared into thin air without showing any effect.

At the same time, the nine colorful lotuses had already hit the protective shield of the magic circle. Nine loud noises were heard. Nine ripples appeared on the surface of the huge gray-white shield. The energy was quickly replenished and it immediately returned to its original state as if it had not been attacked. .

When Qin Fengming saw this, his heart immediately became very peaceful. As he studied the array more deeply, its power became more and more powerful.

Back then, the ancient wooden comb treasure in my sister's hand once attacked the magic circle. The power displayed at that time was much greater than the power of the colorful lotus from the Colorful Lotus Fairy in front of her. Even with a full blow, she could not do anything to the magic circle. At this time, Qin Fengming was even more confident that he could catch nine colorful lotus flowers at once and attack them.

Seeing this, Fairy Colorful Lotus was also shocked. The attack of the nine colored lotuses at this time was naturally much larger than the ball attack just now. However, the protective shield of the magic circle was not shaking at all. From this, it was judged that even the attack of the main body of the lotus platform was difficult to defeat. How about this ban.

Thinking of this, Fairy Cailian's face couldn't help but change into a solemn expression.

"Haha, since Senior Fairy has given it a try, let me drive the magic circle to attack Senior to see if Senior can take on the attack."

As Qin Feng's voice sounded, the thick black clouds in the sky above the formation rolled, and huge electric arcs as thick as an arm flashed out from the black clouds. In a flash, dozens of electric arcs shot toward the standing Fairy Cailian.

Fairy Cai Lian on the lotus platform was also shocked when she saw such an amazing electric arc. It carried enough energy to be able to withstand a strike from a top-level magic weapon. Even if the Chengdan monk had a spiritual shield, he would definitely be killed in one blow.

As soon as she thought of this, Fairy Cai Lian urged her foot on the lotus platform and quickly flew to one side to avoid this huge powerful arc attack.

But he only flew a few feet away when he felt a huge pulling force suddenly coming from all around his body. His body and the huge lotus platform were pulled by this huge force and it was impossible to move at all.

He was about to use his skills to resist it, but in a flash, he returned to the center of the giant Yin-Yang fish. Just when he was stunned for a moment, a huge electric arc was already coming. In desperation, he poured all his magic power into the lotus platform at his feet.

There was a stabbing sound, and the thick arc of electricity from the arm struck the huge lotus shadow, immediately wrapping the entire lotus platform with arcs of electricity wandering over it. The stabbing sound could not be heard.

The colorful light on the huge lotus platform suddenly flourished, and the entire lotus shadow shimmered with seven-colored light, and the buzzing sound was surging inside the magic circle.

After a while, dozens of arcs exhausted their energy and disappeared.

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