Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3687 The Power of the Temple

Although Qin Fengming didn't know what the gun blade wrapped in gray light was made of from the old man. But he knew in his heart that ordinary magic weapons would never be able to withstand this terrifying attack from the opponent.

Even Xuanwei Qingyan Sword and Sixiang Sword would be unable to do anything under the attack of this gray light.

Without any hesitation, he sacrificed the temple in his hand.

Being in this space rift, and now far away from the entrance of the Winged Clan, Qin Fengming was sure that even if the opponent recognized the temple, he would be 70-80% sure of capturing the opponent here.

This does not mean that he has enough strength to overwhelm the old man. But Qin Fengming was already convinced at this time that after a day of flying with all his strength. The sea of ​​consciousness energy in the old man's body opposite him, even if it still existed, had been greatly depleted.

As long as he entangles the opponent and uses powerful means to fight with him, the opponent's soul energy will eventually be exhausted. At that time, he can easily kill the opponent without him taking action.

Of course Qin Fengming knew how powerful the temple was. It is something that can compete with the real Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

However, Qin Fengming could not use its full power and could only use it as a defensive object.

But even if it is a defensive treasure, it is definitely not something that a cultivator at the top of the spiritual realm can destroy.

When the temple was activated, Qin Fengming was suddenly startled by the terrifying scene that appeared, and the look on his face suddenly became unbelievable.

He knew that this temple was powerful, but he could not fully activate its power.

Because the driving spells he knew were improved by Fairy Yao Xi. The most powerful power of the temple was naturally impossible for him to master.

"This divine soul feather can no longer be captured by the power of the temple itself. Just when I was about to say something to you, I blocked it for you. However, this thing seems to be somewhat related to this fairy. The purpose is to accept it directly."

A soft voice suddenly reached his ears, and Qin Fengming's shocked expression suddenly recovered.

It turns out that the sudden change in this temple was controlled by the spirit of the owner of the temple, Fairy Yao Xi.

With such a great god taking action, Qin Fengming suddenly felt at ease.

Qin Fengming felt at ease, but Jing Chang felt fear in his heart at this moment. A bad feeling immediately enveloped its body.

To him, the gray gun blade was definitely something he couldn't afford to lose.

This thing is his natal soul treasure. It is also his fundamental feather existence. It is a powerful thing that he has been using his soul energy to refine since he was born.

To him, this object was equivalent to the soul treasure refined within the body of a human monk.

If he loses it, there will be unimaginable horrific consequences waiting for him.

But just as fear arose in the old man's heart, and he tried his best to use the power of mana and soul in his body, and tried his best to drive the gun blade to retreat, he saw a huge black mouth suddenly stretched out from the top of the mountain, and in one fell swoop, he was trembling. The gun blade swallowed it.

Suddenly, he felt that his fundamental life feathers had lost contact with his mind. The old man's complexion suddenly changed drastically. He only felt a burst of terrifying soul energy surge up in the sea of ​​pills. In the passage leading to the sea of ​​consciousness, there was an unstoppable force. The terrifying soul energy surged forward and poured madly into the Dan Sea.

At this moment, how could the old man not know that his own soul treasure had already been captured by others.

Faced with such a situation, the old man gritted his teeth suddenly, and a sharp pain surged in his body. A piece of bone in his body suddenly peeled off on its own, and entered directly into his sea of ​​pills.

Wrapped by a wave of soul power, the bone that had been sacrificed by his soul suddenly suspended within his sea of ​​pills.

The majestic soul energy swept across and enveloped the skeleton.

The spell surged, and under the blessing of the soul treasure sacrificial refining spell, the skeleton's majestic divine soul aura emerged, and the originally turbulent sea of ​​pills finally became stable again.

This is also thanks to the fact that when he was refining the soul power object, he did not just sacrifice one thing, otherwise it would be difficult for him to stabilize the soul power energy in his body so quickly.

"Hoo!" Just when the old man felt relieved, a terrifying sound pierced through the air suddenly sounded above his head. A huge thing suddenly appeared, covering the old man's head from top to bottom.

As soon as the giant object flashed, a terrifying force of imprisonment appeared around the old man.

The old man who had just felt relieved suddenly became frightened again. The mana in the body surged, and a bird's cry suddenly resounded. In a flash of gray light, a huge demon bird with gray feathers suddenly appeared in the air.

The giant demon bird's giant wings flashed into the sky, and a shrill bird song immediately echoed throughout the scene.

A gray light flashed, mysterious runes and spells flashed in the gray light, and a strange wave suddenly spread in all directions. The giant bird's body dodged to one side in a strange shape.

At this time, the old man had already activated one of his natural escape skills.

This magical power is his life-saving escape technique. It has saved him from fire and water several times in his life.

But what made the old man's complexion change suddenly was that although his magical powers were activated and his figure had quickly avoided being hundreds of feet away, the huge heavy object above his head seemed to be following his body and also teleported. Come, there is no avoiding it at all.

The terrifying aura descended rapidly, and just when the giant bird body transformed by the old man came to a standstill, the huge mountain peak was already pressing down on his head.

With a muffled sound, the huge mountain peak was solidly imprinted on the body of the huge monster bird.

The huge demon bird, whose whole body was flashing with gray light and surrounded by terrifying energy, suddenly seemed to be carried by the mountain peak and fell directly towards the stone ground below.

A frightening cry resounded above, and an extremely terrifying energy suddenly emerged from the body of the demon bird wrapped in a huge gray light.

A gray light that seemed to be solid suddenly appeared wildly. The tall mountain peak that was falling rapidly was stagnated just when it was about to touch the stone ground below.

The demon bird transformed by the old man of the Wing Tribe at the pinnacle of the gods, at the moment of life and death, finally stimulated all the potential of its body, burst out all its power, and had a stalemate with the temple where the power suddenly appeared. .

The temple at this time was not driven by Qin Fengming.

Even if Qin Fengming drives it, it is difficult for him to have such terrifying power.

Back then, he was an aggregation cultivator and could withstand the pressure of the temple. But now, even a powerful cultivator of the Winged Tribe at the pinnacle of divine connection can hardly withstand the pressure of the temple. This is enough. Qin Fengming was also shocked.

Although the stalemate ended, it was only a momentary matter.

A loud roar suddenly resounded from dozens of miles away. As the roar resounded, the demon bird, which was struggling to withstand the heavy pressure of the mountain above, suddenly felt a surge of essence and blood in his heart, and a numbness appeared in his throat. An irresistible weird feeling suddenly filled his chest.

His mouth opened, and a mouthful of thick black juice suddenly spurted out from his mouth.

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