Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3511 Forced to leave

Qin Fengming was very sensible and did not propose signing any contract.

For him at this moment, signing a contract with a Mahayana was really not a wise thing to do. Because the other party doesn't value the so-called contract at all.

But just when the two parties had concluded their agreement and Qin Fengming was about to put away the small bowl, the old man's words made him tense up again.

"My little friend, how powerful is this remnant treasure of yours?"

The words were not long, but Qin Fengming was immediately shocked. His eyes flashed, and he stared at the old man closely. As long as the other party looked slightly strange, he would immediately use the silver beads in the small bowl to kill him.

"Hahaha, little friend, don't worry. I have no interest in starting any fight with you at this moment. Mihuang Xuanbao exists at the level, which contains a kind of law and will. It usually protects a world or a clan, and it needs a world or a family. Only when the fate of a family supports the spirit of law within it can it be driven.

The spirit of law in this remnant treasure has been dissipated, but it is not possible for ordinary monks to refine it and fully activate it. Looking at the state of the little friend just now, it is obvious that he has been mentally connected to this mysterious treasure. I'm just curious, how did you do this? "

The old man's words made Qin Fengming nervous, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

The old man in front of him was no ordinary monk. His explanation of the Mihuang Xuanbao suddenly touched him.

Of course he knew what level the Mihuang Xuanbao existed. It was the most powerful thing in all interfaces except the Miluo Realm. Every piece of mysterious treasure is born from heaven and earth, a naturally formed thing, and is not artificially refined.

Every existence has unpredictable powers.

If a Xuanling monk holds the Mihuang Xuanbao and is able to successfully activate it, he has a high chance of resisting a few blows with an ordinary Mahayana monk who does not have a treasure of the same level.

This is the only understanding he has of this mysterious treasure.

Hearing the old man's words at this time, he couldn't help but suddenly understood. It turns out that this Mihuang Xuanbao still has such a secret existence.

Qin Fengming was shocked in his heart, but Qin Fengming was only slightly shocked and suppressed the abnormal movement in his heart.

"Senior, this is just a broken treasure. It has lost the power of Mihuang Law in it. It is no different from an ordinary treasure. It is not cumbersome to control. In front of senior, even the most ordinary treasure Not as good as a spiritual treasure."

Qin Fengming didn't want to get entangled with him anymore, so he spoke like this.

The old man naturally knew what Qin Fengming meant, that is, this treasure belonged to him, and even if he had something to hide, he would not reveal it to others. Looking at Qin Fengming, the old man smiled slightly and said no more, waiting for Qin Fengming to put away this treasure that he could not shake at the moment.

With a solemn look on his face, Qin Fengming pointed his finger, the slight buzzing sound of the giant bowl resounded, and the colorful horses quickly retracted, just like a group of gorgeous and huge flowers that had reopened from the open state.

"Ah, you're not dead? Senior... you... why didn't you kill him?"

As soon as the huge wall disappeared and the two figures reappeared on the spot, an incredible shout suddenly sounded in the distance.

Qin Fengming looked pale at the moment, but his eyes were still shining brightly.

He did not completely put away the remnant treasure of the Taotie Universe Gui, but let it float above his head, his body flashed, and he retreated two to three hundred feet away.

Seeing Qin Fengming retreating so cautiously and quickly, the old man who had already recovered his shrinkage only had a slight expression on his face and showed nothing unusual.

In his opinion, if he wants to take action, even if he is thousands of feet away, he can still attack in front of the opponent with a flash of thought.

But of course he wouldn't do that right now.

When the two sides fought, the old man always had a firm upper hand. Even if he was trapped by the opponent's residual treasure, he was fully confident that he could resist with his own strength.

But at this moment, he also knew that when the other party had activated the residual treasure, even if he had powerful means, it was no longer possible for him to use any means to threaten the other party.

That remnant treasure may not be in any danger to his body, but in its current state, it is really an insurmountable mountain. Even if they are entangled, it is difficult to gain the upper hand.

"Little friend Qin, although I have become friends with my little friend, I and Dang Ke still hope that fellow Taoist friend can let him go this time. Generally speaking, I also have a contract with him. I have to break the contract with you this time, But he had made an offering before, and I don’t want him to fall into my hands now.”

Looking at Dang Ke standing in the distance with an equally pale face, the old man smiled slightly at Qin Fengming.

There was something strange and difficult to understand in his smile.

Considering that he was a Mahayana being, he actually wanted to make a request to a junior, which made the old man feel very uncomfortable.

The old man knew that with the young man in front of him holding such a powerful object, the monk who summoned him to come to this world really had no ability to fight against him. He did not complete the contract and helped Dang Ke kill Qin Fengming, which was already a breach of contract. If Dang Ke fell here again, the backlash on his body would be even greater.

Such a situation was not what he had originally expected.

"Okay, I just follow the instructions of my senior. Qin will let fellow Taoist Dang go today. However, fellow Taoist Dang, within ten thousand miles of where Qin will appear in the future, Qin will not want to see fellow Taoist again. If he does not comply, then Qin will It is also capable of completely erasing you, okay, you can go."

Thinking rapidly in his heart, Qin Fengming immediately agreed without hesitating for long.

Dang Ke's own methods are indeed extraordinary. Whether it is his magic weapons, secret techniques, or spiritual insects, they can be said to be extremely powerful. If they were facing off against other Earth Ranking monks, they might be able to gain the upper hand without having to use that weird magical power to summon the spiritual body of Saint Qinglin.

But in front of him, he restrained many of the opponent's methods.

In the competition for imitating Lingbao, the Emperor's Seal was slightly at a disadvantage, but by other means, Dang Ke suffered a huge loss.

At this time, except for the tens of thousands of people who fled the Locust Peak desperately and were included in the spirit beast bracelets by Dang Ke, it can be said that tens of thousands were lost in the battle with the Silver Sheath Insects.

With such a big loss, it would be easy to think about it if Dang Ke didn't cry to death.

After hearing the words of the old man and Qin Fengming, Dang Ke in the distance could no longer express his feelings with just shock.

The old man returned to adult size at this moment, but Dang Ke still recognized it at a glance as the tall spiritual body he had summoned. He never imagined that the powerful man from another world he summoned would actually be brothers with the opponent he wanted to kill.

Faced with such a situation, Dang Ke was truly speechless.

He thought that he could kill the difficult young monk with his heaven-defying method, but he never imagined that such a scene would happen.

By this time, Dang Ke already knew that if he persisted, he would completely fall here.

He dared to disobey the words of a powerful mysterious spirit.

With hatred emerging in his eyes, Dang Ke waved his hand to recall his imitation spirit treasure, then turned around and walked away.

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