Chu Xinghe had a smile on his face as he watched more than twenty monks competing for treasures, as if he was watching an extremely lively opera. He was not tempted at all by these treasures. He is convinced that what he wants this time is in the building in front of him.

But when he saw the Wushan City Lord and the two Foundation-Building monks standing beside him, not interested in the many spiritual and magical weapons in front of them, his heart couldn't help but be moved: How dare these three people take action to snatch the treasure that was about to be born?

In less than a stick of incense, the ownerless treasures on the ground were swept away by monks from three major sects.

It can be said that the three major sects have gained a lot this time. Each sect received hundreds of magic weapons. These top-notch magic weapons immediately increased the strength of their sects.

At this time, Cang Wuzi, the leader of the Baicao Sect, was also secretly lucky. At the beginning, he wanted to let his disciples who were at the peak of the Qi Gathering Stage enter this place together to enhance their own strength. However, after everyone discussed it, he allowed his disciples to exit the colorful clouds safely. .

If you enter this cave this time, you will definitely fall into the zombie attack just now. The loss to the entire sect will be immeasurable.

Seeing everyone put away the treasures and disposed of the corpses on the ground, Chu Xinghe chuckled: "These treasures are just a small reward for killing the zombies just now. I am sure that there must be more treasures in the palace ahead for you to collect."

"I don't think there will be any more zombies to intercept me. Except for the place where the thick cloud appears, all my friends in the palace can go alone to search for me and I won't interfere."

The monks from the three sects all looked excited when they heard this. It is absolutely possible that there are treasures in such a large palace. The only Chengdan cultivator here would definitely put whatever he encountered into his arms if he didn't interfere.

Although everyone was eager to try, no one moved. Everyone looked at the head of their sect and listened to his instructions.

Seeing that no one moved, the monk surnamed Chu couldn't help but look surprised: "Why are the three friends still standing still, worried that no more zombies can intercept them?"

"Haha, Senior Chu clearly understands that although the zombies here have been wiped out, I can't predict whether the zombies will be more difficult to deal with in the palace. In such a strange place, I think it's better to act together with my senior."

Lingxu Sect Nanyu said respectfully, clasping his fists and saluting without any hesitation.

The two heads of Qingliangshan and Baicaomen also bowed and nodded in agreement. Everyone has learned from the past and remembered that in such a strange place, safety can only be guaranteed by following a powerful person.

"Haha, that's good. If we all act together, we can negotiate with each other when encountering difficult problems." Chu Xinghe smiled with a gleam in his eyes. After he finished speaking, he flew forward without waiting for anyone to reply.

There is no air restriction here. Everyone moved and followed closely towards the building.

Qin Fengming stood there and saw monk Chengdan leading the people of the three major sects forward without moving at all, still standing still, as if thinking about something.

After a moment's hesitation, Huangfu and the others got up and caught up with everyone. Fang Qiying, who was standing aside, glanced at the person beside him with gleaming eyes. After a moment of hesitation, he also jumped up and flew forward, but the direction he went in was slightly different from the others.

Even when everyone was standing in front of the palace, Qin Fengming still did not move.

Qin Fengming once scanned the temple in front of him with his spiritual consciousness, but as soon as he got close to the temple, his spiritual consciousness would be bounced away and he could not enter at all.

Regarding this situation, Qin Feng knew that the palace here must be severely restricted. Even if there is any treasure inside, it will definitely be difficult to obtain.

Qin Fengming's idea was not confirmed when he saw the old man surnamed Chu leading everyone to stop in front of the palace for a while and then disappeared into the palace in a flash.

Qin Fengming was also surprised when this happened. Is it possible that there are no restrictions here?

Although he thought of this in his mind, his figure did not move at all and still stood on the spot, staring ahead with bright eyes.

Qin Fengming didn't move at all for a full meal. Qin Fengming didn't show any signs of anxiety when everyone entered the palace. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he looked at the palace in front of him with a smile.

Suddenly, several white lights shot out from a few feet in front of him and went straight to his chest at an extremely fast speed. It happened suddenly and the distance was extremely close. In an instant, several white lights hit his chest.

Qin Fengming was in no panic at all and raised his hand. Several balls of white light fell into his hand, revealing five white beetles. This beetle is about the size of a baby's fist and is all white. It is undoubtedly the beetle that gave birth to the silver sheath beetle.

While everyone was cleaning the battlefield, he secretly released the five beetles and headed towards the palace in front of him under the urging of his spiritual thoughts.

I don't dare to be careless about such a mysterious place. If there are any powerful beings in the palace, they will escape as soon as possible. Although the treasure is good, it needs life to enjoy it.

Five silver sheath insects fell into the palm of the hand and immediately protected the entire palm. Just as he was examining the beetles, suddenly a beetle held a soft object under its belly. Qin Fengming couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this.

He reached out and took the beetle in his hand, and his spiritual thoughts penetrated into its body. After a while, Qin Fengming's face showed a hint of contemplation and his expression gradually became serious.

Just now, this beetle has been discovered.

As soon as the beetle entered the group of palaces, it went straight to a tall palace. The plaque on this palace was written hundreds of thousands of years ago: Fengqi Palace. There is nothing precious in this palace. The beetle searched carefully and found nothing of use, so the silk handkerchief was placed in a wooden box on the dressing table.

Qin Fengming put away the beetle and then processed the remaining beetles one by one. He slowly put the beetles into the spirit beast bracelet, but he stood there blankly for a long time without making any move.

After connecting with the beetles' spiritual thoughts, Qin Fengming gained a general understanding of the palace in front of him.

Although the entire palace is extremely vast, most of it has already been searched by the five beetles.

There are no precious treasures in this palace, only some magic weapons and magic weapons scattered in various palaces. Not even one magic weapon-level treasure can be saved. Why this is so is unknown.

But even one of the five beetles failed to enter the place where the colorful clouds and mist spewed out. All because that place is under a severe restriction. It is difficult to break it with the power of beetles.

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