Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3437 The sharp blade appears

After stopping for a moment and seeing no one else coming, Qin Fengming frowned slightly and thought a little in his heart. He no longer stayed here and shot towards the cave where Lin Yu was.

At this moment, he was certain that no more monks would arrive.

There is no air restriction in this place. If someone is familiar with this place, if they want to cross a distance of thousands of feet, it may only take a dozen breaths. No one showed up for such a long time, which meant that it was these two waves of monks that Lin Yu informed.

Standing at the exit of the cave, he looked intently at the place of battle in the vast cave below. Qin Fengming didn't look at it, but when he looked at it, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised in his eyes.

At this time, there was one more person in the cave. A monk who is just like Lin Yu.

The secret techniques of laser shooting are very similar to the secret techniques used by Lin Yu.

"Split soul clone or second Dan Ying clone?" Looking at the two people at the scene, Qin Fengming couldn't help but ponder.

As long as the monk's clone has advanced to the realm of infant transformation, he can sacrifice his own clone.

Whether it is a soul clone or a second Dan Ying clone, it can be used as one's second life.

It's just that the Danying clone is too energy-consuming and requires a lot of monks' time to practice, so ordinary monks rarely do this. However, there are still some people in the world of immortal cultivation, like Qin Fengming, who only cultivate the second Dan Ying and do not allow them to cultivate the physical body, and there are still some in number.

It's just that except for those with strong minds and outstanding beliefs, few people are willing to let the Second Danying cultivate the physical body.

The Second Danying, the second type of exercises with different attributes, is practiced to greatly increase one's own strength. Therefore, no one wants to let the second Danying practice the physical body alone and become a clone.

That would be inconsistent with the original intention of increasing one's own strength. And if the second Danying is far away from the main baby and loses control, it may become completely autonomous and eventually devour the main baby and become the dominant existence.

There are quite a lot of such things in the world of immortality through cultivating souls through secret techniques. Because this method can not only protect one's life, but also save much time and energy on the body.

The advantage is that whether the body dies or the soul dies, another person can still exist. Because the two souls come from the same body, and their memories and emotions are almost the same, they can almost be regarded as a second life.

It's just that this kind of soul-splitting clone also has disadvantages, that is, there is a distinction between primary and secondary.

The cloned soul can only be a lower-level existence. Unless the main body completely dies, it is possible for several major clones to take over and compete for the main soul and become the main body.

But whether it is a soul clone or a second Dan Ying clone, it will take a long time to cultivate to the same state as the original body.

At this moment, the middle-aged monk fighting with the Luoluo beast had two identical bodies. If he just looked at the status of the two, Qin Fengming could hardly tell who was the master and who was the slave.

Ordinary secret skills, ordinary appearance, ordinary realm of cultivation.

It's like the two are mirror images.

At this time, Lin Yu already knew that although he had powerful means to threaten the Luo Luo beast in front of him, he did not have the strength to kill it. This strange beast is different from the ordinary supernatural beasts. It is a wild alien species and is powerful enough to fight with ordinary mid-level supernatural beasts without losing.

Even if you encounter an ordinary late-stage divine monster head-on, it can escape unscathed.

The fight lasted for so long, and with the four people restraining each other, they were able to be surrounded. If you meet him alone, you won't have the guts to confront him other than running away.

What made Lin Yu even more uneasy at this moment was that a cup of tea had passed since the two transmission notes he sent out, but reinforcements had not arrived.

This suddenly gave him a bad feeling.

He certainly didn't think that the two waves of monks dared to disobey his orders and protect themselves from help. But when such a situation occurred, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Maybe besides this strange beast, there might be other ferocious monsters.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, you and the three of you should quickly retreat and return to the cave.

Lin needs to use his secret skills to fight this strange beast alone. "With a sharp gleam in his eyes, Lin Yu suddenly sent a message to the other three monks.

His words were gloomy and seemed to have dignity in them.

The three gathering monks heard this and knew that Lin Yu was really angry at this moment. He wanted to use his forbidden secret technique to kill the terrifying monster in front of him that he couldn't defeat despite even sacrificing its clones.

Although the three of them heard Lin Yu's words, it was not easy to escape from the battle between the monsters.

You must know that this demonic beast is extremely gifted with supernatural powers. Whether it is the terrifying claw shadows produced by waving its claws or the sharp blades condensed from the black demonic mist spewed from its mouth, it can break through the protective aura of everyone. Kill everyone.

It will be even more dangerous if the monster bullies you to get close. The sharp horns and fangs can easily cut through people's bodies.

After joining forces to attack several times, the three peak monks could not escape Luo Luo's attack range safely. On the contrary, on two occasions, people were almost killed directly by monsters.

"Self-destruct the magic weapon and leave quickly. Otherwise, Lin Mu will use his secret technique and your lives will be in danger."

By this time, Lin Yu was no longer calm. Luo Luomon's attack was now more ferocious than at the beginning. It seems that after continuous battles, it has regained its due strength.

If that kind of beast shadow were sacrificed several times in a row, even Lin Yu would have no chance of surviving.

They could only hit it hard when it had just woken up from its slumber and had not yet returned to its full glory. Otherwise, what was waiting for them might be to fall into its mouth.

Hearing Lin Yu's stern shouts, the three monks dared to stay there, quickly recalled their own treasures, and then used another magic weapon to attack together.

"Explode!~" Three shouts sounded almost at the same time. A huge roar immediately resounded on the spot.

The terrifying explosion energy swept across and immediately enveloped the Luo Luo beast.

The three cultivators at the top of the gathering, almost as soon as the word burst out from their mouths, were already using their escape skills with all their strength, without looking back, and quickly shot towards the cave.

The self-destruction of the three magic weapons can threaten the lives of the theosophical monks.

But what made the three people stunned was that just when the three people self-destructed their magic weapons and the terrifying explosion energy enveloped the Luo Luo beast, a monster beast shadow followed them closely and quickly escaped from the scope of the explosion.

Luo Luomon, sensing the approaching danger, actually used some kind of rapid magical power to escape from the self-destruction range of the three magic weapons. And flew directly towards one of them.

With a miserable cry, a cultivator at the top of the Convergence Peak was swallowed directly into the beast's mouth by Luo Luo without the slightest resistance. Even his soul could not escape, and he completely perished.

"You must deserve to be damned!"

With a loud shout, the energy of heaven and earth in the cave quickly converged towards one place like a violent river. A terrifying, indescribable coercion of majestic energy suddenly erupted from the place where the majestic energy gathered.

A huge blade flashing with blue and black light suddenly appeared above Lin Yu's head. The giant blade was hanging in the air without any tremors, but the shadows of the blades had already shot out, covering nearly half of the cave.

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