Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3418 Goodbye Ghost Cultivator

One person and one beast, in this area shrouded in mist and filled with ghosts, were almost crushing each other.

Those ghostly ghosts, no matter they were in the realm of infant transformation or collective cultivation, when they saw the soul-eating beast, they all trembled and did not dare to step forward and do anything.

The soul-eating beast has its own powerful suppressive power when faced with ghosts and ghosts.

At the beginning, Xia Yuqi's reincarnated body had the soul state of the late stage of divine connection, and he did not dare to take direct action against the soul-eating beast. This is enough to know how powerful this soul-eating beast is when facing the ghost.

Just like an emperor, even if he is still underage, any powerful general will be trembling in front of him and dare not resist.

Qin Fengming dared to kill the ghosts here with such a big fanfare because he could be sure that there would be no ghosts in the late stage of divine connection in this area.

When faced with the evil corpses in the late stage of divine connection, the two early stage ghost cultivators decided to attack without hesitation, which is enough to show that there should be no later ghost cultivators in this area, otherwise the two could naturally stay away, and then join forces with those Later, the ghost cultivators took action to deal with the evil corpse.

As long as there are no later ghost cultivators, Qin Fengming will feel at ease.

Even if he was besieged by several ghost cultivators in the early or middle stage of spiritual communication, he would still be confident enough to escape.

Like the wind and the remaining clouds, the combination of Qin Fengming and the soul-eating beast swept across a large area.

As long as the soul-eating beast pounces forward, many ghosts will stand trembling, but Qin Fengming only needs to wave his hand and use the soul-eating grab to imprison the ghosts.

If anyone saw such a scene at this moment, they would definitely be stunned.

The ghosts that everyone fears are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of people and beasts, with almost no power to fight back.

Even if a polymerized ghost has cultivated a physical body, as long as it is swept by the yellow mist of the Soul-Eating Beast, it will immediately become sluggish, and its essence will be directly absorbed, and then it will be swallowed into the belly of the Soul-Eating Beast in a moment.

At the beginning, Qin Fengming was worried that the little beast would be backlashed by those powerful ghosts.

But after seeing the relaxed expression of the little beast, he stopped paying attention.

The little beast's intelligence was extremely high at the moment, so he naturally knew how many ghosts he could swallow.

The soul-eating beast is very picky. It only devours the ghosts in the realm of aggregation along the way. Those low-level objects were all captured by Qin Fengming and thrown into the Shenji Mansion.

Later, Qin Fengming didn't bother to capture those ghosts below the level of infants. He will only take action against ghosts who are in the late stages of infant transformation and above.

Even so, during this sweep, he also captured hundreds of powerful ghosts.

A few days later, the soul-eating beast finally couldn't hold on anymore. It swallowed dozens of powerful souls in the late stages of infant transformation and the realm of aggregation. Even if it was born to feed on ghosts, it would be difficult to refine so many souls at once.

These spirits are not comparable to the living souls when they were in the Land of Immortal Relics. The majestic energy of the souls within them, when concentrated together, even Qin Fengming is extremely afraid just thinking about it.

Putting the soul-eating beast away, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed with concern.

The ghosts here were absolutely impossible for him to completely kill and capture. And at this time, although those ghosts had not yet awakened their intelligence, they seemed to understand something and did not dare to approach Qin Fengming again.

It is already very difficult to capture more ghosts in the mountains that cannot escape quickly.

"Hmph, I didn't encounter those two divine and ghost cultivators this time. It's an advantage for you two." Looking at the dense fog around him, Qin Fengming snorted coldly, turned around, and headed out of this area. Go in the direction.

Trying to find two ghost cultivators who had escaped to nowhere in this vast area was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

There is a time limit for entering Black Mist Island, so naturally he cannot stay here all the time. After thinking for a while, Qin Fengming still planned to leave this place.

The so-called impermanence of things in the world meant that when Qin Fengming tried to find the two spiritual cultivators, it was hard to find them. But when he was about to give up, the two ghost cultivators appeared in front of him.

Just two days after Qin Fengming gave up looking for the ghost cultivator and rushed towards the dark forest,

A sound of howling ghosts and wolves suddenly sounded from behind him.

As the sound got closer and closer, Qin Fengming stopped and stood still with a look of surprise on his face, turning his body upside down and looking at the distance in his eyes.

I saw an extremely thick mist sweeping in like a blanket covering the sky. Within the mist, there were endless sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling. It seemed that there were thousands of ghosts existing in the mist, rushing toward where he was.

"Hey, could it be that those two psychic ghosts can't cultivate?" Seeing such a change behind him, Qin Fengming was suddenly startled, his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself.

In the past few days, not many ghosts dared to appear around him. There were so many ghosts appearing at this time. It was almost unnecessary to think carefully to guess that they must be ghost cultivators with full intelligence.

"It's really hard to find it without looking for it. It took no effort to get it. I couldn't find you originally, but now you have brought it to the door yourself. It seems that you really intend to let the golden bite condense the ninth soul pill."

Qin Fengming knew that it was difficult to condense the soul elixir of the soul-eating beast. If he could swallow the souls of two souls in the realm of the gods, and supplemented by the ghosts he captured, he might really reach the peak of the life soul realm.

Seeing the thick mist rolling in in the distance, Qin Fengming's expression was surprisingly calm.

If you look closely, there is actually a hint of joy beneath his calm face.

"Junior, you are not dead. This is beyond my expectation." A deep voice sounded, and the majestic rolling mist suddenly stopped more than a hundred feet away from Qin Fengming.

Blue light flashed in his eyes, Qin Fengming suddenly trembled, and the relaxed expression on his face disappeared in an instant.

As the mist stagnated, shadowy figures appeared in the mist. These ghosts are all above the realm of transformation.

What made Qin Fengming's expression suddenly change was that among the ghosts, there were three human ghosts that were obviously different from other ghosts. Two of them were the two ghost cultivators who were in the early stages of cultivating the gods. One of the two early-stage ghost cultivators turned out to be a middle-stage spiritual being.

This monk had a dry face and no expression at all. Although his body was also shriveled, it was slightly plumper than the original evil corpse.

In this misty land, there is actually a ghost cultivator in the middle stage of spiritual enlightenment.

"Hey, Qin has always been lucky. The gate to the Netherworld is closed, so Qin has no choice but to return. What, are the two seniors coming to see Qin off?"

Although a mid-level ghost cultivator suddenly appeared on the other side, Qin Fengming calmed down and suppressed the fear in his heart, and spoke very calmly.

He really wasn't too afraid of the ghost cultivator who was in the middle stage of spiritual connection. The exercises he has learned have a great restraint effect on ghosts, and with the addition of his powerful magic weapon and other secret techniques, if there is a real fight, it will definitely be a 50-50 split.

"You are really courageous, junior. No matter why you have not died, you will never leave safely today. But if you are obedient, it is not that I can't let you go. I'm here to ask you, the evil corpse has arrived at this time Where is it? Isn’t it still in the valley?”

An early-stage ghost cultivator stared at Qin Fengming and spoke sternly. At the same time, he waved his hand, and under the rolling mist, ghosts quickly filled the air on both sides of Qin Fengming.

In just one breath, Qin Fengming was completely surrounded.

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