Whether it is in the classics or word of mouth from the monks, it is said that as long as you enter Black Mist Island, you will be monitored by the monks of the five major sects. If you don't fulfill your contract, you will definitely be killed by the five major sects.

Qin Fengming was also very puzzled by such a thing.

Black Mist Island is vast, with a radius of tens to millions of miles. There are tens of thousands of monks entering.

Even if there is a surveillance circle, it is really difficult to take care of such a large area and so many monks.

If it was because of the contract signed by everyone that everyone was willing to hand over their income, Qin Fengming was still convinced, but if it was because of the oversight, it was really puzzling.

But in that contract, the life and death situation is the main strength of the contract, and the handing over of income is not its focus. This is why many large sects send monks into the Ice Valley to search for the Mysterious Soul Crystal.

After experiencing that magic circle, everyone became more cautious.

While moving forward, Ji Zelang released a spiritual beast in the early stage of aggregation, letting it explore the path hundreds of feet ahead.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the magic circle they encountered before could only be regarded as a relatively mild ancient forbidden area. It only trapped everyone and did not have a killing array. If there is a magic circle with strong attack and killing capabilities, everyone will be in danger. It is not impossible to be killed in the killing circle.

Black Mist Island is a place filled with Yin energy, and some Yin beasts also exist in the place where White Rock Valley is located.

It's just that the highest state of those Yin beasts is only the state of aggregation. If there is no beast tide, they are really not a big threat to everyone. The rumored supernatural beast did not appear either.

With caution, everyone was moving forward under the leadership of the Ji Zelang brothers.

Only in the Baishi Valley, which was more than ten thousand miles away, everyone had been searching for nearly twenty days before they finally stopped in one place.

It took so long because the people were traveling at almost the same speed as low-level Qi Gathering monks, flying only a few hundred miles a day. If you feel there is danger ahead, you will spend a lot of time to get around it.

The people on Brown Yang Island seemed to be constantly changing their directions, so the Ji brothers had to change directions from time to time.

"Fellow Taoists, one or two hundred miles ahead is where the people from Brown Yang Island should be. Next, Ji will go to investigate. Please stay here and wait for a while. I will wait until the truth is found out. reason."

With an affirmative expression on his face, Ji Zelang looked at everyone and said this.

Seeing how convinced the Ji brothers were, Qin Fengming had already understood in his heart that the two brothers must have used some secret magic to be able to sense some kind of mark left on the people on Brown Yang Island.

Of course Qin Fengming also knows how to use this method.

As long as the other party does not erase the mark or dissipate on its own, it can be tracked.

Naturally, everyone had no objections and found a place to sit down, waiting for Ji Zelang's return.

Two to three hundred miles, if we go at the previous speed, it will naturally take more than half a day to make a round trip. But of course it’s not needed at this time.

Qin Fengming sat cross-legged on a rock, with his eyes closed, and his consciousness slowly released, spreading towards the front beyond the retreating Ji Zelang.

Outside a place covered by fog, eight monks were sitting cross-legged. A few dozen feet in front of them was a huge wall flashing forbidden fluorescence. The covering wall just covered the entire fog in front of everyone.

"Fellow Taoists, this forbidden energy has been consumed a lot. Now we only need to bombard it for a day or two, and I think we can break through it. There must be some precious things in the valley, some spirits that are difficult to find in the outside world. There will also be a lot of grass. Apart from those materials, everything else will be divided equally between us."

While everyone was meditating, an old man opened his eyes first, coughed slightly, and spoke.

As a monk, he naturally knew how to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, so the old man did not hesitate at all and immediately made this final mobilization.

Following the old man's words, everyone else stood up one after another, made their own seals, and began to use their own magic weapons and secret techniques.

Blast towards the huge wall in front.

In an instant, the originally silent place was suddenly filled with roaring sounds.

Although Qin Fengming could not find out the details of those monks, he could still know the general situation.

The eight monks, seven men and one woman, were exactly the same as what the Ji brothers had said before. Based on this alone, it can be judged that the eight monks are the people of Brown Sun Island.

Half an hour later, Ji Zelang returned and what he said was the same as what Qin Fengming had seen before.

Everyone did not stop, they stood up again and flew forward.

"Fellow Taoists, Mr. Ji has a magic weapon that can cover his aura. If you enter it, we can get as close as possible to the people on Brown Yang Island. If we can work together to kill or injure one or two of them in a sneak attack, it will be a good thing for us. , it can also be easy.”

As Ji Zeyi spoke, a strange magic weapon like a lampshade appeared in his hand.

This magic weapon is transparent, like yarn but not yarn. With the injection of mana, a faint white light flashed, and suddenly the fluorescence flashed slightly, and a huge hemisphere of more than ten feet appeared in front of everyone.

Under Ji Zeyi's spell, the object in the hemisphere blurred and became illusory.

The previous energy fluctuations above also subsided immediately, although everyone could still feel a slight fluctuation. If the distance were further away, even Qin Fengming would be hard pressed to find anything in this place where the Yin Qi and mist agitated.

"Fellow Taoists, please enter this shield and we will get closer."

Looking at the huge shield in front of them, flashing with bursts of fluorescence, Qin Fengming and everyone inside the shield showed surprise and shock.

The protective area of ​​this array is more than ten miles. For such a large area, even if it was done by several ancient cultivators, it must have taken a long time.

Such a place naturally cannot be a sect. The reason for setting up such a huge array is simply to protect some items inside.

Everyone was in the realm of aggregation, and almost instantly, everyone thought of the same possibility.

Such a precious treasure is protected by such a strong array. You don't need to think about it to know that it is rare and precious.

"Fellow Taoists, if we can capture and kill everyone on Brown Yang Island this time and enter the valley, no matter what kind of treasure we get, my Ji family will only take one of the five. The other Taoist friends Take one of each. We will approach below and Ji will remove the magic weapon. We will immediately attack with all our strength to kill the old man standing alone."

The reward before the war is the motivation to motivate the monks. The two monks of the Ji family naturally understand this well. Therefore, he just glanced at the giant formation in front and immediately whispered to himself.

Everyone understood and nodded.

As soon as the huge shield disappeared in the void, everyone slowly approached the eight Brown Sun Island monks who were attacking the giant formation with all their strength.

At this time, the eight people did not realize that the danger was approaching, and they were still using their magic weapons and secret techniques to bombard the huge wall that also displayed powerful attacks.

The roar is overwhelming, the dazzling light is shining, and the powerful wind is raging.

"Fellow Taoists, take action!" With a loud shout, the shields protecting everyone disappeared immediately. A dozen huge attacks suddenly flashed out at the moment the shields disappeared, and they attacked the old man together. .

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