Seeing the three people saying this, Geng Zhongtang was not very happy, but his face suddenly turned serious and said:

"The three of us immediately set off to rush to the main altar through the teleportation array. But before we go, we must swear an oath to our inner demons not to betray the Flying Wolf Alliance and abide by the rules of the Wolf Leap Mountain for the rest of our lives."

The three of them did not show the slightest surprise when they heard the Supreme Elder's words, which is understandable. They are the people of Wolf Leap Mountain, and it is extremely ordinary for them to make this oath.

The three of them sat cross-legged on the ground without replying, biting off the blood sword on their left index finger and then swallowing it into their mouth. Then they made a seal and cast a blood curse on their inner demons.

Seeing the three people casting spells, Geng Zhongtang didn't feel anything strange at all. He stared at the three people with bright eyes. After the spell was cast, he said calmly:

"The three of us immediately packed up our belongings and set off to Dijing City and left Quzhou through the Tianxuan Sect teleportation array. I will pick up the three of them when the time comes. This is the teleportation fee. How to proceed has already been noted on this jade slip."

Several storage rings appeared in his hand and flew towards the three of them with a wave of his hand.

The three of them took the storage ring and then all knelt on the ground. After three respectful kowtows, he stood up and left.

Watching the three people leave, Geng Zhongtang stood dumbly for a while and couldn't help but whisper to himself: "I never thought that three hundred years would pass in the blink of an eye. Whether we can take another step forward depends on whether this matter can be successful."

After finishing speaking, he gathered his emotions and did not stop at Langyue Mountain. Instead, he flew away from the sect and flew thousands of miles away.

Qin Fengming and the four of them flew all the way for ten days. Although they stopped several times to rest, they still flew nearly 70,000 to 80,000 miles. The journey was calm and we did not encounter any danger.

At this time, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel a little anxious. The interception he had been looking forward to did not happen as promised, which made him feel uneasy.

Could it be that the person who intercepted it was not on this road?

If the situation really comes to a head, we can only use dangerous tactics and look for opportunities to escape with my sister. Whether he can escape the pursuit of the Blood Fox Alliance will no longer be considered.

"We are still more than 70,000 miles away from Dijing City. We still have to travel ** days for this distance, but Xiao doesn't know whether we can spend the next few days safely. After resting here for two hours, we will no longer delay our turns. Drive the flying treasure to Imperial View City."

While Qin Fengming was thinking about it, the old man surnamed Xiao said lightly, took the silk handkerchief, turned to a dense forest on the mountainside and flew away.

After descending into the dense forest, the four of them each found a place to sit cross-legged and meditate.

"My brother has been flying for several days and is more than half way away. Why hasn't the person he said to intercept shown up yet? Could it be that he was waiting for the wrong location or that the news has not been sent to him?"

Just before Qin Fengming closed his eyes and calmed down, a soft voice came into his ears. There is no doubt that it was Shang Lingxi who used the secret technique of sound transmission.

"What my sister is worried about is exactly what my brother is thinking. If the other party doesn't have the secret flying treasure, it is very likely that he will be left behind midway."

Qin Fengming also used the art of sound transmission to tell Shang Lingxi what was in his heart.

The Secret Technique of Sound Transmission, which is detailed in many advanced immortal cultivation techniques, is to use secret techniques to compress spiritual thoughts and transmit them into the opponent's ears at a fixed point. If this kind of sound transmission technique is used in front of too many monks whose cultivation level is higher than that of the person who performs the technique, it will definitely be noticed by the other party.

Because the sound transmission medium is spiritual consciousness, if a person's spiritual consciousness is too strong, he will be noticed by the slightest presence of spiritual thoughts nearby.

However, the gap between the cultivation levels of the four people here is not very big. Although Qin Fengming's cultivation level is slightly lower, his spiritual consciousness is really at the realm of becoming an elixir. The secret technique of transmitting messages to each other must be difficult for people to detect.

"If we still don't encounter any interceptors after traveling another two to thirty thousand miles, we will only risk killing those two people." Qin Fengming pondered for a moment and suddenly spoke an astonishing voice to Shang Lingxi.

"What? My brother wants to kill the two of us? This is too dangerous. There are two people in the late stage and one in the middle stage. My sister thinks that I can intercept the two of them for a moment. As long as my brother runs away from them, I can avoid casualties and kill the two of them. It must never succeed.”

Shang Lingxi was shocked when she suddenly heard what the young monk opposite said. Although she knew that her young brother had amazing methods, she didn't think that just by relying on one of his foundation-building monks, he could kill the middle-level Yichendan monks.

"Sister, don't worry. If we attack face to face, ten brothers will not be able to match the mid-level Yichendan monk. But we have to take advantage of him and take advantage of the younger brothers to reach seven or eight points."

"I'd better consider this matter in the long term. Sister, I still hope that the monks will show up to intercept. Then we can leave calmly."

Although it was hard to understand when Qin Fengming was so sure of Shang Lingxi, this was not the time to discuss the matter in detail.

While Qin Fengming and Qin Fengming were having a secret discussion, five people three hundred miles away were nervously exchanging opinions.

"Mr. Hu, this place is only ten thousand miles away from Langyue Mountain. If we start here, we can put the blame on the Flying Wolf Alliance. Although we think that no one knows that Langyue Mountain is secretly supported by the Flying Wolf Alliance, we have already found out."

One of the middle-aged women said that she omitted her real name. This woman's voice is delicate and gentle. It is definitely not something that a woman in her forties can possess.

"If my friend has any objections, it would be a good place to take action here." After hearing this, the white-faced middle-aged man thought for a while and said calmly.

The other three looked at each other and nodded, but no one said anything.

"Okay, let's do it here. My husband, Hong Ling, has a very invisible effect. This cover will not be noticed by the opponent dozens of miles away. But if you are too close to the opponent, you will not be able to avoid the detection of the monks in the later stages of the Dan. At that time, you can only force it. It’s been a long fight.”

The middle-aged man said that a red silk cloth about a foot long appeared in his hand. With a shake, it immediately grew to several feet long. His mind moved and wrapped the five people in it. After making a seal, the red silk cloth wrapped the five people suddenly in the place. Disappear.

At the same time, more than 200 miles to the right of Qin Fengming and the others, the same five people were having emergency discussions...

When Qin Fengming and the four of them finished their rest, they opened their eyes one after another and planned to get up and go on the road again.

Standing up, he released his spiritual consciousness and scanned the surroundings. The old man surnamed Xiao suddenly changed his face and said with a horrified voice: "Unfortunately, two extremely fast spiritual power fluctuations are coming from the north and south directions at the same time, and they are coming towards the place where we are."

Hearing this sound, the other three people were shocked at the same time, and they all concentrated their consciousness and glanced in these two directions.

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