Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 38 Entering the Valley

Qin Fengming didn't know that if other people practice this technique like him, when the first level of the technique is completed, and then perform this kind of Great Zhou Tianxing Kung Fu, they will definitely have their meridians cut off and become disabled from then on, and what's more, they will be instantly disabled. Death is also very possible.

To practice this kind of exercise, you usually need to have a master from the sect teach you the practice skills. At the beginning, you will start to continuously circulate the Great Circular. When the spiritual power in the body is still very weak, it will wander in the meridians. As spiritual power grows, the meridians will expand accordingly. Meridians will not be broken due to excessive spiritual power.

Qin Fengming didn't know that the so-called internal skills he practiced were actually the most basic five-element skills in the world of immortality. And what he calls internal power is actually what the world of immortality calls spiritual power.

According to the method, the spiritual power in the Dantian circulates in the meridians, which can increase the smoothness of the meridians. When the meridians are unblocked, more energy can be absorbed from the world and transformed into spiritual power. Running the Great Zhoutian is a compulsory course in cultivation. At the same time, running the Great Zhoutian can also exercise the "mind".

The so-called "idea" is the "spiritual consciousness" of the immortal cultivator. That is perception, which is very important for immortal cultivators. Divine consciousness can perceive anything around it. Being able to 'discover' the opponent before they appear. So be prepared in advance.

In fact, ordinary people also have spiritual consciousness, but ordinary people can only perceive a few meters around them. The perception range of martial arts masters is much larger, and they can perceive a range of more than ten meters, or even tens of meters. But this cannot be compared with those who cultivate immortality.

Just like the young master of the Zhang family, he was able to quickly discover Qin Fengming through scanning with his ‘spiritual consciousness’.

The first time he performed the Great Zhou Tian according to the nameless mantra consumed a lot of Qin Fengming's consciousness at this time. After one operation, he already felt dizzy. If he continued to perform the exercise forcefully, it would inevitably cause damage to his body. At this point, he had some awareness. Therefore, he did not dare to use his skills again.

After this experience, Qin Fengming practiced more actively and harder from then on.

He often 'looked inside' and always paid attention to the changes in the five-color gases in his Dantian. Qin Fengming was very happy when he 'watched' the gases increasing continuously.

Time passes day by day, and in a flash, one and a half years have passed. For a teenage boy to practice alone for such a long time, unless he is a determined person, he would definitely not be able to bear the loneliness.

In the past two years, in addition to practicing the nameless formula assiduously. Qin Fengming has also accepted two such tasks.

One is to hunt down a charlatan. This big thief actually killed a wealthy family in Baiyang Town, seventy miles west of Yumen City, in one night, leaving no one alive. Such a cruel and easy-to-kill person immediately aroused the indignation of the entire martial arts community in Yingzhou County. If they jointly issue Jianghu orders, this person will definitely be killed.

Qin Fengming, the seventh and ninth brothers of An Ye Hall were jointly ordered to hunt down the thief for more than 20 days. Finally, they intercepted the thief in the mountains adjacent to Yingzhou County and Taihu County. After a desperate struggle, the three men Join forces and kill this man.

Another task is to escort a batch of ore back to the sect from the mineral deposits at the junction of Yingzhou and Wuling County.

When approaching Luyu City, they met the "Five Tiger Gang" who were entrenched there and had a great battle. The second senior brother wounded Duan Xizheng, the third oldest member of the Duan family, frightened the Five Tigers away and returned to the sect smoothly.

Although these two missions were near misses, they were also rare experiences for Qin Fengming.

During this year, Qin Fengming had already mastered the first three levels of the nameless mantra. At this time, if he looked inside his dantian, he would find that the five-color gas was several times more than a year ago. When gathered together, they are already as thick as chopsticks. Such changes made him excited.

According to the method introduced at the end of the booklet, he also learned an "ice bullet" technique.

It can use the five-color "internal force" in the body to form several small balls like ice balls, and use secret techniques to expel the small balls. Not only can it hit a small hole in a big tree, but the area around the hit area will also be frozen, which is extremely powerful. . This skill cannot be accomplished with the internal strength taught by the original master.

These are all practiced by Qin Fengming in private and have never been revealed in front of others.

On this day, Qin Fengming finished practicing his sword and returned to his room, intending to practice the unknown formula. But what left him speechless was that no matter how hard he gathered his mind, he just couldn't calm down, something that had never happened in the past year.

Qin Fengming knew that when practicing internal strength, one should not force it, otherwise he would become obsessed and his meridians would be severed. Seeing the situation today, he had to give up practicing today.

After walking out of the room, I looked up into the distance and saw mountains in the distance, undulating and endless, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.

Suddenly, he suddenly thought that he had been here for several years and had never entered the depths of the mountain.

He was originally a teenager who was only seventeen or eighteen years old. His mind was naturally restless and he was very interested in the distant mountains. He happened to have nothing to do today, so he made up his mind to go to a distant place to visit.

Thinking of this, Qin Fengming no longer hesitated, put the sword behind his back, went down Caixia Peak alone, walked along Luoxia Valley, and walked deep into the mountain.

At the beginning, there was still a path to be found in the valley. After traveling for more than ten miles, there was no path at all. The view was filled with shrubs and vines, and ravines and broken walls. But this difficulty is nothing to Qin Fengming.

When encountering a small ravine or broken wall, just use Qinggong to cross it. When encountering thorns blocking the way, he used his sword to cut a passage. Sometimes, they even directly use the Biyun Lost Tracing Body Technique to leap on the top of the big tree.

Two hours later, as Qin Fengming hurried on without stopping, he was already nearly forty miles deep into the mountain.

On the way, he encountered many elk, deer and other forest prey. When these prey saw Qin Fengming's arrival, some of them were not afraid at all. Even if he walked several feet away from him, he would not evade him.

It can be seen that this place is inaccessible all year round. Even these prey have lost their usual vigilance and no longer know the danger.

After walking for another hour, Qin Fengming was already nearly fifty or sixty miles into the mountains.

It turns out that master Zhang Li once said that as long as you enter the mountain fifty miles away, there will be fog and the mountain will be closed. But now that we are so deep, there is still no fog, which puzzles Qin Fengming.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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