At this moment, the Silver Sheath Insect no longer needs Qin Fengming to drive anything. For the Shiny Scale Beast, these white beetles seemed to be both excited and fearful.

But excitement obviously took over, and the cloud of insects flashed and connected with the huge alien body covered in silver lightning.

The silver sheath insect that has advanced to semi-adult status seems to have improved a lot in intelligence.

Qin Fengming did not send out any spiritual thoughts, but before the white insect cloud came into contact with the huge alien beast, it had already turned into dozens of arrow-like insect swarms on its own. Of course, it wasn't really an arrow, it was just broken into dozens of long and narrow insect clouds.

But being able to know the spontaneous combination of whole parts is definitely something that was impossible when we were larvae.

The insect clouds shot out, and several of them suddenly came into contact with a cloud of mist spewed from the mouth of the huge alien beast.

The mist with the ability to imprison no longer looks so sharp in front of the cloud of silver-sheathed insects.

I saw several clouds of hundreds of Silver Sheath Insects suddenly flashing with white light, and wisps of extremely thin blue arcs appeared in the white light. The gray-black mist spitting out from the mouth of the alien beast was suddenly shot away, and they retreated to both sides.

The cloud of insects shot out unexpectedly from the gray-black mist spitting out from behind.

Tens of thousands of Silver Sheath Insects were directly submerged into the layer of silver light surrounding the huge alien beast.

A huge electric arc shot out in the silver light, immediately enveloping dozens of insect clouds within it. Amidst a harsh stabbing sound, countless arm arcs instantly came into contact with the insect cloud.

When the thick electric arcs came into contact with the insect cloud, they were like water jets on the stone wall, and immediately turned into small arcs, wrapping the insect cloud made of hundreds of silver sheath insects.

Seeing this situation suddenly, Qin Fengming, who had just dragged the several-foot-long silver monster into the sword formation, was suddenly shocked. Divine thoughts came out quickly, and tens of thousands of Silver Sheath Insects were immediately enveloped in the divine thoughts.

Only one or two thousand Silver Sheath Beetles were killed by direct contact with the thick arcs of electricity. Most of the remaining beetles still survived in the silver light emitted around the Flash Scale Beast.

It's just that at this moment, tens of thousands of Silver Sheath Insects are surrounded by an electrical grid composed of silver lightning.

After connecting with his mind, Qin Fengming finally sensed something strange.

The tens of thousands of Silver Sheath Insects, relying on their huge magical ability to absorb arc energy, are powerfully melting the arc energy sacrificed by the Flash Scale Beast.

Silver Sheath Insects like to devour electric arcs, which Qin Fengming has known for a long time. Every time they pass through a catastrophe, the Silver Sheath Insect uses this magical power to powerfully resist the huge purifying power in the catastrophe.

As for the Flash Scale Beast, the scales on its body are a kind of scale armor that contains majestic lightning energy.

It is obvious that the huge power grid at this moment still poses a huge threat to the Silver Sheath Insects. Tens of thousands of Silver Sheath Insects are trying their best to resist it at this moment.

His spiritual thoughts were sent out rapidly. What shocked Qin Fengming was that although the tens of thousands of silver sheath insects could still be contacted with his spiritual thoughts, none of the tens of thousands of silver sheath insects came out of the thick layer of silver light under his command. .

It was obvious that the silver light in the flash scale beast's spiritual consciousness had a blocking effect on the silver sheath insect.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Fengming hardly hesitated at all. He waved his hand rapidly, and suddenly the remaining more than 200,000 semi-adult Silver Sheath Insects appeared, covering the sky and heading towards the huge alien beast.

Although Qin Fengming was extremely cautious, he also had a decisive side. He released all the Silver Sheath Insects without any hesitation.

There are nearly 300,000 Silver Sheath Insects. Although in terms of size, they are still difficult to compare with the huge alien beasts.

Facing two to three hundred thousand white beetles, the huge alien beast let out an ear-splitting roar, and a ferocious and aggressive look was revealed in the giant beast's eyes.

Qin Fengming, who sacrificed the Silver Sheath Insects, no longer paid attention to the excited Silver Sheath Insects.

Instead, he quickly looked at the sword array in front of him with his eyes focused.

The mini flash scale beast formed by condensing energy suddenly entered the Four-Xiang Qingyan Sword Formation.

He immediately became violent. Silver arcs suddenly appeared, turning into silver bolts and slashing out, attacking the surrounding thick fog.

Qin Fengming fired the magic formula in his hand, and with the rapid movement of the Four Elephant Sword Formation, a series of attacks also appeared.

The contact between the two sides made Qin Fengming feel cold in his heart.

The arcs of electricity shot out from the mini-scaled beast were extremely powerful. The attacks launched by the Four Symbols Sword Formation were scattered when they came into contact with it. Under the sweep of the arc, it seemed that the energy of the sword blade was instantly absorbed by the arc.

Facing such a strange scene, Qin Fengming's brows furrowed.

This monster beast, judging from the energy pressure it appears, is just an early stage of divine connection.

But this kind of attack method of the monster really shocked Qin Fengming. Under the chopping of the huge sword, not only was the opponent's arc energy not weakened at all, but the energy seemed to be greatly enhanced.

In shock, Qin Fengming shot out the hill that he had been holding tightly in his hand.

As his hands kneaded together, a series of magic spells spewed out, and a buzzing sound resounded. A hundred-foot-tall mountain covered in gray-white mist appeared above its head.

The temple was fully activated, and the magic formula in Qin Fengming's hand was already played.

Four rays of sword light suddenly appeared, and in a flash, they disappeared directly between his eyebrows.

As the surrounding thick fog and howling wind stopped, the figure of the demonic beast with its whole body shimmering with silver light reappeared.

But before it could make any move, a mountain with a height of over a hundred feet suddenly suppressed the monster from top to bottom.

"Boom!~~" A huge roar suddenly resounded below the mountain as the tall mountain peak quickly descended.

In a flash of dazzling silver light, the tall mountain peak that was rapidly descending was suddenly shaken and suspended in mid-air.

At the bottom of the tall mountain peak, a group of silver light was surging vigorously.

The ferocious beast that had shown its might in the sword array had disappeared at this moment.

"Ouch!~~" A huge beast roar sounded, and the huge alien beast that was fighting with nearly 300,000 silver sheath insects in the distance suddenly became violent. No longer paying attention to the nearly 300,000 white beetles that were already wrapped in silver light, they swayed sharply and shot directly towards the tall mountain peaks.

It seemed that the silver light group struggling under the tall mountain peak was extremely important to him.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly moved.

With almost no hesitation, the soul-devouring ghost fire appeared in a flash, and a huge cyan dragon and dozens of huge fire crows transformed on the spot. With the roar of the dragon, they intercepted the huge alien beast that was approaching rapidly.

Qin Fengming did not stop. When the Soul-devouring Ghost Fire attacked and left, his hands began to make seals quickly. A seal flashed above his head. Under the condensation of majestic vitality, a beast roar resounded.

As the purple-red light flashed, five wild beasts showing majestic power were revealed.

As one of the monster beasts roared, five huge and wild alien species of different shapes shot out and also attacked the huge alien beast.

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