Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 3140 Physical display of power

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"Huh, so what if your cultivation level increases rapidly. The Ten Thousand Spirits Wave Chaser Formation at this time is no longer comparable to the previous one. You were able to escape that time, but no matter how powerful your means are this time, you will never be able to do so again."

A dull sound came from far away above the vast water surface, and it seemed extremely unstable.

His spiritual consciousness glanced at the six monks who had retreated thousands of feet away. Qin Fengming's expression was frozen, his lips were tightly closed, and he didn't say a word.

Facing the huge monster that had grown several times larger, he was extremely cautious.

Although the monster is tens of feet tall, it can be described as being invisible within the magic circle. Even if there is even a trace of negligence, it may fall into the mouth of a huge beast and no bones will be left.

"Go!" A curse was spat out, and the huge alien beast suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out a beast roar. The majestic sound wave surged like a huge wave, sweeping directly towards where Qin Fengming was standing.

Being in the sound wave, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that an extremely viscous aura enveloped his body.

With his eyebrows raised, he wanted to force himself to use his body skills to get rid of this imprisoning aura.

But his face was frozen and he did not move. With a thought in his mind, the red short blade beside him disappeared in a flash. The restraining aura in the air seemed to have little effect on the red short blade.

As the Flowing Fire Sword disappeared, the gigantic beast also swayed its huge body and disappeared without a trace. Only a huge shadow remained on the spot.

"Huh!" A huge thing like a pitch-black mountain suddenly appeared in front of Qin Fengming. A huge black hole appeared and bit into his body.

The speed was so fast that almost as soon as the huge black shadow suddenly appeared, the huge beast's mouth had already bitten Qin Fengming's body, which was standing still.

A stream of thick air was exhaled from the huge beast's mouth like a city gate. If the monk was suddenly sprayed by it at close range, he might not have the slightest resistance and would be fainted by the terrifying breath.

The sonic confinement of the alien beast will certainly not cause much damage to Qin Fengming, whose physical strength has greatly increased. With the mana surging in his body, Xuantian Weibu still performs it extremely sharply.

"Ouch!~~" A roar slightly smaller than the roar of the huge alien beast suddenly sounded from the side of the huge alien beast. A huge beast head about ten feet suddenly appeared wrapped in a majestic blue mist. Its sharp fangs were exposed and it bit hard at the scale-covered body of the alien beast.

With the reveal of the beast's head, a majestic power of soul confinement also swept towards the body of the huge alien beast like a small mountain peak.

Almost at the same time, a red short blade, wrapped in a ball of red fluorescence, suddenly emerged from the void, and in a flash, it headed towards a huge paw of the huge alien beast.

The Liuying Sword was re-refined by Qin Fengming. Its sharp power is also very effective against strange beasts. With a muffled sound, an animal leg that looked like a pillar in a tall palace separated from its body.

Under the bite of the huge beast head wrapped in green mist, on the body of the mountain-like alien beast, a piece of flesh and blood the size of a square table also disappeared without a trace.

Before the giant leg that separated from the body could be reintegrated with the body of the monster, Qin Fengming had already appeared in front of the giant leg. A ball of yellow light flashed out and immediately enveloped the huge beast's legs.

Qin Fengming actually planned to use the Xumi Cave to directly absorb the huge beast's legs.

But the real situation was not what Qin Fengming had imagined. Although the giant leg was separated from the giant beast, under a blue light, a strange aura powerfully guided the giant leg towards the huge body of the alien beast.

Even though he vigorously activated the Sumeru Cave, he could not get the beast's legs into it.

"Huh!" The huge body only moved slightly, and the huge beast was already biting Qin Fengming again.

Xuantian moved quickly with a slight step, and Qin Fengming once again narrowly avoided the giant beast's bite.

After two blows, Qin Fengming finally understood more about this almost immortal beast. Although this strange beast is bigger than last time, it seems to be faster than before.

But for him, whose cultivation has greatly improved, the threat has not increased.

As long as he was not prepared for the giant beast's claws to attack and lock on him, Qin Fengming was convinced that there would be no danger of falling when dealing with it in close quarters.

It's just that his huge soul confinement power has no negative impact on this behemoth.

When the figure flashed out, a secret technique of transforming treasure ghost refining was revealed again. At the same time, the Liuying Sword flashed and cut off the other giant leg of the giant beast.

As the blue light flashed, the two beast legs reconnected with the wounds very easily.

However, under the obstruction of the Liuying Sword, which is extremely sharp and has no fear of the defense of the alien beasts, it is difficult to carry out the powerful long-distance attacks of the huge alien beasts.

As the two sides fought, with a clear eye, Qin Fengming was at a disadvantage. Every bite from the huge beast could almost swallow him into his mouth. Just that little bit missing. All the demon cultivators had one thought in mind, that is, as long as the giant beast bites him again, the young man may fall into the mouth of the giant beast.

But the truth is not what it seems. Every time Qin Fengming dodges dangerously, he will use a secret technique to transform the treasure into a ghost to attack the belly of the huge alien beast.

After successive slashes, an extremely terrifying blood hole had formed in the belly of the huge alien beast. Although covered by a ball of blue light, the huge bloody wound was constantly being repaired. But with Qin Fengming only attacking one point at a time, the repair speed was far from comparable to the loss.

It is true that the huge behemoth is a condensation of energy, but its energy is also a thing blessed by a spell. As long as the spells that make up the behemoth continue to be consumed, it will eventually be exhausted.

He didn't believe that the six gathering monks could still sacrifice such a terrifying monster.

What Qin Fengming was thinking was certainly not a wild guess.

At the beginning, seeing Qin Fengming avoid being bitten by strange beasts every time, the six monks who controlled the magic circle felt very calm in their hearts, and there was a trace of amusement in their hearts.

But as time passed slowly, the six gathering monks finally discovered the clues.

Because the distance was extremely far and blocked by the majestic water mist of the magic circle, it was difficult for even the six people who controlled the magic circle to see the specific power of the attack that Qin Fengming repeatedly used.

The giant beast could use its two front paws to launch huge attacks, but under the opponent's sharp blade that ignored the monk's defense, it never launched a single attack from the beginning to the end.

"Ah, why is this strange beast so huge? Could it be that it was transformed into a magic circle?"

Just when Qin Fengming was tired of running for his life and trying his best to consume the magic energy contained in the huge alien beast, a sweet cry suddenly sounded from a distance.

A demonic snake figure emerged from under the turbulent lake surface, and its figure stagnated on the vast surface of the water. At the same time, a shocked sound came out of its mouth.

Sikong Yining finally got rid of the imprisoning force in the water and reappeared on the surface of the water.

Seeing the huge beast in front of her, the female cultivator felt terrified in her heart.

Based on her knowledge, she could not tell that the power displayed by this huge beast was the same as the powerful and terrifying power her father displayed when he was fighting with others.

At this time, Sikong Yining finally knew how powerful the young monk he had formed an alliance with was.

Being able to pass away peacefully from his father was definitely not an accident.

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