"Fellow Daoist Qin, how do you keep these evil-loving ants chasing after you? You must know that demon ants have a very strong sense of place and generally will not leave the place where they live."

The figures of the four people flickered, and before Qin Fengming could reach him, they had already emitted light and shot forward. While he was fleeing, Xu Qinglin did not forget to ask Qin Fengming.

Xu Qinglin's question was of course also a puzzle for the other three people.

This place is already hundreds of thousands of miles away from the place where the evil ants live. Being so far away must have crossed the sphere of influence of other demonic insects in the middle.

Based on everyone's understanding of evil ants, they also know that these monster ants have a certain range of activities and generally do not cross the boundary. Seeing such a situation in front of him, it was obvious that Qin Fengming had used something to make the demon ant extremely angry, and he did not hesitate to break his usual rules and pursue him so far.

"It's nothing. It's just that Qin destroyed a nest of the evil-hungry ants. That's why so many demon ants risked their lives to chase after him."

Qin Fengming did not hide anything and directly stated the reason.

Hearing what Qin Fengming said, although no one said anything, everyone could not help but be greatly moved by Qin Fengming.

Among the five people at this moment, in terms of realm and cultivation, Qin Fengming is undoubtedly the lowest.

Since the four of them escaped from the siege of the evil ants, it can be said that each of them has encountered some extremely dangerous dangers before arriving at the gathering place.

After the four people met, Qin Fengming was never seen, so they were all worried about his safety. It occurred to me that this young monk actually thought of such a wonderful method, using the power of the evil ants to fly such a long distance without any danger.

Everyone was impressed, but they didn't know how huge the danger Qin Fengming faced at that time.

If everyone really saw the dangerous situation he encountered, no one would admire him anymore.

With the speed of five people, they can naturally ensure that they will not be caught up by the evil ants behind them. Under the leadership of Luo Tai, everyone once again fled hundreds of thousands of miles away.

While escaping at high speed, they encountered a wave of thorn moths that ranked fifty-one on the list of spiritual insects. But as soon as the millions of demon moths saw the approaching swarm of evil-loving ants, they suddenly panicked and fled away with almost no obstruction.

Seeing such a scene, the four people from Luo Tai did not show anything strange on the surface, but they were all thinking in their hearts.

Looking at the young monks escaping beside them, the four of them had some unexplainable meanings flashing deep in their eyes.

This method can make everyone feel safe while flying, but if everyone sees the precious spiritual grass, they will never have time to pick it. This has to be said to be a small regret.

Fortunately, everyone does not attach great importance to spiritual herbs. Being able to encounter less danger is naturally what everyone wants.

But the good times didn't last long. After everyone fled quickly for more than half an hour, a scene that surprised everyone suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Not long after everyone flew into a vast grassland full of green grass, the swarm of ant-eating ants that had been chasing after them suddenly stopped.

The yellow-brown waves rolled, and after a surge, the entire ant colony quickly returned in the direction from which it came.

It seemed that the demon ants had given up chasing the five people in front of them.

Facing the retreat of the evil-loving ants, the five people's expressions were all stunned, and their spiritual consciousness was quickly released, and they began to scan the place around them. Based on everyone's knowledge, although they are not sure why the demon ants escaped so far, they suddenly retreated at this time. But there is one situation where monster ants will do this, that is, there may be a being here that makes even evil-loving ants fear.

With everyone's careful thinking, they naturally thought of this possibility immediately.

Although it was dark and late at night, there was no silver moon hanging in the sky. However, under the detection of everyone's powerful spiritual consciousness, the scene around him was revealed to everyone very easily.

Within a thousand miles, except for the grassy and vast areas of water and swamps, there was nothing out of the ordinary. It's just a monster,

Never seen it.

It is obvious that this place is a grassland and swampland.

"Prairie swamp!" As soon as the name appeared in Qin Fengming's mind, something suddenly came to his mind. His originally solemn expression turned gloomy in an instant.

"Could it be that there are leeches in this place?"

"Leech, the monster insect that can make the evil-hungry ants so fearful. Apart from leeches, it is hard to think of other existences." Just as the words came out of Qin Fengming's mouth, Luo Tai's words also resounded on the spot.

Following the words of Qin Fengming and Luo Tai, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the five people present.

Leech is an extremely terrifying and powerful monster insect.

Its body shape is extremely strange, with a beast's head and a snake's body with four wings on its back. Although its body is only the size of a palm and has no legs, its body is extremely powerful, and the teeth in its mouth are extremely sharp and can cut gold, break jade, and bite magic weapons.

Moreover, although the leech's body is as soft as a snake, it is extremely tough. Even a larval leech can easily resist the slashing of the magic weapon.

Leeches are extremely fast and like to eat all kinds of monster insects and beasts.

The most terrifying thing is that the leech is not afraid of the five elements of aura, and can break through the monk's body-protecting aura and stick directly to the monk's body.

On its soft body, there are many slender sharp needles that can easily penetrate the monster's skin. Even if it is an extremely tough and powerful monster, once it is touched by a leech, it will be extremely difficult to shake it off.

The leech's means of defeating enemies is its powerful blood-sucking power.

As long as a leech lands on its body, even a beast as strong as an ox will be sucked out of its body and no trace of blood will remain in its body.

Such a terrifying monster insect ranks as high as nineteen on the spiritual insect list.

Although Leech has such terrifying power, it loves fertile land with water and grass, and grasslands and swamps are its most suitable habitat.

Although the calamity-loving ants are not weak in strength and are numerous in number, facing the leeches, the difference between the two is really huge based on their level ranking. Such level disparity cannot be made up by quantity.

It can be said that the five people who are here at this time, except Qin Fengming, all have connections with Fangshi. Therefore, his knowledge is definitely much more knowledgeable than other ordinary gathering monks.

After hearing Qin Fengming's words, the three of them immediately raised their vigilance to the extreme.

There was no strange energy fluctuation on the vast dark grassland.

Just when everyone felt a little relieved, thinking that they had not encountered the terrifying leech demon insect, suddenly within a radius of dozens of miles around everyone, densely packed monsters suddenly appeared from the thick grass. Tiny blue light spots.

"No, we really have fallen into a swarm of leech monsters." Luo Tai's horrified words suddenly resounded on the spot as he suddenly saw dots of blue light appearing around him.

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