Of course, it was impossible to spend all of the two years refining the Burning Sun Hunyuan Pearl. For nearly half of the time, Qin Fengming used it to consolidate the Xuanfeng Aotian Jue Escape Technique Talisman Spell.

Although he learned this escape technique after four years in Yunmeng Mountain, Qin Fengming did not start practicing it.

He just integrated the runes and spells contained in the entire escape technique. If he wanted to succeed in cultivation, it would take only a few years. Qin Fengming believed that it was absolutely impossible to accomplish it.

At this time, he did not start practicing, but used several months to become familiar with it again.

Qin Fengming's biggest gain during this retreat was that in addition to the seven Burning Sun Hunyuan Pearls, he also hatched nearly 300,000 silver sheath insect eggs that were laid out after mating again.

Back when they were in the Yin family, tens of thousands of Silver Sheath Insects killed and devoured each other before mating.

However, the more than a thousand female worms did not lay eggs immediately after mating. It was not until Qin Fengming entered Yunmeng Mountain that she produced nearly 300,000 milky white worm eggs.

After four or five years of maturing on its own, it was not until recently that it was finally the right time for incubation.

If other monks had hatched nearly three hundred thousand Silver Sheath Insect eggs, it would have been a task that would have been difficult for them to complete in their entire lifetime just by requiring a large amount of spiritual grass.

Hatching silver sheath insect eggs requires tremendous energy. In order to provide this kind of energy, except for the majestic energy contained in the juice of cherished spiritual grass, other forms of energy are impossible to complete.

The amount of precious spiritual grass required to hatch nearly three hundred thousand silver sheath insect eggs is absolutely an astronomical figure. Because hatching several insect eggs requires thousands of years of spiritual grass to be successful.

But this matter seemed too easy for Qin Fengming who had a mysterious gourd.

He only needs to slightly dilute the spiritual liquid in the mysterious gourd, and then soak the insect eggs in it, which is enough for the insect eggs to absorb enough energy and eventually hatch.

Even though there was a mysterious gourd, it took Qin Fengming four months to hatch 300,000 insect eggs.

Qin Fengming clearly felt that this hatching was much more difficult than the last hatching. The energy required for insect eggs is several times more than last time.

The last time he hatched nearly 100,000 insect eggs, Qin Fengming only spent more than ten days to succeed.

In this hatching, each insect egg had to be soaked by him three times before it could absorb enough energy.

Although it took several times the effort, Qin Fengming was not impatient at all, but was full of expectations.

At this moment, although nearly 300,000 silver sheath worms have hatched successfully, the silver sheath worms are still extremely fragile. To be completely consolidated, Qin Fengming still needs to spend several years constantly feeding them mysterious spiritual liquid.

Even so, Qin Fengming was already very excited at this time.

Because the silver sheath insect that had hatched at this time was already twice as large as the previous one in terms of individual size. The previous silver sheath insect was the size of an adult's fist. At this moment, the body of the Silver Sheath Insect that hatched has the size of a child's head.

Such changes in the silver sheath insect are enough to show that it has reached the state of semi-adult insect.

As he escaped from the light, Qin Fengming flew out of the temporary cave where he had stayed for two years. What he did this time was to make an appointment with the Grand Ancestor of Tenglong Pavilion.

Although the Chongzhi Mountains are listed as one of the most dangerous places on the Ice Island, few monks have entered it since ancient times.

But Qin Fengming no longer looked so scary at this time.

Regardless of the soul-eating ghost fire, which is a trump card for restraining monster insects, the seven blazing sun Hunyuan Pearls he carries are enough to deal with the attacks of several waves of powerful monster insects.

Of course, if the silver sheath insect can completely consolidate its realm, then any demon insect will never be in Qin Fengming's eyes again.

Although the Chongzhi Mountains are said to have thousands of species of demonic insects, the level of the demonic insects is not very high.

The reason why it is terrifying is that the number of demonic insects is really difficult to estimate. If there are hundreds of thousands of them, even a monster insect that is only equivalent to the level of a foundation-building monk is enough to threaten the life of an aggregation monk.

It is precisely because of this that

Only then did everyone in Tenglong Pavilion have to refine the Ten Thousand Sword Tower to deal with the tens of thousands of various monster insects.

A month later, Qin Fengming was only a few days away from the headquarters of Tenglong Pavilion.

In these few days' journey, there is no longer any teleportation array.

The places we pass along the way are all desolate mountainous areas. If Qin Fengming hadn't been here once before, he would never have thought that Tenglong Pavilion, the largest merchant alliance on Icefield Island, would set its helm in such a remote and desolate place.

"Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, a huge roar came from a distance into the ears of Qin Fengming, who was escaping rapidly.

Hearing the roaring sound, Qin Fengming's figure quickly stagnated, and his spiritual consciousness was quickly released.

Instantly, a look of surprise appeared on his young face.

Two to three hundred miles away from where he was standing, three monks were fighting together. What surprised Qin Fengming was that the energy auras of these three monks seemed familiar to him.

The three monks in the distance showed powerful energy fluctuations that could only be seen by aggregation monks.

Under the exploration of Qin Fengming's powerful spiritual sense, he can easily determine that these three monks are one man and two women. There are quite a few Fusion monks he knows, but there are really not many female Fusion cultivators.

With a little thought in his heart, Qin Fengming's face suddenly changed slightly. The body turned around and quickly shot towards the distant place of battle.

Two or three hundred miles away, we can arrive in an instant.

Seeing the three monks fighting each other in front of him, Qin Fengming couldn't help but smile.

The three people in front of him were indeed people he had met before. That male cultivator was none other than Mr. Xi who he had met in the Icefield Sea. One of the two female nuns was Fairy Ji Ying, who had a very good relationship with Mr. Xi.

Another female cultivator stood on the spot, fighting one against two, without showing any sign of defeat.

This female cultivator, judging from her face, is no more than thirty years old, with long hair blowing lightly in the wind, light eyebrows and beautiful eyes, a straight nose and fragrant cheeks, skin as good as snow, and an extremely graceful figure. Standing on the spot, she was even more beautiful than the gorgeous Fairy Ji Ying.

Qin Fengming had never seen the face of this female cultivator who had gathered at the pinnacle, but from the aura she revealed, he instantly understood that this female cultivator was exactly the one she had when she was in Baihefang City. The female cultivator who covered her face after taking the Thousand Miles Random Talisman and destroying it casually.

Although it was just a glimpse at the beginning, the aura of this female cultivator was still noticed by Qin Fengming and others.

At this moment, Qin Fengming recognized this female cultivator at first sight.

"The three fellow Taoists are really elegant, but why are they fighting here?" The energy fluctuated, and Qin Fengming's figure was revealed thousands of feet away from everyone.

Although he knew Xi Xian and Fairy Ji Ying, they were definitely not life-and-death friends, so naturally he didn't have much intention to help them.

As for the female cultivator, he had no interest at all. After this encounter, Qin Fengming naturally did not want to provoke him without any reason.

But since we encountered it, it was naturally not outside the scope to show up and investigate.

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