"Fifth Senior Brother, please come to Senior Brother Qin Fengming to pay tribute." Upon seeing the token, Qin Fengming no longer had any doubts. So he immediately returned the token and greeted him with clasped fists.

"My junior brother's Qinggong is very impressive. When I heard that my junior brother has mastered one of the three secret skills of Luoxia Valley, I didn't believe it. But now that I saw it, it was true. This is not the place to talk. I We’ll tell you more when we get outside the city.”

Putting away the token, the fifth senior brother smiled slightly and without waiting for Qin Fengming to say anything else, he turned around and ran towards a wall of Haobai City.

The two of them climbed over an unguarded city wall one after another and came to a dense forest outside the city before stopping.

"Hahaha, my junior brother is really extraordinary. I think back when I was the same age as my junior brother, I had just entered the elite hall. But my junior brother is already able to go out and perform tasks. It really makes my senior brother ashamed."

"Senior brother was so ridiculous that Feng Ming was very frightened. Now that senior brother has appeared, I think he must have known the ins and outs of what just happened."

Qin Fengming did not dare to accept the praise from the senior brother in front of him. Anyone who can enter the Dark Night Hall is not an amazingly talented person.

Seeing that Qin Fengming was still so clear-headed at such an age, the fifth senior brother was greatly impressed.

"Haha, I'll tell you the truth, junior brother. When we were at the helm, I had already discovered that junior brother. At such a young age, he already possesses top light skills. No need to think about it, senior brother also knew that junior brother had arrived. As for the matter of the two traitors, I I already know it.”

Hearing what his senior brother said, Qin Fengming was suddenly shocked. He thought that he was careful when splitting the helm and no one noticed him, but he never expected that his every move would fall completely into the eyes of his senior brother.

"Haha, junior brother, don't be surprised. The reason why I discovered junior brother is because he happened to be hiding on the second floor at that time. If junior brother didn't enter the second floor, even senior brother would have no way of knowing that junior brother has arrived."

Seeing Qin Fengming's expression, the fifth senior brother knew what he was thinking, so he explained.

Hearing what his senior brother said, the expression on Qin Fengming's face did not fade at all. The senior brother was on the second floor at the beginning, but he didn't realize it. It would be extremely difficult for him to survive a sneak attack by such an enemy. Hard to say things.

You need to be more careful when you act in the future. I was thinking this in my heart, but I said in my mouth:

"Ah, senior brother, when the hall master said that when he came to Haobaicheng, Feng Ming would follow his instructions, but I wonder if senior brother has any perfect plan for this matter?"

"Senior brother has already made up his mind about this matter. Since these two traitors have appeared in Haobaicheng, of course we must make good use of them. This note says that I from Luoxia Valley have sent people here to snatch the jade box, so we will Just follow the plan and push the matter onto Guitian Shan in Luyu City. The two families already have a deep feud."

With shaking hands, the carrier pigeon appeared in the hands of the fifth senior brother. He opened the note in the small bamboo tube tied to the pigeon's leg and the fifth senior brother said in a deep voice.

After thinking about it for a moment, Qin Fengming had already understood clearly in his heart that Haobaicheng was adjacent to Tiancang Mountain. Since everyone in the branch did not want to be an enemy of Tiancang Mountain openly, then according to the words of his senior brother, it was perfect.

"I don't know how senior brother will act. Feng Ming will definitely act on his words when the time comes."

"Well, I have left a letter to the sub-ruler Zhuang Qingshan. Tomorrow night, I asked him to organize masked men to attack Tiancang Mountain. You and I will go directly to meet the man who is called Wang's Double Eagle. Now I will Feishu sent a letter to Tiancang Mountain, informing him that Tiangui Mountain would be attacked in the near future.


At this time, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel greatly moved when he heard that his senior brother had already completed the arrangements. The people in An Ye Hall are not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also extremely resourceful and resourceful.

The two negotiated with each other for a while, then separated and returned to their residences to wait for their respective trips to Tiancang Mountain tomorrow.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast and carrying enough dry food, Qin Fengming pretended to be a traveling gentleman and rode out of Haobaicheng alone, heading towards Tiancang Mountain, which was sixty miles away.

Tiancang Mountain, towering into the clouds, is a dangerous mountain that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is said that the government sent troops to attack several times, but all failed, and many soldiers were lost in vain.

Qin Fengming had already negotiated with the fifth senior brother last night. They would meet at the top of the main peak of Tiancang Mountain when they were young, and then let him take the camera. Of course, Qin Fengming would not object to this. This is his first time going out on a mission, mainly for experience.

After resting for a day in a hidden mountain col, the sky gradually became dark.

After eating dry food, Qin Fengming was fully dressed for the night, and there was no stretch on his body. Then he tied the horse to a stable place, and with a flicker of his body, he disappeared into the vast night.

Before midnight, Qin Fengming had already escaped from the heavy guards of Tiancang Mountain, and entered the hinterland of Tiancang Mountain, hiding in the darkness, and quietly came to the main peak.

In Tiancang Mountain, everything was dark at this time. Only the horse bandits patrolling the mountain and standing guard were walking back and forth. The entire village had become silent.

"Ah, there are enemies coming up the mountain, everyone, get up quickly."

"Report to the master quickly."

Suddenly, a shrill roar sounded, immediately breaking the tranquility of the village. Suddenly, people were noisy and horns were blasting.

Following the noise, a figure quickly ran towards the top of the mountain. As he ran, he shouted: "Master, the master is in trouble, there are enemies attacking the mountain."

Qin Fengming, who was hiding in the dark, stood on a very tall tree in the sky, but he could see the scene in front of him very clearly.

As the noise of the cottage rang out, several courtyards in the back mountain lit up their lights one after another, and as silhouettes of people flashed, they rushed towards one of the courtyards. At the same time, a majestic voice also sounded: "Wang Meng, don't panic. Report what happened quickly."

The figure who came from the bottom of the mountain ran quickly and entered the courtyard without stopping at all.

"Outside the mountain stronghold, there are many people wearing black veils who are attacking the mountain gate. The outermost checkpoint has been breached by their sneak attacks. They are currently attacking my first stone gate."

"What, someone dares to attack my mountain gate, brother, is he from Tiangui Mountain?"

"Hmph, no matter who dares to attack my mountain gate, he must be punished. Let's go together and see who the rat is here to die."

Seeing two people with somewhat similar looks hidden in the light of torches, Qin Fengming immediately understood that these two people must be the Wang family's twin eagles.

"Brother, wait a minute. Since the other party is coming for the jade box, it would be better for me to stay here. I will lead a few brothers there. With our strong mountain gate, are we still afraid that they can attack the mountain?"

"Well, what my second brother said is true. If a Tathagata is powerful in martial arts, he will fire his trumpet. When the time comes, with the cooperation of you and me, we will make it difficult for him to gain favor."

In just a few words, the two leaders of Tiancang Mountain had already divided their responsibilities, and then a figure flashed, and only five or six people were seen running down the mountain.

Suddenly, in the noisy courtyard just now, only the man named Big Brother was left standing alone, looking solemnly at the mountain peaks in the distance.

At this moment, a figure flashed, and a person suddenly appeared in front of the man called the eldest brother. This man was dressed in black, standing in the dark night, and his appearance was extremely strange, as if he had emerged from the ground.

"Ah, who are you? How dare you break into the hinterland of Tiancang Mountain." When the figure flashed in front of him, the elder brother was suddenly shocked. He never expected that the enemy would appear in front of him so quickly. There are many restrictions on Tiancang Mountain, but they are not even noticed at all.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You must be Wang Qi, the boss of Wang's Double Eagles. I am here to take your head." The man in black did not move at all and said in a cold tone.

"Hahaha, I have lived for nearly fifty years. Those who want to take my life are now in hell. What methods do you have to dare to speak so shamelessly?" Wang Qi heard the other party's voice and knew that the other party was not old. He actually said this, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Qin Fengming hid in the dark and listened to the two men's questions and answers. He knew that the man in black was undoubtedly the fifth senior brother.

The two of them did not speculate on each other's words, they naturally deployed their weapons and fought together mercilessly.

The two of them were both strong in martial arts. As soon as they came into contact, they each displayed their unique skills. With the sound of weapons whirring, they began to attack the other side, hoping to kill the other side instantly.

The battle between the masters had a huge impact. In a few flashes, the two of them jumped from that courtyard to dozens of feet away.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming did not dare to delay. He had agreed with his senior brother that he would be responsible for leading Wang Qi away from his residence, while Qin Fengming would be responsible for searching for the jade box.

With a flash of figure, Qin Fengming appeared in Wang Qi's room. Wang Qi has been practicing boy skills since he was a child. He is still unmarried. For decades, he has been living alone with no one in his room.

The room is very spacious, with a bed placed against the wall, an Eight Immortals table in the middle of the room, and a cabinet as high as one person at the head of the bed. Qin Fengming's eyes lit up and he came to the cabinet in a flash. Open the cupboard and search carefully. Although there was a lot of gold and silver inside, there was no trace of the white jade box.

Qin Fengming became a little anxious after searching the entire room, but there was no trace of the jade box.

While he was walking around the room, he inadvertently pressed his hand on the armrest at the head of the bed. He heard a creaking sound, and a wooden board at the head of the bed suddenly tilted up, revealing an exquisite jade box inside. When he took a closer look, he saw that this was exactly what he wanted. It is the same as the jade box on the drawing.

Overjoyed, he hurriedly picked up the jade box, put it in his pocket, turned around and ran out of the room.

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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