? The huge monster is truly terrifying. A late-stage monk with powerful secret skills is almost as ordinary as a mortal in front of it, and has no ability to fight back.

It is extremely difficult to resist such a monster, even if a spiritual cultivator fights it. If there is no special means against the ice lion beast, it is difficult to pose any threat to such a huge monster with just some secret magic weapons.

A strange beast roar spewed out from the mouth of the huge monster beast. A huge sound wave swept across and spread rapidly in the icy sea water. A huge wave surged up from in front of the huge monster beast and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The roar of the beast was full of joy, as if the monk's body was a feast for the ice lion beast.

After chewing and swallowing with a huge mouth, Xi Xian's body was swallowed whole by the giant ice lion beast.

The undercurrent of sea water swept by sound waves spread rapidly, and a figure suddenly appeared six to seventy feet to the left of the giant ice lion beast. The figure shot out, shooting towards the top of the sea water.

This figure is none other than the pale-faced Mr. Xi.

At this time, Xi Xian's body was covered in blood, and one of his left arms had disappeared. At this time, the handsome face became extremely ferocious, with ferocious muscles on his face, and a determined and ferocious look in his eyes, m.¤.c⊥om was revealed, and he seemed to be a different person from before.

Xi Xian is not an ordinary person who gathers together. He has fought no less in his life than Qin Fengming, and he has also experienced many dangers. Facing the most powerful ice lion beast in the ice sea, he knew that this was definitely a life and death crisis.

But facing Cui Tianxiao in the iceberg, he had to rescue him.

Therefore, after rapid hesitation, he chose to rescue Cui Tianxiao. But even after a short delay, the huge ice lion beast arrived.

He knew clearly that in front of the powerful Ice Lion Beast, his attacks were like nothing, but he had to bite the bullet and attack in the hope of blocking the Ice Lion Beast for even a moment.

But he still underestimated the power of the ice lion beast. His secret skills were ineffective in front of the powerful ice lion beast.

What frightened Xi Xian even more was that the ice lion beast just opened its huge mouth, and an extremely terrifying suction force trapped his body in the sea water. No matter how much magic was activated in his body, it was difficult to escape.

Faced with the fear of life and death, Xi's spiritual platform was extremely clear.

A secret technique that had been prepared for a long time was activated by him.

Wrapped in a ball of blue light, one of his left arms was broken and instantly transformed into his body. As for Qi's true body, with the help of the power of the magic spell pattern, he was teleported more than ten feet away.

Under the scroll of the power of the runes, Xi Xian, who used one arm to survive the disaster, fled quickly.

If the ice lion beast hadn't been in a happy mood and suddenly roared, Xi Xian would definitely have a chance to escape.

But under the majestic wave containing powerful sound waves, Xi Xian's body was forced out.

The extremely agile Ice Lion immediately saw Xi Xian running away without any hesitation. With just a slight swing of its huge body, a line of water appeared behind the giant sea beast. He rushed after Xi Xian.

The speed is so fast that it is obviously two points faster than Xi Xian.

Facing the huge monster approaching again, Xi Xian's expression was indescribable as he was escaping.

He knew in his heart that with his speed at this time, there was absolutely no way he could get out of the sea before the ice lion beast pursued him. There would be no doubt that he would be bitten by an ice lion beast again.

Without any hesitation with his right hand, three magic weapons appeared behind him. In a flash, they turned into sharp blades twenty to thirty feet in length, slashing and intercepting the ice lion beast that was approaching rapidly.

The huge ice lion beast did not dodge in the face of the three giant ** treasures that were slashed at it. A beast roar suddenly spewed out from its mouth. The huge sound wave carried huge energy and swept forward in the sea water. In an instant, three huge magic weapons were involved.

Xi Xian, who was activating the magic weapon with all his strength, felt that as soon as the three magic weapons behind him flew away, they were imprisoned by a majestic force and almost lost contact with them.

"Explode!" Xi Xian was not an ordinary person. He suddenly sensed the situation and without any hesitation, he rushed out with his spiritual thoughts and blurted out the curse.

The three magic weapons that had just been swept by the sound wave suddenly flashed with light, and roared at the same time in no particular order. The huge explosion energy swept across, and the sonic attack of the huge sea beast was immediately blocked.

Xi Xian, who flew upwards rapidly, was swept by the explosion, and his figure suddenly increased by two points.

But just when Xi Xian felt that there was hope for escape, he suddenly saw the huge body passing through the power of the three magic weapons exploding at the same time, and was not blocked by the huge explosion energy at all.

The huge ice lion beast in the consciousness showed no damage at all. The huge magic weapon exploded without harming its body at all.

Seeing Xi Xian here, his heart suddenly became cold.

Facing the giant ice lion beast, he was really at the end of his rope at this time and had no means to resist.

"Fellow Taoist Xi, Qin will help you." Just when Xi felt a chill in his heart and was at his wits' end, a rapid voice transmission suddenly reached his ears.

As the words rang out, a huge mountain peak appeared above his head, covering him completely.

Xi had already seen the temple before, and was able to break Cui Tianxiao's secret ice technique extremely easily.

Although he had only seen it briefly, Xi already understood that the temple seemed to have extraordinary power, but it did not have many attack methods. It only used gravity to attack. With his own ability, it is not difficult to avoid the pressure of the huge mountain.

Facing the sudden cover of the huge mountain, Xi first wanted to have no scruples in his heart. That is absolutely untrue.

But at this time, Xi Xian only narrowed his eyes and headed directly towards the huge mountain peak.

He had always been decisive, and in the face of this crisis, trusting the young monk he had just met was his only chance to survive. Even if the other party has no good intentions, the worst he can do is die, which is not much different from falling into the mouth of a monster.

Qin Fengming, who drove quickly to the temple, admired Xi Xian's decisiveness.

This also proves from the side that this monk named Xi Xian is not a treacherous person with ulterior motives.

The two sides approached quickly, and a huge force suddenly swept out from the temple, sweeping up Xi Xian who was approaching quickly, and in a flash, he reached Qin Fengming's side.

"Fellow Taoist, stay in Qin's body-protecting aura for now, and wait until Qin goes to meet the ice lion beast."

Before Qin Fengming finished his urgent words, the huge temple approached the huge sea beast.

"Bang!~~" Several huge crashes suddenly sounded from the bottom of the huge mountain.

What shocked Qin Fengming was that with several bangs, the tall mountain peak fell rapidly and suddenly stagnated in the sea water.

At the same time, a huge and irresistible force hit the huge temple and caused it to tremble. A bad premonition suddenly enveloped Qin Fengming's heart.

"No, this monster is definitely not something we can resist."

Facing this scene, Qin Fengming's exclamation also echoed loudly at the same time.

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