Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 303: Formation Destruction and Creation Pill Late Stage

Du Yuqi knew that this time was very unlucky, and his face suddenly showed a lunar color. When he was using his natal magic weapon with all his strength to resist many attacks, he turned his hand and a black object appeared in his hand.

This object is small and exquisite, like a delicate wine cup, with purple runes flashing on its surface, and tiny purple silk-like arcs looming on its surface, making it look precious and precious.

Du Yuqi also found this object from an ancient monk's cave. How powerful it was, he had never used it in a fight.

But when he got it, he did a little experiment. To activate this thing, he needed to consume one-tenth of the mana in his body. At the same time, as long as it was destroyed, the thing would emit streaks of colored light. The power of this colored light Surprisingly, he once sacrificed an ordinary magic weapon.

When the colorful light encountered the magic weapon, it immediately dissolved the elixir-refractory magic weapon into juice, and was rolled back into the belly of the wine cup treasure.

With this power, Du Yuqi was shocked at that time. With this treasure, even if he encounters the Infant Transformation cultivator, he can rely on this treasure to fight against the opponent.

He originally wanted to rely on this treasure to kill everyone in the ancient battlefield, but he never thought that before he could fully refine it, he would be in such a critical situation. Whether he could escape to heaven with this treasure, he had no idea.

Regardless of his thoughts, he waved his hand and held up the treasure in the wine cup. He made a seal with his right hand and pointed at the treasure with his fingers. Suddenly, he felt that the magic power in his body was like water bursting from a dam, pouring towards the treasure. It was as if the treasure was a bottomless hole with a huge suction force.

In just a moment, the little remaining mana in his body was basically sucked away by him. Even if you want to interrupt, you can't.

Just when he was extremely frightened, the huge suction force suddenly disappeared. At this time, Du Yuqi immediately collapsed on the ground.

At this time, the sound of huge explosions could be heard in the magic circle, and their respective attacks hit the huge shield, making a banging sound. Under the arc and various attacks, the shield was immediately crumbling and overwhelmed.

Just when the shield was about to collapse, suddenly, the shield shook and disappeared. At the same time, a huge wine cup shining with purple light appeared on the spot. From the wine cup, there were actually a large number of colorful light bands constantly spitting out.

I saw that within the magic circle, a large number of attacks disappeared into thin air as soon as they came into contact with the colorful light belt. Even the powerful electric arc is not immune. It was as if the ice bead encountered soaring flames and instantly turned into nothingness.

Seeing such a powerful magic weapon appearing in front of him, Qin Fengming was stunned for a long time. Could it be that the Yin-Yang Bagua array that he thought he relied on the most was destroyed by the wine cup magic weapon in front of him?

Du Yuqi, who was enduring that his body's magic power was about to be depleted, was immediately overjoyed when he saw his magic weapon performing a feat. He quickly pressed the huge wine cup, and saw dozens of colorful lights flying out of the wine cup and heading straight for the dense dark clouds high in the sky.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming did not dare to let the infinitely powerful colored light succeed. He flicked the formation disk with his finger. In an instant, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and a large number of lightning flashed in the dark clouds, shooting at the dozens of colored lights one after another. go.

Immediately, the lightning submerged into the colored light and disappeared. Although it failed to eliminate the colored light, it also prevented the colored light from taking a step forward. After the colorful light swallowed dozens of lightning bolts, it finally slowly became smaller and disappeared.

Seeing that his magic weapon failed to break through the magic circle in front of him, Du Yuqi couldn't help but turn pale. At this time, there was not much magic power left in his body.

He knew very well that although it was continuously absorbing the energy of the spiritual stone, it was not enough to make up for the mana consumed in driving this magic weapon. If he delays for a moment longer, even if he can break the magic circle in front of him, he will not be able to escape.

In desperation, Du Yuqi gritted his teeth and used the magic power in his body to spurt out hundreds of rays of light from the wine cup, heading straight towards the dark clouds high in the sky. He knew that as long as he dispersed the dark clouds and destroyed the restricting wall, he would have hope of escaping.

Qin Fengming was shocked when he saw the opponent suddenly shooting out so many colorful light ribbons. He knew the power of those colorful light ribbons. He had just resisted those dozens of light ribbons and had already pushed the formation to its limit. Faced with so many attacks , it is really difficult for me to intercept it.

Qin Fengming thought in his mind, this magic circle must not be destroyed. Just when he made up his mind, he wanted to stop the formation and let the opponent go.

Du Yuqi, who was standing in the center of the formation, suddenly swayed and fell to the ground. And kept twitching. At the same time, the hundreds of colorful lights also stopped moving forward, and in a flash, they returned to the huge wine cup.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming still didn't understand that the other party had exhausted his magic power and could not suppress the pain, which was why he was in this situation.

With a flicker of his body, he immediately disappeared from the spot and appeared next to Du Yuqi in a flash. With a move of his fingers, several spells entered Du Yuqi's body. Du Yuqi, who had passed out, was imprisoned entirely.

Only then did Qin Fengming let out a sigh of relief. If the opponent had even a little more mana, he might have removed the magic circle, and the opponent might escape. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the opponent's power was exhausted and he was finally captured by himself.

Looking at Du Yuqi who had landed on the ground, his heart was filled with waves. This person was a terrifying person in the late stage of becoming an elixir. He never thought that no one would believe him if he, a monk in the foundation building stage, captured him.

Turning his head and looking at the huge wine cup floating beside him, Qin Fengming was very excited. He had seen the power of this magic weapon with his own eyes. The colorful light strips inside were so powerful that he could not imagine such a huge power. A murder weapon is definitely what a monk dreams of.

After a magic spell was fired, the huge wine cup instantly became smaller and was captured in Qin Fengming's hand.

Hold it in front of you and look carefully

Look, this wine cup is all purple, with many runes on it, and small arcs of electricity flashing on it. Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is an ancient monk's magic weapon.

Not caring to study it carefully, he put it away with a wave of his hand. At this time, he looked at Du Yuqi on the ground again.

At this time, Du Yuqi no longer had the calm look on his face just now. There was blood flowing out from all over his body. He was seriously injured when Zhang Fang blew himself up just now.

Qin Fengming was thinking a lot. If he relied on the Yin Yang Bagua array to help him when the opponent was completely victorious, he would never be able to do anything to the opponent. He might even be captured by the opponent in the end. This was also very possible. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It seems that my luck is really good during this trip to the Alchemy Monk Area. Previously I was a monk in the middle stage of Alchemy, and now I am a monk in the late stage. If it weren't for luck, he might be the one who died.

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