Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2793 Exchange Conference

readx(); After inspecting the jade slips obtained this time one by one, Qin Fengming felt a little happy.

The scrolls collected in the Qijuan Hall this time were obviously more detailed and complex in content than those collected in the three shops last time. There is also a lot more introduction to Tianhong Realm.

Although Qin Fengming chose to leave behind more than four hundred scrolls, as long as he reads them one by one, he can definitely reach the level of a monk's understanding of the spiritual world.

In the next two days, Qin Fengming did not go to the auction hall to watch the auction of his magic weapons.

After the first day of auction, he already had a good idea of ​​the price of magic weapons in the spiritual world. If he really sees the treasured magic weapon at the later exchange meeting, he also knows how to bid for it.

It is said to be an exchange meeting, but some of the treasures inside will still be exchanged for spiritual stones.

This aspect should be no different from those exchange conferences in the human world.

The only thing that makes Qin Fengming a little unsure is whether the treasures he is carrying, which are considered to be the most elite in the human world, can penetrate the eyes of the monks on the ice field island.

On the third day, the old man surnamed Dong from the auction house came to Qin Fengming's cave again, handed two storage rings to Qin Fengming, and then left.

〖dǐng〖diǎn〖小〖 said, .∧.o√ Looking at the more than 50 million middle-grade spiritual stones in the storage ring, Qin Fengming was really shocked.

On the first day of the auction of ten magic weapons, more than 20 million medium-grade spiritual stones were obtained, which shocked Qin Fengming. Unexpectedly, in the next two days, an unprecedented amount of more than 57 million was obtained. .

If it were not for the spirit world, Qin Fengming would have exchanged magic weapons for these spiritual stones. Without hundreds of magic weapons of the same level, it would have been impossible to do so.

With the sound of bells, the Baihefang City Exchange Conference, which takes place once every fifty years, finally kicked off.

In the main venue of the exchange meeting, only monks above the Huaying realm are allowed to enter. Chengdan monks can only wander around the market and participate in small auctions.

Hearing the sound of the bell, Qin Fengming jumped up and quickly left his cave.

This was the first exchange meeting of huge scale that he entered the spiritual world and participated in. As long as he can participate in this time, he can learn a lot about the spiritual world. Of course, such an opportunity cannot be missed.

exchange meeting,

It was not in Baihefang City, but the venue was in a huge hollowed-out mountain peak. Entering and exiting that cave requires a special teleportation array.

Just by looking at such methods, you can know the wealth of the spiritual world.

Although there are teleportation arrays in the human world, they will never waste resources in such a large number and use this method to enter and exit an auction house.

Along with many infant transformation monks, Qin Fengming also entered a tall hall.

The light flickered and appeared directly in a cave through the teleportation array.

"Senior, please stay. I wonder if your surname is Qin?" As soon as he stepped out of a passage and entered a tall cave with an area of ​​more than a hundred feet, there was immediately a foundation builder wearing the uniform uniform of Baihefang City. The monk came to Qin Fengming, saluted respectfully, and spoke politely.

"That's right. I wonder what's wrong with Youke?"

Although Qin Fengming was a little puzzled as to why the foundation-building monk in front of him could recognize him, he didn't think much about it.

"Senior Qin, the two seniors of Tenglong Pavilion have given up a separate cave room specially prepared for senior Gathering, and ordered it to be transferred to the senior for use. Senior, please follow the junior."

Hearing the words of the foundation-building cultivator, Qin Fengming suddenly understood. It seemed that Dou Yun and Ling Feng, the two gathering monks, were really interested in him.

The people from Baihefang City who were hosting the trade fair were greatly puzzled by the two gathering monks' efforts to win over a person in the late stage of infant transformation.

Of course, this was also the monk who presided over the exchange meeting. He had not met the three great monks in the auction house, otherwise he would have known who Qin Fengming was.

The single-room cave is on the stone walls surrounding the tall cave. There was no obstruction in front of him, just a layer of forbidden fluorescence flashing. There are tables and chairs placed in the cave, and fairy fruit tea is arranged on them. Sitting on the wooden chair, you can clearly see the tall trading desk in the cave.

As Qin Fengming entered, a prohibition token also came into Qin Fengming's hands.

There were no other monks waiting in the cave, so he casually gave away the middle-grade Bai Kuai spiritual stone. The foundation-building monk thanked him happily and retreated away.

After activating the token in his hand, a layer of forbidden fluctuations suddenly flashed above the stone door of the cave.

In such a place, it is extremely safe and hidden. At the same time, the monks can bid at will without worrying about revealing their identity.

Qin Fengming participated in the Baihefang City Exchange Conference mainly to observe. Although I don't mind fighting for it, there is no established treasure that needs to be acquired.

Qin Fengming didn't need to buy those spiritual herbs for refining and gathering monks' elixirs on such occasions. And based on Qin Fengming's understanding of the spiritual world, such a large-scale exchange meeting would generally not auction spiritual herbs that are only suitable for gathering monks.

Spiritual herbs that are hundreds of thousands of years old are not that difficult to find in the spiritual world.

As long as you are willing to take risks, you can find many spiritual herbs that are hundreds of thousands of years old in several dangerous places on the ice island.

Looking at the monks entering one after another below, Qin Fengming finally saw the many monks in the spiritual world.

The cave hall covers an area of ​​nearly a hundred feet, with rows of wooden tables and chairs set up on the flat stone floor. With just a cursory glance, Qin Fengming discovered that there were four thousand in number.

The Icefield Island is no larger than the Qingyuan Continent in the human world. If so many monks above the Huaying level can come here to participate, Qin Fengming can't help but feel chilled in his heart just thinking about it.

You must know that the exchange conference held in Baihefang City can only attract the participation of repairmen within a radius of tens of millions of miles. Monks from further distances generally do not come.

Just within this one hundred million mile radius, so many Transformation Infant cultivators can be gathered. It is really difficult to guess how many there will be on the entire ice island.

As time passed slowly, half an hour later, nearly 60% of the seats in the cave were occupied by the Yingying monks.

Seeing that no more monks entered, Qin Fengming knew that this was the number of monks participating in the exchange meeting on the first day.

The exchange meeting will be held for five days, and the best treasures will inevitably appear last. Therefore, many monks do not plan to participate every day and will only show up to compete for the final treasure.

Looking at the more than two thousand monks below, Qin Fengming's expression was slightly shocked. Among the two or three thousand Transformation Infant cultivators sitting below, there are only two to three hundred people in the late stage of Transformation Infantry. Such a number of great monks can be compared with the entire Yuanfeng Empire's world of immortality.

"Welcome all Taoist friends to come here to participate in the exchange meeting held every fifty years in Baihefang City. I am Zhong Piao, and this is my junior brother Yu Qing. In the next five days, the two of us will host this exchange meeting."

As several figures appeared on the tall stone platform, a hearty voice resounded. The cave hall within a hundred feet was suddenly enveloped in the words that were not very loud.

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