Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2763 Restrictions are difficult to cultivate in groups

Twenty million spiritual stones, in the human world where Qin Fengming was born, it was absolutely impossible for Qin Fengming to purchase the pile of materials in front of him. ∮,

Back in the human world, the master led hundreds of monks from several super sects to set up the magic circle that stimulated space nodes. Although the materials needed were not much different from what he had in front of him at this time, the quantity was different. In other words, the difference is definitely several times greater.

At that time, those materials were jointly collected by several high-level sects, and some of them even cost a lot of spiritual stones to redeem.

The collections of several levels of sects are so rich, and they all need to be collected from each other to complete, which shows how rare these materials are. At this time, it took almost no effort to collect more than ten times the amount, which made Qin Fengming greatly admire the rich collection of various materials in the Immortal Heritage Land.

At the same time, taking out 20 million spirit stones felt like it was worth the money.

For Qin Fengming, revealing his wealth no longer poses the slightest threat to him. Whether it's a plot or a conspiracy, there aren't many that can threaten his existence and methods in the Immortal Relics Land.

"Fellow Chiming, I wonder if there are any clues about the monk named Jiang Liangxiong that Qin asked you to find?"

Looking at the stunned and shocked people in front of him, Qin Fengming didn't show any strange expression. He spoke again with a calm expression.

There was an energy in these words that shocked everyone in the hall and woke them up instantly.

"Junior, I'm sorry, ah, the fellow Taoist Jiang Liangxiong that the senior is looking for. We have sent thousands of monks to the five major cities, but after several months of searching, there is still no sign of that fellow Taoist. Immortal Yi The land is really vast, and there are many monks who practice demonic techniques. If that Taoist friend conceals his name or is in retreat in a secret place, it will be really difficult to find him."

Ancestor Chi Ming had a self-deprecating smile on his face. After bowing and saluting again, he spoke with a hint of helplessness.

Of course Qin Fengming knew what he said.

Although the area suitable for monks to practice in the Land of Immortals is much inferior to that of the human world, it is too easy to hide a monk.

And with Jiang Liangxiong's sophistication, he would not show off in the world of immortal cultivation in the Land of Immortal Relics before he recovers a level of cultivation that he considers to be enough to protect himself. As a result, it is really difficult to find it.

"Reporting back to Senior Qin, although the monk named Jiang Liangxiong that the senior was looking for was not found, a junior disciple once led a few people to find a closed place with a magic circle that is difficult for monks to enter.

In that place, even Senior Bao couldn't break the restriction.

A monk once said that it was set up by a monk three years ago, and the monk who set up the magic circle was only at the level of the Immortal King. But he did not participate in the battle against the soul disaster.

Therefore, after the junior disciples sent the news back to Tianqing City, they sent law enforcement monks to convict the monk. However, the restrictions in that vast area were too difficult and dangerous. Several monks who went to enforce the law almost died. Within that restriction.

Later, Senior Bao was even more alarmed, but even after Senior Bao went there in person, he was unable to break the restrictive circle. I originally wanted to disturb Senior Brown, but I didn't dare to decide for a while. Senior is returning to Tianqing City this time. Senior, why don't you go and have a look? "

A middle-stage Immortal Lord monk standing next to the old man Chiming hurriedly stepped forward following the words of the ancestor Chiming. After bowing and saluting, he spoke with a slight urgency.

Hearing the old man's words, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly shook.

Being able to set up a restriction to stop Ruo Chengtian, and being a person in the realm of Chengdan and a monk from the Land of Immortal Relics, it would be difficult for him to do this.

The only possibility is the powerful Jiang Liangxiong from the spiritual world.

At this time, **10 years have passed since he first met Jiang Liangxiong. In just a few decades, a monk can advance from the Qi gathering stage to the realm of becoming an elixir. This should be a difficult task that is difficult to complete for the monks in the Immortal Relic Land.

The Land of Immortal Relics not only lacks spiritual stone resources, but also has dense spiritual energy, which is also very different from the spiritual world.

Even compared to the human world, except for the five main cities, other places are slightly inferior.

In such a place, being able to advance from the Qi gathering stage to the realm of becoming an elixir in such a short period of time is definitely not a difficult task for a soul who was originally a spiritual or mysterious monk in the spiritual world.

At this moment, Qin Fengming was almost certain that the monk who set up the powerful magic circle restriction was the Jiang Liangxiong he was looking for.

"Well, Qin is very interested in what fellow Taoist said and wants to go and have a look. I don't know where that place is? Please give me some advice, fellow Taoist."

Ancestor Chi Ming certainly knew about this matter, but at the beginning Qin Fengming only said that Jiang Liangxiong was only at the level of an Immortal Master. Even if decades had passed, in his opinion, he would not advance to the level of an Immortal King. territory.

Therefore, even though he knew about the forbidden magic circle, he did not say anything about it.

"Senior, if you don't mind, junior can lead the way."

Of course Qin Fengming had seen that old man before and knew that he was a guest from Tianqing City named Zhulian. Seeing the other party's enthusiasm, Qin Fengming certainly would not refuse. He nodded and agreed. He also politely declined the words of several other Immortal Monarch monks.

"Fellow Taoist Chiming, regarding the statue, please remove it as soon as possible, and please send a message to the other main cities. As long as there are such statues, they should be demolished immediately. If Qin returns again, the existing main city will not If we follow Qin's wishes, those in each major city will be severely punished by Qin."

Looking at everyone present, a majestic and murderous aura suddenly appeared, sweeping everyone into it in a flash.

When the majestic and murderous aura approached the Chiming Ancestors, their minds suddenly fainted, and there was a sudden chill in their hearts that almost froze them all.

Just from this murderous aura, Patriarch Chi Ming was convinced that if the young man in front of him had not shown mercy, all of them would have died on the spot.

"Yes, this junior will obey the senior's decree and immediately send a message to his fellow Taoist to ask him to remove the statue."

The murderous aura appeared suddenly and disappeared just as quickly, almost just for a flash, and then disappeared again.

Without staying in Tianqing City for a long time, Qin Fengming left Tianqing City directly along with Zhu Lian. Together with the escaping light, he wrapped the Zhu Lian in the escaping light and shot towards the southwest.

Qin Fengming has always been cautious. There are many strange things in this immortal place, and he doesn't want to leave anything behind that will cause trouble for him. Of course, he had no control over how some books said it.

As the old saying goes, guarding one's mouth is like guarding one's river. It is absolutely impossible to block Youyou's mouth.

Riding the escaping light, directly wrapped in bamboo ties, he quickly passed between the peaks and mountains. Under the guidance of Zhu Lian, Qin Fengming did not stop at all on the way and arrived at a mountainous area tens of thousands of miles away from Huangyuncheng.

"Senior Qin, the vast valley in front is where there are restrictions. Senior Bao tested some of the magic circle restrictions and failed to break them, so he left, saying that it would be best for everyone not to come and disturb them too much. "

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