Faced with the sudden hurricane, all the ghost cultivators were naturally alert. When they suddenly heard the rapid shouting of ghosts, they all calmed down without hesitation and started to use the magic formulas in their bodies to cope with the situation.

The hurricane seemed unpleasant, but its path in the red mist was extremely strange.

There is no pattern in the erratic movement. Unlike usual hurricanes, there are traces to follow. It seems that it can jump at will, disappearing and appearing.

"Hoo!~~" The hurricane flashed, instantly involving all the ghost cultivators.

As the hurricane swept through, hundreds of ghost cultivators suddenly felt that the souls in their bodies seemed to be suddenly wrapped by some strange thing, as if the entire souls were being pulled out of the body.

"Ah, no, this hurricane is too weird." The cultivators shouted, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

The hurricane came in a strange way and went away very quickly. It just swept through everyone's body, disappeared, and then appeared in another location.

Seeing the hurricane sweeping away, all the ghost cultivators were moved.

Although the hurricane that swept through just now was only a momentary event, for the ghost cultivators, it was a terrifying experience. The extremely pure soul energy contained in that hurricane actually had a powerful corrosive effect on the souls in everyone's bodies.

What surprised the ghost cultivators even more was that the soul in their bodies actually had a close connection with the soul energy contained in the hurricane, as if their souls were something in that pure soul energy.

Such a feeling made all the ghost cultivators appear in fear. Even Gui Luo's eyes were constantly gleaming.

After stopping for a long time, Gui Luo calmed down and waved his hand again, leading everyone forward.

After arriving here, even if everyone wanted to return, they could no longer do so. I no longer have the confidence to pass through those dangerous areas before, including Guiluo.

Gui Luo knew in his heart that as long as the soul sacrifice could be carried out smoothly, tens of millions of ghosts would be able to trigger a strange restricted passage, and then everyone could be directly transported back to the realm of ghosts.

Flying forward again, every once in a while, everyone will encounter the weird hurricane of souls sweeping through them.

Enduring the terrifying hurricanes again and again, even though the ghost cultivators were extremely frightened, none of them proposed to return.

As they moved forward, everyone felt more and more the powerful power of the soul filling their surroundings.

and can vaguely feel,

In a distant place, there seemed to be some strange force guiding the souls in everyone's bodies forward.

In such a strange place, everyone's anxiety is beyond words.

It can be said that the ghost cultivators who are still alive at this time are all knowledgeable people, and their minds are not easily shaken. Naturally, no one will back down.

Gui Luo's face was gloomy, and he hated Qin Fengming for destroying the magic circle that protected the ghosts.

If Qin Fengming hadn't taken action to destroy the magic circle, they would never have been in such a situation this time. With the protection of that giant ** array, even if you go through those dangerous places, you will definitely be able to fly over without any damage.

Sensing the strange power of the soul acting on him, Gui Luo was afraid, but he had to continue leading the ghost cultivators forward.

What made everyone feel at ease was that although the further they moved forward, the strange aura of the soul became more powerful, it was still within the range that everyone could tolerate.

The strange power carried by the hurricane of souls that appeared irregularly did not increase dramatically. As long as everyone can grit their teeth, they can get through it.

Just when everyone felt at ease, a blood-colored wall suddenly appeared in front of them. The wall was bright red, as if there was a layer of thick blood on it. An extremely bloody aura suddenly appeared and spread out in all directions from the wall.

"Hahaha, ahead is the soul lake. We finally arrived at the place of soul sacrifice."

Seeing the blood-colored wall appear in front of him, Gui Luo's gloomy expression finally showed his joy, and he immediately blurted out a word of joy, sweeping away the previous tense and gloomy look.

Although Gui Luo has not personally participated in the soul sacrifice, he also knows from some classics in the realm of ghosts that the soul lake is surrounded by a layer of blood-colored walls. Within the bloody wall is the soul lake.

As the blood-colored barrier appeared in front of everyone, all the ghost cultivators released their spiritual consciousness with all their strength and glanced forward.

Inside the red blood-like covering wall is an open space, and beyond that is a large lake composed of red viscous liquid.

Just by glancing at the crimson sea water, all the ghost cultivators suddenly felt cold.

In the viscous blood-red lake water, there were actually souls struggling and screaming in the blood-red lake water. Every time the crimson sea water emerged, he was pulled into it by the lake water.

Even if everyone didn't hear the howl of the spirit, they could still feel it from the spirit's vigorous struggle.

This point, of course, would not be a shock to the ghost cultivators who were cultivated from souls. What made everyone's backs feel cold was that they actually sensed an aura that was very close to themselves from those souls.

It seems that those spirits that disappear and appear are the clones of one's own soul.

It seems that as long as the spiritual connection is connected, the feelings of those spirits can be clearly sensed.

Such a strange feeling, no matter how experienced and knowledgeable the ghost cultivators were, they all had a look of shock on their faces.

"Don't use your spiritual sense to sense the soul in the bloody lake. If it is eroded by the strange power of the lake, the soul may be separated from the body and sucked into the soul lake by the bloody shield."

Seeing the strange expressions on everyone's faces, Gui Luo's expression suddenly changed, his consciousness retracted, and he shouted quickly.

Of course, he also saw the strangeness of the lake and the strange feeling the spirit in the lake had for his own spirit.

I was startled, and I immediately thought of something. My expression changed slightly, and I shouted anxiously.

"Ah, sir, save me quickly!"

Although Gui Luo was quick to see the opportunity, he was still two minutes behind. Just when he shouted, two exclamations suddenly sounded out. The two handsome ghost monks suddenly opened their eyes wide, and the shouts rang out from their mouths. The gray mist suddenly rolled up and floated out from the two bodies. In a flash, it turned into two spirits with frightened expressions, and flew towards the red wall in front of them.

Although the two spirits struggled hard, it had no effect at all.

It was almost just a flash, and in an instant he was in front of the red wall. He pounced forward and collided with the red wall.

Without any obstruction at all, the two spirits entered the red wall.

When everyone's consciousness quickly locked on, the two spirits had already entered the blood-red and viscous surging lake water, and disappeared without a single wave.

The situation happened so quickly that even if Gui Luo launched an attack, he could not intercept the spirits of the two ghost handsome monks.

Seeing the scene happening in front of them, all the ghost cultivators changed their colors, their eyes showed fear, and their consciousness returned quickly, no longer daring to explore the blood-red lake water.

"Look for the altar and complete the soul sacrifice quickly, in order to leave this strange place as soon as possible."

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