Although there may be precious treasures in this strange area, Qin Fengming has already lost interest in going forward to check it out.

Without him, Qin Fengming would never be able to withstand the danger that even a powerful spirit like Yiyang would be afraid of. Qin Fengming would never do such an unwise thing, knowing that there was danger ahead and still risking his life.

After retreating from the area where the cold atmosphere was revealed, Qin Fengming carefully identified the direction.

Although he was somewhat convinced that the three peak gathering ghost cultivators would not stay outside this area, Qin Fengming still cautiously changed his direction.

Five days later, after consuming dozens of soul stones, Qin Fengming left the Withered Soul Mountain Range.

After scanning the surroundings, the light flew away in the direction of where the Yin Qi was spewing.

The main purpose of entering the Yin Soul Realm this time is the place where Yin Qi and spirits are born. Is it true, as those ghost cultivators said, that the yin energy in that place is pure and contains the incomparable true ghost aura? Unless you go and take a look, you won't be convinced.

He is in the Realm of Yin Souls, but this place is the same as the Land of Immortal Relics. Except for the pure Yin Qi surrounding the gush of Yin Qi, there is no Yin Qi exposed elsewhere.

As he got closer and closer to the place filled with Yin Qi, Qin Fengming also raised his vigilance to the extreme.

In the realm of ghosts, although the aura he reveals at this time is very similar to that of a ghost cultivator! But if a cultivator in the middle or late stage of the ghost king carefully identifies him, he can still be distinguished from the real one.

It would definitely not be a good thing for him if the gathered monks here were led to lead a team to surround him.

Looking at the extremely thin layer of gray-white mist that appeared in front of him, and sensing the Yin energy emanating from the mist, Qin Fengming knew that he had finally reached the place where many ghost cultivators gathered.

Although he was wary, he was not too worried.

This area, from the memories of the ghost cultivators he captured, was extremely vast, several times larger than the area with aura energy in the Immortal Relics Land.

In such a large area, as long as he does not go to those places where the Yin Qi is the most pure, the chance of encountering those powerful ghost cultivators should not be too great.

His body flashed, Qin Fengming did not stop at the edge, and shot directly into the mist.

Divine consciousness is released,

From time to time, Qin Fengming's expression changed slightly as he glanced around him.

In this realm of ghosts, there is not a single mortal, and some are mindless ghosts floating around. These ghosts can be said to be the cornerstone of the realm of immortality in the realm of ghosts.

A weak Yin soul can only become a monk by constantly advancing in Yin Qi through instinct, and finally condensing soul pills and generating spiritual wisdom.

Looking at the weak ghosts floating around in the place he passed, Qin Fengming seemed to have entered a ghost house.

Stopping in a deserted valley, Qin Fengming waved his hand, and the soul-eating flag flashed out. After showing it, the yellow soul-eating beast appeared.

The soul-eating beast can now easily swallow the spirit of the ghost king. Although the little beast has not yet passed through the demon tribulation, its strength is no less than that of the ghost king's spirit.

Without Qin Fengming's spiritual thoughts, the soul-eating beast already screamed happily and flew towards the dozens of spirits floating around.

In just a few flashes, a dozen spirits in the small valley here entered the belly of the soul-eating beast.

Under the mental connection, Qin Fengming did not feel any discomfort from the little beast.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming felt relieved. There are countless spirits in the Yin Soul Realm. Since the Soul-Eating Beast has no bad intentions towards these Yin Souls, it will definitely not be difficult to let the little beast advance once with these Yin Souls.

As for the soul-eating beast, if Qin Fengming fully helped it advance, he would have been able to do it long ago.

But when he was in the human world, he had seen descriptions of soul-eating beasts in many classics, saying that once the soul-eating beasts appeared, the world would be in chaos.

Although those classics did not clearly state why a low-level soul-eating beast would cause chaos in the world, Qin Fengming could also tell that the soul-eating beast is the nemesis of ghosts and ghosts. A monk will not let the soul-eating beast exist in the hands of others.

If a soul-eating beast appears, it will naturally attract a large number of ghost cultivators to appear and compete for it. Even the real ghost cultivator will naturally participate in it. And even those powerful monks who practice the right way will not fall behind.

Under such circumstances, it will inevitably cause chaos in the world.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Fengming did not deliberately go to the gathering places of ghosts to collect a large number of ghosts.

But at this time in this Yin Soul Realm, he has already relaxed in his heart. This place is not where he will stay for a long time. As long as he goes to that Yin Qi place, he will immediately return to the Immortal Relics Land.

Even if these ghost cultivators know the existence of the soul-eating beast by then, it will be impossible to capture it.

Instead of collecting the soul-eating beast into the banner, he held it directly in his arms, flashed, and shot away again.

Wherever he passed, as long as there were ghosts and ghosts, Qin Fengming would take action one after another, taking the ghosts directly to the soul-devouring beast and letting it devour it.

Although Qin Fengming deliberately avoided those places where the Yin Qi was extremely pure.

But the number of ghosts and ghosts encountered along the way is also terrifying.

Although the highest level of these ghosts were only ghost commanders, in just a few days, the soul-eating beasts had devoured hundreds of thousands of them.

Seeing that the soul-eating beast still looked unfinished, Qin Fengming was also very curious.

Back when the soul-devouring beast swallowed the soul of an eighth-level monster, Qin Fengming imagined that it would soon survive the catastrophe of transforming into a monster. Later, many animal souls were fed.

Although it has never advanced, Qin Fengming thinks that it is not too far away for the soul-eating beast to advance.

But when he saw it now, he was really puzzled.

After connecting with his mind, Qin Fengming received some strange thoughts from the soul-eating beast. It seems that the soul-eating beast at this time is not interested in the energy of the soul itself, but is interested in something in the soul.

The Soul-Eating Beast cannot speak. Although it has a spiritual connection with Qin Fengming, it is difficult for Qin Fengming to clearly understand what the Soul-Eating Beast is interested in.

Although he didn't know, Qin Fengming felt at ease knowing that these ghosts were useful and harmless to the soul-eating beast.

Twenty days later, Qin Fengming could already feel that the real ghost aura contained in the mist around him had become much thicker.

And the number of ghosts around suddenly decreased.

Stopping and standing on a tall mountain peak, Qin Fengming released his spiritual consciousness and looked at the place ahead. His expression also became a little more cautious.

This place is undoubtedly not far from the place where the mist spews out.

After staying for a moment, Qin Fengming put away the soul-eating beast, moved forward, and flew forward again.

Although he longed for a place that could make the ghost cultivators in the Ghost Realm fearful, he would not move forward impulsively regardless of the consequences.

After traveling hundreds of thousands of miles again, there were no longer any ghosts around.

This puzzled Qin Fengming, who had always been alert. Many ghost cultivators said that the place where the mist spewed was the birthplace of ghosts and ghosts in the realm of ghosts, but the situation in front of them made them confused.

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