Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2628 Become famous in 1 battle


Qin Fengming was always cautious and kept things in reserve, but this time, he no longer had such thoughts.

The suffocating feeling in my heart that had been suppressed for a long time had been completely aroused when Song Hai spoke before. If he doesn't release it, it will definitely be of no benefit to Qin Fengming himself.

And in this immortal land, there is naturally no need for him to cover up anything. With his methods, he thinks that he will not be afraid of anyone. Without worries, you can act more casually.

Seeing the young man standing opposite saying this, Qin Fengming stood up slowly, his eyes looking straight at Song Hai, and his expression became gloomier. But he didn't say anything more and waited for Song Hai's reply.

After receiving the promise of a powerful Immortal Lord in the later stage, Song Hai was already emboldened. He looked at Qin Fengming and without any hesitation, he immediately said: "Song's previous words will not change at all. Li Xiguo, I, Yunqing Pavilion, will take it back and give it to Senior Shen. Furthermore, I, Yunqing Pavilion, do not welcome you, please leave immediately. And from now on, as long as I am a property of Yunqing Pavilion in Tianqing City, I will never Let your Excellency get it.”

Following Song Hai's words, he moved his hands, and a somewhat elegant-looking jade box appeared in his hands. He stretched it out and handed it to Shen Jian, who was likely to give it away in public. meaning.

But just when he handed over the jade box in his hand, he felt a breeze blowing on his face, and with a light touch in his hand, the jade box he was holding in his hand had disappeared.

Just when Song Hai was stunned, a loud bang () and a crisp sound of wood breaking also resounded on the spot.

"Hmph, no one has ever dared to say no to what Qin wants to get. At this moment, Qin has taken the Li Xi Fruit and demolished a spine of the palace here. If you don't want to be buried alive by the palace, you'd better hurry up. It’s best to leave quickly.”

Qin Fengming stood where he originally stood, as if he had never moved. However, there was already a jade box in his hand, and a cyan spiritual fruit with a light green fluorescence was revealed on the spot.

Although his cultivation level was only at the peak of Transforming Infants at this time, within a few feet of distance, it was really appropriate to use the Wind Whispering Phantom Body Technique. There is a restriction in the hall here, but this restriction is not strong. Under Qin Fengming's powerful attack, it was broken without any resistance.

His speed was so fast that even the young man standing many feet away from Songhai could not fully see the reality of Qin Fengming's movements. It is even more impossible to stop him.

With a shock in his heart, the young man just had time to rush out a majestic mana, and a solid protective wall appeared outside him.

Song Hai and Shen Jian,

His expression changed suddenly, and his heart was even more frightened. Of course the two of them knew that just now, the young man in front of them had already taken action. But its speed was so fast that the two of them didn't see anything clearly. If the young man had wanted to kill the two of them just now, they would have died on the spot.

Although Qin Fengming's words were not loud, they contained a majestic energy that could be heard clearly by everyone in the Yunqing Pavilion.

Everyone who already knew that there was a fight going on upstairs, heard about it and rushed out one after another.

"Okay, you are so brave. Since you dare to do this, just leave your life here." Although the young monk was very wary in the face of Qin Fengming's strange body skills, he was still a late-stage infant transformer. people.

Before Qin Fengming's true cultivation level could be seen, retreating was definitely not his style.

Amidst the loud shouts, the young monk not only did not step back, but with a wave of his hand, he tried to find a way to directly kill Qin Fengming.

"Since you can't wait to leave, then stay."

Before the young man could use his means, Qin Fengming smiled slightly and disappeared suddenly.

As he disappeared, a frightening sound of splintering wood suddenly resounded. Amidst the creaking and roaring sounds, the majestic palace, which was several feet high, seemed to have had its pillars removed and suddenly collapsed on the spot.

As flying ash filled the sky, several figures shot out from the thick dust. One of the figures was extremely fast. As soon as it appeared in the air, it flew towards one side without hesitation.

"Junior, you can't even think of leaving Tianqing City alive today." As he spoke, a blue bolt shot out from his mouth. In a flash, it turned into an extremely powerful ice stream several feet tall. With the cold energy revealed, the blue Pi Lian attacked forward.

Wherever the blue horses passed, the air seemed to be frozen with ice.

At the same time, several blue ice blades that were several feet long also flashed out, like blue lightning flashes, and simultaneously blocked the body of a young man who had just appeared.

Jian Qingkang's attack was impeccable in terms of timing and means.

Because within a distance of ten to twenty feet, even people of the same level would be unable to resort to any means to resist this wave of inevitable attacks.

"Hmph, you really think Qin is someone easy to bully." With a cold snort, a majestic and thick mist suddenly appeared on the scene. The dark and cold mist swept under it, and the sentence was immediately Qingkang's natal magic weapon and secret attack were involved.

An extremely powerful corrosive confinement force immediately blocked all attacks within the black mist.

"Ah, you are not a person in the early stage of the Immortal Lord, you are also in the late stage of the Immortal Lord." Sensing that his own magic weapon was submerged in the opponent's mist, it felt like entering a quagmire. Jian Qingkang suddenly woke up. How powerful could he be? How can a person with strength have the means that a person in the early stage of Immortal Lord can have.

"In the late stage of Immortal Lord, right? What, fellow Taoist Judge, do you still want to have a life-or-death showdown with Qin?"

With a flash of his body, Qin Fengming reappeared in front of Pian Qingkang, with his hands behind his back, removing the thick fog around him, without resorting to any means.

Just as the tall building collapsed, hundreds of monks around them had already fled.

For a palace with restricted guards to be breached so easily, such a method is beyond everyone's imagination. Even the people in other shops around, whether they were customers or people in the shops, also fled out one after another, not daring to get anywhere near Qin Fengming and his two men.

If he wanted to kill the person in front of him who was in the late stage of transforming into an infant, Qin Fengming only needed to use thunderbolt means to kill him. It could be said that he was 100% sure that he would be killed in a short time. But he didn't actually do it.

It is not easy to cultivate immortality here, and he is just a passerby. If he can find a way to escape, he will definitely stay away from this place. As for the monks from the Land of Immortal Relics, they had no life-or-death enmity with him, so if they could kill less, he would naturally not want to take more action.

Therefore, as soon as he showed his ability, he immediately stopped.

"How could such a thing happen? Ah, Senior Juan, fellow Daoist Qin, please look out for my face, Tianqing City, and don't do anything."

Just when the two of them stopped at the same time, light escaping from the distance shot out, and dozens of monks rushed over immediately.

The first people to take the lead were the two Immortal Lord monks from Tianqing City, the boy and the big man. Behind him were several people from the Immortal King realm.

Although the highest of the three Immortal Lord monks in Tianqing City is only in the middle stage of infant transformation, the land of Immortal Relics is special. All cities are ruled by the Immortal Lord. It can be said that as long as you advance to the realm of aggregation, you will be subject to the five major Consecration of the city.

Therefore, in terms of strength, even if there are no people in the late stage of Immortal Lord in the five major cities, no one is willing to provoke them.

Although a major battle will break out in the five major cities every hundreds or thousands of years, the participants are only people at the level of Immortal King and below. The purpose is to control the number of monks and reduce consumption.

Seeing Ancestor Chiming showing up with his men, Qin Fengming knew that the battle was over.

After this battle, his name will no longer be unknown in the Land of Immortal Relics.

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