Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2611 Looking for Death

Although the selection of Xu has not yet been decided, the southern Xinjiang tribal hunting meeting has ended.

For the tribes, this is definitely not a good thing. It would be a great thing if half of the tribesmen who entered the hunting area this time could come out alive.

Moreover, among the warriors in small tribes, it is extremely rare to be among the top thirty. Most tribes found nothing.

Therefore, more than a dozen tribes were unwilling to stay here for a long time. As the meeting ended, they led their tribesmen out of the valley and returned directly to their respective tribes.

Even if some tribesmen broke into the top thirty tribes, they would leave those few tribesmen behind after some warnings, and the whole group of tribesmen also got up and left. There is no point in staying here anymore, it is better to return to the station.

As for the rewards from Wuwang City, naturally they cannot be obtained at this time. They will be received after the tribe escorts the tribute to Wuwang City.

Wu En spoke to several tribesmen who were shortlisted for the top thirty, and then left to say goodbye.

As for whether Bayin can return safely this time, Wu En is not too concerned about it. Because even if Bayin returns safely, he is no longer a member of the You clan, but a member of the Tiger Beast Army of Wuwang City.

Everything from now on will have nothing to do with the You clan.

This is a common practice, and it cannot be controlled by Bayin and others. As long as you join the Tiger Beast Army, even if you are a member of the Wu clan, you will be loyal to the Wu clan for the rest of your life. The Wu clan cannot have the slightest regret. Otherwise, he will definitely be severely punished, even if he is killed and brings trouble to the tribe, it is not impossible.

For Bayin, joining the Tiger Beast Army and making achievements will be the only goal.

Of course, this has nothing to do with marrying a wife and having children. As long as you join the Tiger Beast Army, you will have a permanent place to live in Wuwang City. The wives and children of the Tiger Beast Army can naturally live in it.

Qin Fengming didn't think much about Wu En's departure, but just talked about cherishing each other.

Although Qin Fengming does not need to return to the You clan this time, he can win a place for the You clan, and he is still second, so he can naturally get a reward from Wuwang City. And that reward is definitely extremely generous for the You clan.

Touching the spear behind him, Qin Fengming did not hand it back to Wu En. Because of this long spear, he also had to use it to show off. He didn't want to show his true strength before recovering some mana.

In the evening of the third day after the conference, after everyone had finished their supper,

However, a member of the Tong clan appeared in the tent where Qin Fengming and the four of them were.

"Warrior Tianluan, an immortal master from Wuwang City has asked you to come over and give us a reply. I also ask the warrior to accompany you."

The immortal master invited me, and Qin Fengming was slightly startled when he heard it. A bright light flashed in his eyes as he stared at the Tong clan members in front of him. After a moment, a cold snort sounded in his heart.

"Okay, please lead the way."

At this time, Qin Fengming, although it was impossible to use any secret technique like mind-searching, it was still extremely easy to see the strangeness deep in the eyes of a mortal.

Although this person from the Tong clan behaved extremely calmly, the undetectable uneasiness in his eyes still appeared in front of Qin Fengming.

The two of them walked towards the depths of the valley, one after the other. Leave the station and head straight into the mountains.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the mountain road was already dark, and the still cold weather seemed even colder with the mountain wind blowing and the rustling of the trees.

The two of them were moving very fast, and after a meal, the Tong tribe member still had no intention of stopping.

"What? This place is already far away from the station. Has it not reached the place where Zhan He ambushed?" Following the Tong clan member, Qin Fengming suddenly spoke without any strange tone. The words he spoke made the people ahead walk quickly. The figure of the warrior couldn't help but be shocked.

" did you...we're here, right in front."

Upon hearing this, the warrior's words became incoherent and he almost revealed the truth.

Although this member of the Tong clan did not enter the hunting ground to see Qin Fengming's achievements in person, he was able to rank second in the hunting competition, which is enough to know that the strength of the young man behind him is terrifying.

"Hahaha, after walking twenty feet, we will enter the ambush circle, but Tianmou will not run away from here. Just call Zhan He to show up."

Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness had already seen the place in front of him clearly. At this time, there were hundreds of people from the Tong clan ambushing on both sides of the mountain road in front of him. Among them was a sixth-level Immortal Master in the Qi Gathering Stage, which forced him to be cautious. stand up.

This place has already passed a mountain peak. Even the monks in the Qi Gathering Stage who are stationed here have difficulty detecting this place with their spiritual consciousness. It seems that it is the immortal master's idea to choose to ambush here.

In a flash, Qin Fengming reached the warrior's side and pointed with his finger. The warrior suddenly froze on the spot. Although it couldn't move, it didn't stop talking. As its body stiffened, it screamed out in a very obedient manner.

In the silent valley, this cry spread far away.

Following the shouting, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance. The person in front of him flashed into the air and flew towards Qin Fengming.

Facing a sixth-level monk in the Qi Gathering Stage, Qin Fengming was cautious but also very surprised.

Logically speaking, if the other party thinks that he is just a person without special powers, the more than one hundred Tong tribe warriors led by Zhan He will definitely be more than enough. To activate a sixth-level power in the Qi Gathering Stage, the price paid is absolutely huge.

And since such a powerful person has appeared, there is no need for the help of more than a hundred tribesmen.

With doubts in his heart, Qin Fengming looked at the old man standing more than ten feet away, his expression not showing much fear.

"Hmph, does an immortal master from Wuwang City want to intervene in the fight between tribal warriors?"

"Bai is not interested in intervening in your fight, but I heard that you have strange martial arts, so Bai wants to take a look at it." Seeing Qin Fengming's calm expression, curiosity flashed in the eyes of the immortal master. color.

In his eyes, it would not take any effort to kill an ordinary person without super powers.

But seeing the young man in front of him with such a calm expression despite knowing that he was a powerful person made him feel a little moved.

"If you want to see Tian's martial arts, how difficult is it? As long as Zhan He and others dare to attack Tian, ​​you will naturally see what Tian's methods are like." Although Qin Fengming cannot activate the secret technique, he can still do it by condensing his aura. , so in front of the supernatural power in front of him, there was no energy at all.

Following the exchange between Qin Fengming and the old man, Zhan He led hundreds of tribesmen and finally reached the front. With a flash of figure, Qin Fengming was surrounded.

"Junior, aren't you ready to capture him now?" Zhan He hated and feared Qin Fengming. Standing five or six feet away from him, he stopped.

"Huh, I already knew you were going to do something wrong, but why did you wait so long? If you want to die, take action quickly, otherwise you will take people away, and Tianmou will just pretend that nothing happened."

"At this moment, you are still so stubborn. All warriors, please take action together to kill the villain."

Zhan He would naturally not do it alone. As the words rang out, hundreds of spears and flying forks suddenly appeared. In the already dark valley, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and they suddenly covered Qin Fengming who was standing in the middle.

The weapons wielded by hundreds of powerful men together, even if the immortal master has a spiritual shield, will definitely be broken through and he will die on the spot.

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