Stopping on the branch, Tian Luan had no intention of showing up to participate in the increasingly chaotic fight below.

But he never thought that the Hao Committee of the Yue clan would have discovered his existence. Fang should have come here to hide earlier than him.

Since the other party has found out, it is unjustifiable for him to not show up at this time. With a movement of his body, Tian Luan followed the tall tree, from the side facing away from everyone, and descended directly to the stone ground.

"Your fight has nothing to do with me. I'm just resting up there for a while. Tian is not interested in the fight between you. Please go ahead and Tian will leave here."

Tian Luan's words shocked everyone present.

The warriors of the tribe always regard death as their own and are not afraid of strong enemies. How have they ever seen a person who speaks like this?

"You are from the You clan. If you want to leave now, you don't think it's too late. Since we have met, it's your fault for this fate. Hu Ming, the three of you come forward and call this person from the You clan Kill them." With one look from Luan, Zhan He's face darkened, and with a cold snort in his nose, he already ordered the three big men beside him.

Following Zhan He's words, the three big men beside him did not hesitate at all. They quickly separated from the bushes in front of them and headed towards where Tian Luan stopped. There was a strong intention to surround him on the spot and kill him quickly.

"Ha, the people of the Tong clan are so magnificent. At this time, they are all killed together. It is really too arrogant. I really think that the people of the You clan are easy to bully." Before Tianluan could say anything, In response, he saw a bush in the distance behind him, and a big man holding a steel fork appeared.

As his figure was revealed, a cold snort sounded from his mouth.

"Una, you are actually here, and your name is also on Zhan's kill list. Since we meet him, we will kill him together. Hao Wei, you only need to intercept Una, and the rest will be killed." We, the Tong family, will take action against the three of them."

Seeing Una appearing, Zhan He didn't feel any strange at all. His eyes flashed sharply and he spoke directly. As he spoke, he was already moving towards Longshi and another warrior. The other three people from the Tong clan only had a meal before they came towards Tian Luan again.

After hearing Zhan He's words, Hao Wei's expression changed drastically, and he seemed to be very unhappy with Zhan He's words.

But in the end, he didn't say anything. He raised his hand and pointed a dark long bow at Una. As long as Ouna steps forward, he will shoot the sharp arrow in his hand.

Although some people already use bows and arrows among the tribes, their popularity is not large. Because this kind of weapon requires extremely sophisticated craftsmanship,

It is difficult for the master craftsmen in the clan to make a strong bow that is truly suitable for fighting.

But Hao Wei's long bow, Una had heard, was made by the weapons master in Wuwang City. Duan has a strong bow and sharp arrows, twenty feet tall, which can easily penetrate the body of a beast known for its thick skin.

At this moment, Wei was already pointing his bow and arrow at him. Una couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He held the weapon in his hand and began to concentrate on it, not daring to move his body at will.

Facing weapons like bows and arrows that can attack and kill from a distance, even Una, who has always been tough, had to be wary.

"Brother Tian, ​​retreat quickly. As long as we hide in the bushes, it will be difficult for Liang Zhanhe to track us again." Faced with such a dangerous situation, Una's thoughts changed and he immediately shouted.

Under the lock of Hao Wei's hard bow, he was confident of evading and escaping safely, but it was difficult for him to step forward to help Tianluan in the slightest. And as long as the two of them were not in the bushes, no matter how powerful Hao Wei's bow and arrows were, they would never be a threat to them again.

"Captain Una, don't worry. As long as Tian doesn't want to die, no one here can hurt me."

Standing on the spot, Tian Luan did not move his body at all, but grabbed his hand behind him, and the spear appeared in his hand.

This spear originally belonged to Wu En, but was later given to Tian Luan.

After that, Tian Luan found two tougher materials, which made Wu Yun think hard for half a month. He used those two pieces of materials to re-forge the tip of the spear.

The sharpness of the spear at this time was already many times stronger than before.

A man from the Tong clan approached. Tian Luan did not move. He just glanced at Hao Wei who was standing in the distance, then turned to face the three big men. There was no trace of panic or fear on his face. reveal.

The three warriors of the Tong clan are naturally not mediocre, they are all people who have experienced many life and death battles.

Seeing that the young man was not afraid at all, the three big men's eyes flashed with ferocious light. With shouts, they quickly attacked Tianluan from three directions. Two sharp steel forks and a machete-like weapon attacked Tian Luan, who was standing still, almost in no particular order.

"Since you are seeking death, you can't blame anyone else."

Facing the three carefully selected warriors from the Tong clan, Tian Luan's eyes also flashed with brilliance, and the words in his mouth were spoken calmly as the three people quickly attacked and approached.

As the words rang out, the three big men felt a flash of gunfire suddenly appear in front of them. Almost at the same time, three bangs resounded on the spot.

The three big men only felt the light of the weapons in their hands. When they looked closely, they only had a stick that had been with them for more than ten years. At this time, only a stick was left in their hands. The sharp fork and blade at the front were already gone. He was chopped down by the opponent and fell to the stone ground.

"Ah!~~" Before the three of them could react, they retreated back. In the flash of black light, three miserable screams could be heard on the spot.

With three pops of sound, the three Tong clan warriors who had been so aggressive just now lay down on the spot. On each person's chest, a horrifying blood hole was revealed, and black and red blood flowed gurglingly. The three big men twitched and instantly became motionless on the spot.

From the time the three big men took action until they died in front of everyone, it only took one or two breaths.

In such a short time, three strong men who had experienced hundreds of battles were killed. Such a shocking scene made several people present freeze on the spot.

Even Una, who had heard about Tian Luan's achievements, had a look of fear in his eyes at this time.

The sharpness of Tian Luan's attack shocked everyone. What made everyone present even more frightened was that after killing three people, the expression of the young man in front of him did not change at all, as if those who died in front of him had nothing to do with him. Things are ordinary.

"Haha, what, do any of you still want to take action against Fang Tian?"

Rubbing the tip of the spear against a dead body several times, Tian Luan raised his head and suddenly stopped Zhan He, as well as Hao Wei who looked frightened, with smiles on their faces.

Just as Tian Luan spoke, Hao Wei, who had been slightly sluggish just now, had already turned around and disappeared into the thick bushes behind him. The movements were swift and without any hesitation.

As Hao Wei disappeared, the stunned Zhan He and the remaining warrior beside him also turned around and quickly ran away towards the path they came from.

The people from the two major tribes retreated without saying a word.

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