
Things happened so quickly that even the dark clouds surrounding the scene couldn't see the whole picture clearly.

He only heard a dull sound of flesh, and then felt a huge black figure flying out into the distance in front of him.

When Wu Yun was lying down on the grass with difficulty and lifting the little girl up with his hands, the big man holding a spear also came to the scene. Looking at the situation in front of him, the big man who had experienced dangerous fighting scenes could not help but be stunned by the scene in front of him.

Only a few feet away, a water turtle with a bloody upper jaw was seen lying dead on the grass.

A young man stood in front of Wu Yun and Wu Lan brother and sister, with one right hand on his right hand, and there was still animal blood dripping down.

The young man's face was slightly pale, and his eyes seemed to be in shock.

"Tianluan, did you kill the water beast in an instant with your own strength?" Although the big man clearly knew that the situation in front of him was caused by the young man in front of him, he still swallowed a mouthful of saliva and his tone was slightly trembling. asked.

The water beast is a ferocious water beast that lives in rivers.

Normally, if a water beast is discovered, the You tribe will usually send out a dozen strong tribesmen, armed with sharp weapons to surround it and kill it.

As seen at this time, this big man had never thought of killing an adult water beast with one person.

"Brother Chi Wang, please escort Wu Yun and Wu Lan back to the tribe, and then send someone to patrol the river to see if there is still any danger." The young man did not answer the big man's question, but his figure Turning around, his expression calmed down.

What he said was like giving orders. Although his voice was not loud, it seemed unquestionable.

When the big man heard this, his expression froze, and he immediately nodded in agreement without the slightest objection.

At this time, dozens of men and women from the You tribe who were riding on horseback had already arrived at the scene, and they all looked shocked when they saw such a scene.

Under the assignment of the great Han Chi Wang, everyone followed the instructions and appeared to be extremely capable and law-abiding.

In a tall tent, several old men with serious expressions gathered around the water beast that was killed by the amnesiac youth. Looking at the huge water beast in front of them, they all tightened their lips and looked solemn. color.

"Elder clan,

The young man's blow was probably not less than a thousand pounds of force. Such a magical power was much greater than Balang's strength. Thinking about it, Zhan He from the Tong clan and Hao Wei from the Yue clan would definitely have a hard time resisting him. If you can keep it in our clan, you can definitely become the pillar of our clan. Even at the tribal hunting conference in two years' time, I think our You clan will be able to gain a lot. "

After looking at it for a long time, one of the old men in his fifties spoke with a gleam in his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, several other old men also raised their heads and looked at Elder Wu En, with hope flashing in their eyes. Thinking about it, I agree with what the old man said.

"Tian Luan has lost his memory at this time. No one knows when he will recover. What he will do after recovery is beyond our control. What we can do is to treat Tian Luan well and let him regard our clan as his second clan. As for other words, it’s better not to mention them.”

After thinking for a moment, Wu En's eyes flashed and he spoke with a slightly heavy tone.

After this incident, the amnesiac young man became highly respected among the tribe. Many tribesmen who had never interacted with him before became extremely enthusiastic when they met him. No one said anything behind his back that he was consuming the food of the clan in vain.

Half a month later, the body of the amnesiac young man had completely recovered, and there was no longer any pain in his body movements.

"Elder Wu En, my body is fine at this time. Although I still haven't recovered my memory, since I am temporarily living in the You tribe, I naturally can't just sit back and enjoy the benefits. If the elder can give me a spear, I will work and hunt with other tribesmen from now on. .”

The You clan still lives a way of life that coexists with hunting and herding. If the tribesmen want to have enough to eat, they must perform their duties and work hard, and there must be no laziness.

Although the amnesiac young man has no previous memories, he still has an understanding of life here after spending several months together. Although he has not eaten these days and does not feel hungry, since he is temporarily living in the You tribe, he naturally has to act according to the tribe's rules.

In the meeting hall of the Wuen branch tribe, Tianluan expressed his request directly after saying a few words of thanks.

"Tianluan Warrior, your kindness to our You clan will be engraved in the hearts of everyone in our clan. Hunting is a matter for members of our clan, and there are dangers. If the warrior is injured and makes everyone in our clan uneasy, it is better to stay here." Tribe, responsible for some other things.”

Looking at Tian Luan, Wu En's eyes flashed with a strange color.

Since Tianluan came to the clan, he has never been picky about food or housing. He may seem to be thin, but he actually contains great power. For such a person, Wu En would not believe it if he did not have a prominent origin.

"Elders don't have to worry about Tian Luan's safety. Although I haven't recovered my memory, I still have some life-saving means on my body. I can deal with even dangerous beasts. Besides, there are many clan members acting together, so my safety is naturally safe."

Seeing that the young man had made up his mind, Wu En could no longer stop him. He glanced at the young man, turned around, and took out an extremely sharp spear from a long wooden box behind him.

The handle of this gun is made of an extremely hard tree. The tip of the gun is sharp and glows with a green light.

"This is the weapon used by Wu Mou, and I will give it to you now."

Watching the young man leave the tent, Wu En's serious expression just now revealed a hint of smile.

Giving away a weapon as a gift is definitely a major event in the tribe, as important as life. Warriors in the tribe regard their weapons as their second lives. Even if their lives are lost, they will not give away their weapons without reason. people.

Seeing Tian Luan take over the weapon that had been following him for decades, Wu En was naturally happy.

In the next two months, the Wuen clan of the You clan hunted more prey than they could normally get in a year.

This happened all because of Tian Luan's joining.

Everyone had heard about Tian Luan's strength, so everyone immediately started hunting those large prey.

And Tian Luan did not disappoint everyone. In almost every battle, he would take the lead and be the first to step forward and fight the beast.

As the Wuen clan's harvest increased, Tianluan's name was finally known to all the You clan members. What followed were the girls from the You tribe.

The tribesmen admired force and enthusiastically pursued brave men. Although it is known that Tian Luan is not a member of the You clan, intermarriage between tribes is also allowed by tribal laws. Therefore, there is an endless stream of people from the You clan who propose marriage to express their love.

This makes Tian Luan not tired of it.

What Tian Luan has done has a lot of benefits for Wu En and his people. In less than three years, the clan leader will be selected. The Wu En clan’s performance at this time naturally adds to Wu En’s candidacy for the position of clan leader. Very heavy weights.

Tian Luan hunts mountains and rivers with other tribesmen every day. Although his body is fine, his memory has not recovered at all, and he still has no memory of the previous events.

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