Faced with thousands of tribesmen showing up to greet them, the leader of the group, Elder Wu En, also had a smile on his face. After waving, he jumped off his mount and looked at the old man in sackcloth who was currently standing.

"Elder Lao Bayin showed up in person to greet me. I have important matters to see the clan leader. Elder Bayin will be responsible for receiving the meat."

Wu En did not answer the question of the old man in sackcloth, but pointed behind him, and many large pieces of animal meat bound by the branches and leaves of special plants were gathered in front of everyone.

Hearing this, a sharp look flashed in the eyes of the old man in sackcloth.

"Ba Yin is the person in charge of the clan's property. These beast meats should be handed over to Ba Mou." The old man in linen clothes said with a strange color on his face, eyes piled with beast meat, and a smile on his face.

But when people were carrying the people on the two stretchers, the old man in linen suddenly turned cold and said in a slightly majestic tone:

"Elder Wu En, who is this person? He looks very strange. He should not be from our clan. If you are not from my clan, you must not enter the place where our clan is stationed without any reason. Has Elder Wu forgotten this ancestral teaching? Can’t do it?”

Hearing the words of the old man in sackcloth in front of him, Elder Wu En did not show any abnormality at all. His expression was calm and he spoke again: "Of course Wu En knows the clan rules, but this person has a great debt to my clan, and Wu En is his guarantor. , I guess this doesn’t violate the clan rules.”


After saying this, Wu En no longer waited for the old man in sackcloth to say anything. With a wave of his hand, he led more than twenty people behind him into the clan.

Wu En and Bayin are both members of the You clan, and they are the leaders of the two major branches of the clan. The branch they belong to is two of the three largest branches in the clan. Generally, clan leaders are born from these three branches.

The next clan leader will also be decided in three years. It can be said that both of them are strong contenders for the next clan leader.

This time the Tyrannosaurus was causing harm to the clan, the elders of the clan sent out a dozen leading teams to capture and kill the Tyrannosaurus. Although they didn’t say anything, Wu En and Bayin both knew in their hearts that the capture and killing of the Tyrannosaurus was causing harm to the clan. The beast will definitely gain points in the clan leader election later.

At this time, Bayin was naturally unhappy when he saw the Tyrodon being captured and killed by a team he led.

Wu En didn't take this to heart. What he was most concerned about at this time was to inform the clan leader about Pu Lao's death so that he could think of countermeasures in advance to prevent other tribes and clans from misbehaving.

Shortly after Wu En led everyone into the tribe,

A group of twenty or thirty knights galloped from a distance and arrived at the tribe's gate in a moment. A tall, muscular man in his thirties jumped off the beast's back first and went directly to Bayin, who had not yet returned to the tribe. He bowed and saluted:

"Father, could this animal meat be that of the Tyrannosaurus?"

Man, Bayin's eyes were full of energy, and his face showed a smile without any falseness.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Qi. This is the Tyrannosaurus that Elder Wu En led his men to capture. Although you didn't encounter the Tyrannosaurus this time, you didn't lose any manpower. This is already great. Please accompany Qi. Go back to your account and rest."

He raised his hands to an old man behind him, bowed, and spoke politely. When Bayin said this, he already signaled the tall man to enter the tribe.

After a slight hesitation, Bayin quickly gave instructions to several tribesmen who were counting the beast meat, then turned around and followed the others into the tribe.

At this time, Elder Wu En had already led his men to carry the two injured people into a tent that was obviously much larger than the surrounding tents.

This tent is tall and vast, with two old men sitting inside. Most of the tent was occupied by various herbs, and several young people were busy shuttling among the herbs.

As soon as Shi entered the tent, a scent of medicinal herbs hit his head, shocking everyone's expressions.

Wu En took a few steps and whispered a few words into the ears of the two old men who stood up. The two old men in loose robes quickly stepped forward and began to check the two injured people on the stretchers respectively.

Wu En did not stay in this tent for long. He ordered the people behind him to stay here and let the witch doctors and elders of the clan check and treat the injuries one by one. Then he walked alone towards the densely populated area behind the tents.

A taller tent stood alone. There was no other object within ten feet of it. Several men with swords stood on guard around it.

"Elder Wu En has returned safely. I heard that the elder led his people to capture and kill the raptooth beast. He is truly the number one warrior of our You clan." As Elder Wu En came closer, a man with a leader's head came to his attention. Nian stepped forward quickly and bowed with a respectful look in his eyes.

Although this big man is not a member of the Wuen branch, he has admired Elder Wuen, who was once the tribe's number one warrior, since he was a child. He was impressed when he heard that Wuen led his men to capture and kill the Tyrannosaurus.

"The title of No. 1 Warrior has long been outdated. Being able to capture and kill the Tyrannosaurus Beast this time was also a matter of luck. Wu has something important to say to the clan leader and other elders, and I would like to ask the Chief of Guard to pass it on."

Wu En was very polite to this tribesman named Una.

Although this Una tribesman is only a small branch of the tribe who protects the tribe leader and the Council of Elders, he has hundreds of brave and capable tribesmen under him. These tribesmen are carefully selected from the entire tribe every three years. Selected.

These clan members only listen to the orders of the clan leader and the Council of Elders, and can be said to be the most powerful team in the clan.

The tribesmen admired force, and as the most elite tribesmen, they were naturally the target of all tribesmen.

"Elder Wu En, please come in. The clan leader has already given instructions. As long as the elder returns, he can enter the clan hall at any time."

Following Una, Unn entered the Gao Da clan club. Una then withdrew again.

The tent was vast, more than twenty feet wide, with hundreds of tables and chairs arranged in a circular pattern. There is a round wooden table about two feet tall and more than twenty wooden chairs placed around it.

At this time, there were only five old men sitting in the big tent.

Wu En entered the big tent, walked quickly to the five old men, and saluted respectfully. When he raised his head, his expression had become extremely sad and gloomy, and there was some eagerness on his face.

"Wu En, don't panic, just tell me how Mr. Pu fell."

Among them was an old man with completely white hair. Although he was already seventy or eighty years old, he was still sitting tall and straight on the wooden chair, without showing any trace of his old age. The words were loud and clear, and there was a calm and calm demeanor that showed no anger.

When Wu En led everyone back, he had already sent reliable tribesmen to ride fast mounts back to the tribe, and directly informed the Presbyterian Council about Pu Lao's death.

Therefore, seeing Wu En's expression, the white-haired old man and the others did not show much surprise.

Wu En did not dare to neglect and explained in detail what happened at that time. Regarding the death of the old man named Pu, he did not dare to hide anything.

Talking about the strange phenomenon that happened in the sky later, although Wu En was not completely intact, before he fainted, it seemed that the man they carried to the clan had landed from the whirlpool black hole in the sky.

Therefore, Wu En also said it word for word.

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