As the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, the huge restraining pressure also disappeared, leaving a mess in the valley. ,

The rubble from the mountain rolled down one after another. Several big men who were close to the mountain were almost buried by the rubble that rolled down from the mountain. None of the tall shrubs that used to stand tall were now standing tall. It was as if something huge was rolling across the valley for several miles.

I don't know how much time passed, but all the big men who had fainted on the ground opened their eyes one after another.

The first thing everyone did when they opened their eyes was to look at the huge raptooth beast. If you don't look at it, everyone will gasp.

I saw that the body of the originally tall and ferocious Tyrannosaurus was now torn into pieces, with pieces of flesh splattering all around. Among the huge pieces of broken flesh, a humanoid covered in blood lay inside.

When everyone recalled what happened before, their faces changed dramatically.

At this time, the humanoid thing lying down in the flesh and blood of the Tyroptodon was the same object that everyone saw flying out of the black hole in the sky when they fainted. And this object is exactly a person.

After falling from a height of hundreds of feet, regardless of his life or death, this man was not shattered to pieces, which made all the big men who had regained consciousness at this time gasp.

"Hu Ta, hurry up and rescue the Wo Lie people. They are all crushed under the rubble. Kan Xu, check immediately. Our clan has lost several people this time."

As a slightly old voice sounded, the old man in his fifties stood up with difficulty from a distance and looked around. His face was full of the look of surviving a disaster, and at the same time there was a look of worry.

Although this old man was ten or twenty years older than all the big men present, he was tall and strong. After moving his limbs, he did not feel much discomfort.

After giving instructions to everyone, accompanied by two big men, they went directly to the corpse of the tall beast.

First, he took a look at the body of the 70- or 80-year-old man named Pu, who had a steel fork pierced through his chest. There was a strange look on the old man's face.

"This man unexpectedly fell from a high altitude without being broken into pieces, and he hit the body of the Tyrannosaurus. If this man hadn't appeared, we would have suffered heavy casualties, no matter why this man appeared. He was high in the sky and fell here. It is true that he was very kind to our You tribe. Tuoli, you two find a place where the wind is blowing and bury this man alive."

After the old man looked at the dead body of the old man, he looked at the corpse of the giant Tyrannosaurus. Looking at the miserable scene in front of me,

He couldn't help but sigh, and he was even more grateful to the people who fell on the Tyroptodon. After looking at it for a moment, he ordered the two tribesmen beside him.

This old man had a very high status in the clan, and no one present objected to what he said.

"Ah, clan elder, this man still has heat in his body, his body is soft, and he seems to still be breathing. He should not be completely dead yet."

The big man named Toli agreed, and then he and another person crouched down, stretched out their hands, and tried to lift the bloody man up and find a place to bury him.

But as soon as his hands touched that person's body, his expression was shocked. With his eyes wide open, he quickly touched the man's body with his hands several times, and a exclamation came out of his mouth.

"What, that man is not dead yet," when he suddenly heard Tuoli's words, the old man looked shocked. He quickly turned to the head of the lying man, stretched out his index finger, and raised his eyebrows to test.

After a while, the old man also had a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, this person is not dead, and there is still some chance of survival. Toli, you quickly go to the nearby area to find some strong branches to make a stretcher. We will escort him back to the tribe and let the witch doctor diagnose and treat him. , this person has shown great kindness to my tribe, we must not neglect him."

The old man investigated, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. He turned to look at Toli, and his tone became extremely solemn.

"Yes, clan elder, we will definitely treat this person well."

After agreeing, Toli immediately led three big men to search for him in the distance.

In this fight with the Tyrannosaurus, a total of four members of the You clan died on the spot, and another member was seriously injured. And a member of the clan also died on the spot.

Although the clan members suffered heavy losses, the You clan benefited more from killing this violent toothed beast than from being able to kill it.

If this beast is not removed, the You clan members will not be able to go out to hunt at will. If things go on like this, the entire tribe will have to leave this relatively abundant food place.

This is definitely not a good thing for the development of the entire tribe.

Although the Tyrannosaurus was killed by the man who fell from the sky this time, the old man felt mixed feelings at this time.

The worshiper with the surname Pu was unexpectedly killed by the injured Tyrannosaurus without checking. This made the old man curse the worshiper with the surname Napu for a long time.

If it attacks from a distance, it will never be killed by the Tyrannosaurus.

But the worshiper unexpectedly flew to the Tyrodon on a whim. Such an unwise behavior, and he fell under the violent counterattack of the Tyroptodon, and there was no complaint.

But the death of the old man named Pu was by no means a trivial matter to the You clan. Although excluding the worshiper surnamed Pu, there are still three worshipers in the You tribe, but for a tribe with thousands of people, three worshippers are definitely not many.

If other tribes know about it, it is hard to say whether it will cause them to take a look and invade the tribe's territory.

But at this time, it was naturally not what the old man wanted to consider. Under his proper arrangements, everyone who was safe and sound took action one after another. After burying the old man named Pu, everyone even carried a piece of flesh and blood on the huge body of the raptor, and then carried a stretcher. Leave this valley.

This mountain range is vast, and a group of more than 20 people walked for several days before finally reaching a basin area with fertile water and grass.

At the edge of the basin, at a station surrounded by branches and vines, everyone replaced it with an extremely strong unicorn, and then set off again.

After walking for another day, everyone finally arrived at a gathering place.

Within a radius of several miles, there were circular animal skin tents standing everywhere, and many figures were entering and exiting the tents.

Before everyone arrived, the tribesmen who had received the news had already blown their horns, and thousands of figures had already appeared at the edge of the tent.

Before they even got close, thousands of tribesmen were already shouting with joy, and everyone looked happy.

"Welcome Elder Wu En to lead all the clansmen back safely. Elder Wu En has eliminated a serious problem for our You clan this time. It is really gratifying and congratulatory. But why don't we see Elder Pu coming with us?" As they approached, an old man wearing a linen gown stepped forward with a smile on his face, gave everyone a fist, and spoke politely.

Although the words of this old man in sackcloth were words of joy, there was a strange glint in his eyes. ~Search the basket color to read the following chapters in full


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