Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2584 Wan Huan Tian Jue Formation

The two giant pythons wrapped in red mist that Shi Su sacrificed were so powerful that even Qin Fengming had to concentrate on dealing with them.

But Qin Bing'er just slapped out a pair of jade hands seemingly carelessly, and struck out a series of light blue palm prints that were only two feet in size. Her figure showed no intention to dodge at all. .

The giant python wrapped in red mist made no sound at all when it came into contact with several light cyan palm prints. The violent energy surge was not shown at all. But when the giant python containing majestic power came into contact with the small palm print, the balloon seemed to have been suddenly drained of a large amount of gas, and it shrank sharply.

As several palm prints flashed by, the huge python wrapped in red mist was only two feet long.

Under the two cyan fighting chops that flashed out immediately after, it was easily shattered on the spot.

"What kind of secret technique is this that can actually weaken the power of my secret technique?" Shi Su couldn't help but scream in shock when he suddenly saw the situation in front of him.

Even Qing Ao, the ancestor of the Cancer Clan who was standing aside to watch the battle, could not help but change his face slightly, and an incredible light flashed in his eyes. He had never seen such a weird secret technique before.

Seeing Qin Bing'er take action like this, Qin Fengming's expression did not change at all. He had seen Qin Bing'er's secret technique before, but the little girl in front of him was using it more calmly and powerfully.

"You haven't seen many of this fairy's methods, so I'll let you see them below."

Although Qin Bing'er usually looks smart, lively and harmless to others, her nature is definitely not what she seems. As the body of Tai Sui's young soul, he has long been aloof and ruthless in his heart.

As she moaned, a stream of blue mist suddenly spurted out from her body. Under the rapid rolling, it was like a strong wind, covering all around.

The cyan mist moved so fast that in just an instant, a radius of a thousand feet was covered by the mist. As the green mist quickly filled the air, a painful coldness suddenly enveloped the scene.

This ice coldness suddenly appeared, and a thick layer of solid ice suddenly appeared on the vast sea around it. The huge waves containing huge power surged rapidly under the ice, making a terrifying roar.

Facing the sudden appearance of cyan mist, Qing Ao's eyes flashed, and his figure quickly retreated.

Qin Bing'er ignored Qing Ao's retreat and allowed him to fly out of the green mist.


So what if your methods are powerful? I am really afraid of you. "Facing the extremely cold cyan mist, Shi Su's face became wary, but he did not show any real fear. He shouted loudly, and a majestic red light erupted from his body. And out.

Red light flashed, and a hot mist suddenly formed. After rolling rapidly, it spread towards the surrounding areas.

Although the red mist that Shi Su used was inferior to Chi Yi's, it was still a powerful magical power that contained hot attributes.

Under the fog between the two sides, a stabbing sound suddenly appeared on the scene.

Just when Shi Su thought it was so easy to block the opponent's secret technique of mist, he suddenly discovered that the scene where he was at this time had changed drastically. There was no vast sea water under his feet, an icy hurricane roared in the sky, and above his head, Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and a roaring sound resounded.

"No, this is a phantom formation."

Seeing such a situation unfold suddenly, Shi Su's expression finally changed.

As a gathering monk, Shi Su naturally saw the phantom formation in front of him immediately. And Shi Su also knew that this illusory formation was created by the secret technique of the little girl who was missing at this time.

There is no doubt that such an illusory formation is powerful. Facing this kind of weird supernatural power that he encountered for the first time in his life, even if Shi Su was at a higher level than the opponent, he couldn't help but become wary.

The technique that Qin Bing'er practiced was the Wanhuan Yinsha Jue. This kind of technique was originally sealed in the memory of Tai Sui's thousands of souls. It can be said to be the cultivation method of Tai Sui Young Soul Body monks.

The secret techniques embedded in this technique are naturally not comparable to ordinary things.

The word "magic" does not mean it is simple. Qin Bing'er advanced to the realm of aggregation, and the first secret technique she understood was the Wan Huan Tian Jue Formation.

Although it was difficult for her to exert 10% of the power of this magical power at this time, its power had already made Qin Bing'er extremely happy.

Back then, she encountered a wave of gregarious sea beasts in the Hopeless Sea. Although the sea beasts were only at level seven or eight, they numbered in the thousands. It would definitely not be an accident if an ordinary aggregation monk fell into it and fell into the attack of those fearless sea beasts.

However, when the Wan Huan Tian Jue Formation came out, only a few hundred of the thousands of sea beasts escaped, and the other sea beasts were all killed by this phantom formation.

It was precisely with this powerful support that Qin Bing'er jumped out, rushed in front of Qin Fengming, and faced a mid-level convergence monk alone.

Facing the sudden appearance of the illusory formation, Shi Su's expression became solemn, and the mana in his body surged rapidly into the red mist around him.

But what made him frown slightly was that the majestic red mist coming out of his body was shrinking under the rapid sweep of the icy hurricane that suddenly blew up around him. It seems to be being eaten away.

Seeing such a situation, Shi Su's eyes became cold and cold, magic arts surged in his body, and the majestic red mist around him suddenly rose up. In an instant, a layer of thick red armor appeared outside his body. Under the flashing red glow, the icy hurricane was completely resisted by it.

"Hehe, the mid-level monks gathered together are nothing more than this. This fairy only used a little bit of tactics to make you feel like you are facing a formidable enemy."

A sweet and delicate sarcastic laughter, half followed by the icy hurricane, sounded distantly from the boundless blue sea of ​​mist. The sound was so erratic that even Shi Su had trouble figuring out where it came from.

"The phantom formation used by a junior in the early stages of aggregation is so powerful, how can it still defeat me?"

Hearing the other party's sarcastic words, Shi Su snorted coldly, opened his mouth, and a crimson spear with a chilling light flashed out. In a flash, it was several feet away, and he grabbed it in his hand. As soon as his body moved, he no longer hesitated and shot quickly in one direction.

At the same time, the red spear in his hand began to tremble, and the red spear shadows several feet in size turned into pythons emerging from the cave and bombarded forward.

Suddenly, a rapid sound of breaking through the air resounded amidst the roar of the hurricane.

The icy hurricane, under the action of the gun shadows, immediately punched out a huge hole as big as ten feet in size by the powerful corrosive poisonous gun light.

Upon seeing this scene, Shi Su was immediately overjoyed, and with a rush of movement, he quickly waved his hands and shot forward.

Suddenly, the icy cold hurricane raging around him suddenly disappeared.

Before Shi Su could express his joy, heavy snowflakes filled the sky and enveloped him again.

The snowflakes are very beautiful, dancing in the air, and they don't look dangerous at all. But just when the snowflakes fell on Shi Su's head, the snowflakes suddenly started to rotate. Under the high-speed rotation, a group of light that looked extremely beautiful and flashed with sharp sword light was revealed.

Wherever the ball of light passed, the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered rapidly, and in an instant, like birds flying into the forest, they swarmed towards Shi Su.

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