Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2557 Wang Jie appears

When a monk cultivates immortality, the most useless thing is time. As long as you retreat, time will pass by like water, and years or even decades will pass between opening and closing your eyes.

During the more than a hundred years that Qin Fengming had been in seclusion, the world of immortal cultivation in the Yuanfeng Empire seemed extremely peaceful, and no major events that could shock the entire world of immortality had happened.

The Hermit Sect was destroyed more than a hundred years ago, almost reshuffling the world of immortality.

The original righteous alliance and the demonic alliance finally collapsed. Some of the first-class demonic sects have shown favor to Tianxuan Sect and Tianwu Sect Fanyin Temple, and some have also moved closer to Manghuang Mountain.

The Zhengdao sects are also looking for new backers, and some have chosen Manghuang Mountain and Qingyou Sect.

The original clear-cut pattern has also been broken.

Although Manghuang Mountain has no intention of forming a party with the outside world, it naturally does not bluntly reject the sect that shows its favor. Under the principle of mutual benefit, the relationship between the two parties has become more harmonious.

For more than a hundred years, in the world of immortality, there have naturally been some monks who have exhausted their life span, but at the same time, a group of monks have advanced to a higher realm.

After more than a hundred years of recuperation, three more monks in Manghuang Mountain advanced to the late stage of infant transformation under the powerful elixir provided by Qin Fengming. Two of the original six infant transformation monks also successfully advanced to the peak of infant transformation. realm.

At the same time, through the worthy efforts of the monks from the entire realm of immortality in the Yuanfeng Empire, who dispatched a large number of disciples, they finally found the space node on a deserted island four to five billion miles away from the territory of the Yuanfeng Empire. location.

More than ten great monks in the late stage of infant transformation and above led hundreds of adult-incarnation monks. After thirty-five years, they finally set up a restriction comparable to that of a super sect on the deserted island where the node is located, and set up the following A teleportation array.

The teleportation array can reach a hidden mountain range in the central area of ​​the Yuanfeng Empire. That teleportation array is jointly managed by all the super sects, and high monks are dispatched to guard it all year round.

And near the mountain range, there are also teleportation arrays that specifically lead to various super sects.

It can be said that as long as there is something going on on that desert island, it only takes a few hours for several of the gathering monks to land on that heavily guarded desert island.

After searching through the classics through Tianji Patriarch and other digital formation masters, thirty years ago, they finally set up a powerful ** formation that could activate that node.

As long as someone is willing to enter the node at this time,

It only takes a few days for everyone to prepare, and the magic circle can be activated and the passage will be revealed in the magic circle.

Although this matter seems extremely grand, when doing these things, all the participating monks set up soul restrictions on the monks in their own sects, and most of the things involved, even the participating monks in the mid-term transformation of the infant, were not very clear.

Space nodes are closely related to the life and death of the gathered monks. Naturally, everyone does not want to be destroyed by humans or sea beasts.

However, after negotiation, regarding the space node here, the monks gathered in the Yuanfeng Empire had no intention of hiding it from the monks of the same level in the Deqing Empire.

Although the two empires have been at odds with each other for a long time, the Assemblage monks have long made an agreement that the battle in the empire's world of immortality does not involve the Assemblage monks. If we rely on the method of gathering monks, as long as we act recklessly, there will not be many monks left on both sides.

The gathering monks of the Yuanfeng Empire also knew in their hearts that although they had found the location of the space node, no one knew what was inside. As the saying goes, everyone has a fear of the unknown, and the gathering monks were no exception.

If there are other monks who are involved in danger, then everyone can naturally be aware of it.

Just over ten years ago, two monks in the early stage of the aggregation finally found Tianxuan Sect and bluntly stated that they wanted to borrow that space node to ascend to the upper world. One of these two people is a casual cultivator from the Deqing Empire, and the other is a Wuwanghai cultivator.

After paying a batch of precious treasures, the two monks, accompanied by almost all the gathered monks in the Yuanfeng Empire, came to the overseas desert island.

Under the personal preparations of Tianji Patriarch and others, the space channel finally appeared.

The two aggregation monks, after each leaving the one-yuan magic lamp behind, entered the space passage together.

Since the two gathering monks successfully entered the space passage, all the gathering monks present were watching the two soul lamps closely.

As time passed slowly, the Yuan Shen Lamp remained bright and did not appear to be extinguished.

But just when everyone thought that the passage here was safe and could allow the monks to smoothly enter the upper world, the bright Yuanshen lamp suddenly shone brightly and then suddenly went out in front of everyone.

And the other one also became half weaker after swaying for a few breaths.

"Fellow Daoist has fallen into the passage, and Fellow Daoist Bei may have ascended to the upper realm, but his current state must be extremely unstable."

A long time has passed since then, and the remaining soul lamp, although it is weak, has no longer changed in any way. In the middle of the passage, Huang Yuanguang had a heavy expression and spoke in a low tone.

Everyone present was a man of extraordinary experience, so they naturally knew that what Huang Yuanguang said was true.

It was as dark as ink, and there were space passages of colorful light flashing around. Surprise and worry were constantly intertwined in everyone's hearts.

The space nodes here are extremely rare in terms of stability, but even so, the two early-stage monks who entered it and were about to run out of life were still dead and injured. This made everyone feel heavy.

It is absolutely impossible to ascend to the upper world without any danger.

Although there is only a 30% to 40% chance of passing through the space node here, it is already a great opportunity for the gathered monks.

You must know that among the dozen or so Fusion monks present, there will definitely be no more than two people who can successfully advance to the Late Fusion stage. Even if they advance to the Late Fusion stage, not everyone can pass the Ascension Tribulation.

If there was no node passage in front of us, everyone would turn into a pile of loess without any surprise after a thousand years.

Although this space node channel only has a few chances to safely ascend to the upper realm, it is still much better than no chance at all.

Qin Fengming, who was in seclusion, didn't know anything about the outside world.

More than a hundred years after he went into seclusion, suddenly one day, outside the gate of Manghuang Mountain, an old man in the middle stage of infant transformation suddenly came. This old man was sixty or seventy years old. Although his cultivation was in the middle stage of infant transformation, Standing in front of the tall mountain gate, this old man, who was already considered a powerful monk in the world of immortality, had a look of fear on his face.

"I don't know which fellow Taoist is serving here in Manghuang Mountain. I, Wang Jie, please send a message and inform Senior Qin that Wang has something important that he needs to speak to Senior Qin face to face."

This monk who was in the middle stage of transforming into an infant did not go to the Jieyin Hall. He stood directly at the gate of Manghuang Mountain and shouted loudly.

"But I don't know which Taoist friend has come to my Manghuang Mountain. I, Wu Xiong, have met the Taoist friend here. But I don't know what to do with my ancestor?" With the sound of words, light escaped from the mountain gate, and a transformed infant appeared. The early middle-aged monk revealed his figure.

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