"Very good. You wait for everyone to keep the secret books they have chosen. After one year, they need to send back their respective secret books intact. There must be no mistakes."

Glancing at all the disciples who were all looking happy, Hall Master Li said in a deep voice.

"Yes, we will definitely obey the hall master's order."

"Well, if there is anything difficult to understand in the secret book, you can go to the elite hall to find the elders and old men for advice. You are not allowed to fight with each other or hurt people's lives. Now you can return to your respective residences on your own."

Returning to his room, Qin Fengming couldn't wait to take out the "Detailed Explanation of Jikuo" and read it carefully.

"The Detailed Explanation of Jikuo" is a secret book that introduces in detail the principles and production process of Jikuo concealed weapons. He also introduced in detail several hidden weapons that have long been extinct in the martial arts world.

If such a secret book spreads, it will definitely cause a huge shock in the martial arts world of Daliang Kingdom.

Qin Fengming also had a purpose in studying this secret book. He believed that he was weak and weak, and no matter how exquisite his sword moves were, his physical strength was always limited. As for the hidden weapon, he had personally experienced its power when he killed Yuan Kejian and several others.

But it is an extremely effective and simple means of turning defeat into victory.

Unknowingly, Qin Fengming had been studying "Ji Kuo Detailed Explanation" from noon until ten o'clock in the evening.

When it got dark and he had to put down "Detailed Explanation of Jikuo", Qin Fengming realized that it was getting late and he was already hungry. So he walked out of the courtyard and walked towards the canteen behind the main hall.

At night, he lit a pine oil lamp, and with the flickering light, Qin Fengming continued to read "The Detailed Explanation of Jikuo" until late at night. Only then could he roughly read the entire "Detailed Explanation of Jikuo" .

After careful consideration and comparison, a hidden weapon called "Han Xing" was finally selected as his first choice.

"Hanxing" is a hidden weapon that looks like a rouge box used by women. It is only about the size of a palm. There are five small holes on the front. There are five questioning nails in the box. The nails can be coated with poison, and the victim will be killed instantly.

Making this kind of hidden weapon is extremely difficult. Its core part requires purple gold iron, and ordinary steel cannot exert the power of this hidden weapon. The box body can be made of ordinary fine iron, but the heart nail requires the more difficult-to-find black fine steel. Moreover, manufacturing each component of this hidden weapon requires a highly skilled blacksmith.

Qin Fengming at this time did not have the financial resources to find such precious materials. Moreover, even if he had the materials, it would be difficult to find a suitable blacksmith to complete it.

Therefore, within a few days after that, Qin Fengming found paper, pen and ink, and based on the "Han Xing" pattern in "Ji Kuo Detailed Explanation", he decomposed and drew all the components of the hidden weapon into a diagram. After careful inspection, I saw that there was no flaw, so I hid it close to my body.

It is difficult to refine at this time, but it may be possible to complete it later.

One month later, while Qin Fengming was meditating in his room and practicing internal skills, a senior brother suddenly came to his courtyard. Inform him that the hall master is inviting.

Not daring to neglect, Qin Fengming hurried to the Elite Hall and saw that in the main hall, apart from the hall master, there was only a burly middle-aged man in yellow shirt sitting beside him.

"Feng Ming, this is Elder Wu. I am here to take you to see Sima Sect Master. Now, go back and pack your belongings and follow Elder Wu."

Seeing Qin Fengming entering the main hall, Hall Master Li immediately showed a look of joy. Without waiting for Qin Fengming to salute, he spoke first. His face was full of joy and encouragement.

After hearing the hall master's words, Qin Fengming appeared confused. Without thinking much, he bowed and saluted, then returned to his residence and tidied up his clothes. Then he carried the sword on his back and followed Elder Wu down to Wangyue Peak.

At this time, Qin Fengming also had a hint of enlightenment in his heart: "Could it be that the sect master agreed to let him enter the Dark Night Hall?"

Caixia Peak is the place where the master of Luoxia Valley lives. The origin of its name is that whenever the rain comes and the sky clears, standing on the top of the peak, you can see colorful clouds floating around, so it got its name.

The valley to the west of Caixia Peak is very deep, and those colorful clouds seem to fall in that valley, so that valley is called Luoxia Valley, and this valley is also the foundation of the Luoxia Valley sect.

The two of them walked along the way. During the journey, Elder Wu kept pointing and introducing various directions to Qin Fengming in detail.

After walking for a while, a huge valley appeared in front of them. There were many houses in the valley. Qin Fengming glanced at it secretly and suddenly showed a confused look on his face. He discovered that there were no less than a thousand courtyard houses built in this valley. Men, women, old and children were coming in and out of the house. It's like entering a huge store.

Watch quietly the people coming in and out, no matter men, women, old or young, they all move lightly and walk silently. Based on Qin Fengming's experience, he knew that these people, who looked like ordinary villagers, were undoubtedly people with martial arts skills.

Seeing Qin Fengming's surprised look, Elder Wu smiled lightly and said: "Haha, the people living here are all family members of my disciples from the Luoxia Valley Sect. After hundreds of years of multiplication, there are thousands of people. There are just a few gatherings here. It’s just one of the places.”

Hearing what Elder Wu said, Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart. It turned out that he had only scratched the surface of Luoxia Valley.

In fact, Luoxia Valley was founded far more than a few hundred years ago. The disciples were just told so. It is impossible to find out how many years it has been since the sect was established.

An hour later, the two arrived at the top of Caixia Peak. There is a manor covering an area of ​​dozens of acres exposed in front of it. It has a tall wall made of square stones outside and rows of wooden houses with carved beams and paintings inside. There are eight people standing in front of the door.

Seeing Elder Wu arriving, they all bowed and saluted. Elder Wu seemed to be very familiar with everyone in front of the door. With just a slight nod, he led Qin Fengming into the mansion.

The two of them arrived at the third courtyard. Although they met many disciples wearing Luoxia Valley costumes on the way, none of them made a sound to intercept Qin Fengming and the other two.

They didn't stop until they reached a house in the middle.

"Sect Master, my income has increased slightly in the past three months."

"Yingzhou City sent two to thirty-eight thousand taels of silver and three carts of cloth."

"Luyu City sent 25,800 taels of silver and two carts of various medicinal herbs."

"Songyue City sent 31,000 taels of silver and three carts of various weapons."


"Aggregating the income from various places, we have received a total of 278,000 taels of silver in these three months. We handed over a total of 173,653 yuan of various crystal stones."

"In the past three months, a total of six disciples have been lost and 17 injured. However, the small Tushan bandit gang that has always been at odds with me in Luoxia Valley has been wiped out."

The two of them had just stood outside the door when the sound of words came from within the room.

As the voice fell, a calm voice slowly said: "Well, I understand. Compensation for the deceased disciples must be sent in time. If any disciple has difficulties at home, more help must be provided. Injured disciples must be treated properly. Okay. Yes, you go down first."

After a while, although no one came out of the door, there was no sound in the room. Just as Elder Wu stepped forward and was about to knock on the door, a voice suddenly came from inside the house: "It's Junior Brother Wu, please come in with Qin Fengming."

There was a person sitting on a tall wooden chair in the middle of the room. Qin Fengming looked intently, and it was none other than the Sima Sect Master whom he had seen on the high platform of the competition arena that day.

Without waiting for Elder Wu's introduction, Qin Fengming hurriedly took two steps forward, bowed and saluted: "Disciple Qin Fengming, pay your respects to the sect master."

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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