The flaming red flames the size of an adult's fist, as the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth rapidly condensed, the already hot breath suddenly became extremely compelling, and just looking at it made one feel a sense of fear.

Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel fear when he saw the majestic energy contained in these balls of flames.

Lieyang, who is in the realm of aggregation, has already displayed a powerful secret technique as soon as he takes action.

As the flames suddenly flashed, a powerful and hot aura swept people into it before the flames even reached him.

As the powerful and hot aura unfolded, Qin Fengming felt a huge and overwhelming pressure emerge. Several illusory figures suddenly disappeared in an instant.

Sensing the terrifying blow of Lieyang, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly changed as he was moving rapidly. His body stagnated and he quickly waved his hands out.

Qing Yan Sword Technique is a powerful secret technique that uses rapid activation and wins through numbers.

Under the blessing of Qin Fengming's huge power, which is comparable to that of a gathering monk, the colorful horses, which are several tens of feet in size, shoot out like a violent storm, and immediately block hundreds of fiery red flames within tens of feet. outside.

Although Qin Fengming is not an aggregation monk, the vitality of heaven and earth he can control at this time is already far superior to that of Ke Xingxin, Fu Qiong and others.

Although he had not successfully cultivated Chi You's True Demon Art, after more than twenty years of painstaking cultivation, his understanding of the vitality of heaven and earth had far exceeded the limits of what a Huaying monk could possess.

Although he may not be able to compare with the cultivators of Convergence, but with the blessing of his great abnormal man's pure magic power, he will not fall behind in a head-on collision with the cultivators in the early stage of Convergence.

Seeing the young man opposite him suddenly stop and take action, Lieyang couldn't help but feel greatly moved.

In a series of roaring sounds, the multi-colored sword light, which was several feet in size, collided with the fiery red flames that were only the size of a fist, and there was a huge roaring sound.

The seemingly weak fire ball burst into flames upon contact, and a majestic scorching energy swept out, immediately drawing the colorful sword light into it.

Under a frightening piercing sound, the two majestic energies were destroyed in no particular order and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing that his secret technique was easily resisted by the opponent, a dignified look flashed in the eyes of the giant flame bird.

Such a powerful attack,

It is no longer possible for an infant transformation monk to sacrifice it. If he hadn't been convinced that the young man in front of him was only in the late stage of infant transformation decades ago, he would have thought that what he was facing at this time was an aggregation monk who was in the same realm as him.

Qing Yan's sword light shot, Qin Fengming's figure did not hesitate at all, and followed the sword light and shot out again.

A rapid bird song sounded, and the flame bird, whose body was covered in burning flames, finally became angry.

A monk who transformed into an infant actually rushed forward so arrogantly after blocking his own blow, as if he wanted to compete with him physically. This made Lieyang feel extremely uncomfortable.

Although the Blazing Bird cannot be compared with the Sky Phoenix and the Peacock among the spiritual birds, it is definitely among the top among the bird monsters.

As a flaming bird, Lieyang has always been extremely proud of himself. In his eyes, human monks are also weak people.

At this time, being repeatedly taken advantage of by the opponent, Lieyang's noble heart was no longer calm. Amidst the sound of angry birds, a huge flame suddenly shot out and turned into a ray of light, towards Qin Fengming. The incoming figure flew away.

The spiritual bird-like monsters are covered with extremely tough feather wings, and their toughness is a bit more defensive than those monsters of the same level with scales.

Because its own wings have a great weakening effect on attacks.

With its extremely sharp claws and beak, just in terms of its physical body, it will not be at a disadvantage when facing a dragon of the same level. If coupled with its rapid body skills, it is not an accident that it can overwhelm a dragon of the same level.

Back on Crocodile Island, Lieyang was besieged by three monks of the same level. He was able to escape with his life because of his tough body, powerful fire-attribute magical powers and extraordinary escape speed.

Facing Qin Fengming's approach, Lieyang finally showed his ferocious look.

"Spiritual flame, do you think Qin doesn't have it? Let me give you a taste of Qin's spiritual flame." As the figure was flying away, a shout was heard immediately.

A ball of emerald green flames suddenly surged in front of him.

A dragon's roar suddenly resounded throughout the scene. A huge blue dragon several feet in size, wrapped in green flames, appeared on the spot. With its body swinging rapidly in the air, it faced the two-foot-long giant dragon. The flaming bird pounced.

With a distance of more than a hundred feet, under the rapid movements of both parties, they touched each other in an instant.

The huge dragon wrapped in green flames roared, its body shook, and it immediately entangled the two-foot-large flame bird in it.

Facing the opponent's cyan dragon, Lieyang only had a slight movement in his heart, and then he quickly stepped forward with a cold snort. He didn't believe that the other party's mere Infant Transformation cultivator could possess such powerful demonic flames.

You must know that his name is Blazing Bird, and the magic flame is his own innate magical power. This scorching flame has been there since he was born. After thousands of years of careful sacrifice, the spiritual flames that enveloped his body were already his trump card.

Even if it is the natal magic weapon of the aggregation monk, it is difficult to stay in its flames for long.

The contact between the two parties finally surprised Lieyang. The huge dragon wrapped in green flames in front of him, the scorching energy revealed on its body was actually comparable to the natal spiritual flame he had been cultivating for thousands of years.

Although the cyan flame was slightly weak, with the support of the yellow, red and black flames that suddenly appeared, it turned out to be fierce and powerful, exerting a powerful suppression effect on its own spiritual flame.

The soul-devouring ghost fire at this time, if it is considered as a single attribute, is definitely at a disadvantage when facing the natal spiritual flame of the burning sun. But if the four attributes are fused together, even the natal spiritual flame that has been sacrificed in Lieyang's body for thousands of years will be unable to do anything about it.

Suddenly feeling the mutation of being a green dragon, the eyes of Lieyang who transformed into a flaming bird suddenly flashed wildly. When the huge bird opened its mouth, a red ball suddenly flashed out.

A majestic and extremely hot aura suddenly appeared on the spot, making Qin Fengming, who had just felt at ease, suddenly feel an extremely powerful danger approaching.

Although the red ball that was spit out by the huge flame bird was only the size of an adult's fist, the majestic aura revealed on it was even greater than the majestic explosion energy revealed when the blazing sun bead in his arms exploded. Strong two points.

Qin Fengming didn't need to think about it carefully, but he already knew that Lieyang would definitely use some of his life-saving means at this time.

"Chi!~~" A light sneer suddenly came out of Qin Fengming's mouth. A sound wave containing the majestic spirit of the soul swept rapidly towards the huge flame bird transformed by the burning sun.

At the same time, Qin Fengming narrowed his eyes slightly, and the ghost threads that had been sacrificed for hundreds of years in his body also flashed out. It stabbed straight towards the body of the huge flame bird.

Immediately after, a slender green silk thread flashed out.

As the Yin Hun Silk and the Blue Hun Silk were sacrificed, Qin Fengming waved his fists, and the two huge fist shadows inspired by the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique suddenly rushed away in the green mist.

The huge fist shadow wrapped in the green mist turned into two huge demonic beasts. The beasts opened their mouths, and two frightening beast roars resounded loudly. The green mist rolled wildly, and they headed towards the huge monster wrapped in the green dragon. The giant red bird tore away from the body...

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