Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2431: Gathering of mid-term monks

Glancing around the cave, except for the three people in front of him, there was no one else. Qin Fengming waved his hand and threw the three people directly into the spirit beast bracelet.

With a flash of figure, Qin Fengming appeared on a tall mountain peak.

No other monks were seen, so Qin Fengming did not doubt that he was there. This kind of teleportation array was usually very close to a certain sect, so there were not too many people stationed there.

It is already extremely rare to have two transformed infant monks.

After identifying the direction, Qin Fengming escaped with light and shot directly towards the southeast.

After this incident, Qin Fengming already knew that at this time, the news had spread throughout the immortal world of Yuanwu Continent, and it was extremely difficult for him to use the teleportation array again.

After his trip to the ghost world, he already knew that even if he changed his appearance, there would be no guarantee that he would not be recognized.

He was already familiar to many monks in Xianqi Sect. Anyone who can refine the Five Spirits Yang-Building Pill, no matter which sect, will pay close attention to it. As for the Hualong Sect incident, he is already well-known at this time. As long as he shows up in Fang City or where the teleportation array is, he will definitely be recognized.

Faced with such a situation, he didn't have much worry.

When he was in the ghost world, he had already had the experience of being hunted down by the entire Northern Territory f↓ monks. This time facing the immortal world of Yuanwu Continent, he felt extremely calm.

When Qin Fengming used all his strength to escape from the dead, his speed was unbelievable.

If you are a monk at the peak of Transformation Infant, even if you meet and recognize Qin Fengming, you will definitely not be able to think of pursuing him. Because his escape speed is too fast, even if the monks at the peak of Huaying have powerful escape skills, it will be difficult to catch up with him.

Monk's escape technique, even if it is the same escape technique, but the person who performs it is different, the escape speed will be different.

Qin Fengming's Death Soul Escape was originally an extremely powerful escape technique.

Under the display of his majestic and pure magic power, the speed has reached an unimaginable level. If he were to escape at this speed, even Shi Chang would be stunned and find it difficult to pursue.

Qin Fengming's flight lasted for more than nine months.

During these nine months, he did not fly in a straight line, but changed directions from time to time.

Since Hualong Sect already knows the direction he is going,

Then he would not stupidly let the opponent wait in front to intercept.

After more than nine months of flight, Qin Fengming never rested for a moment.

If it were other people, their mana would have been exhausted a long time ago and they would have rested countless times. But he didn't stop for the next time. It's not that he is tireless, but he knows in his heart that he is in far greater danger than when he was in the ghost world.

If only one Supreme Elder of the Hualong Sect was killed, even a person with a very high background would definitely not be in much danger. At most, some people from Hualong Sect who had good relations with him would intervene to stop him.

But the situation he encountered this time was very different. He was a rare commodity at this time. If he could be captured, it would be like having an extremely good alchemy master, and one who could refine the pills that would be of great help to the peak cultivator of Huaying. The alchemy master of Five Spirits Bu Yang Dan.

Even if it is not as rumored, only one of the Five Spirits Yang-Building Pills can help the monks at the top of the Transformation Infant to attract a gathering of heavenly tribulations. It is definitely more effective than ordinary pills that can help break through bottlenecks. A bit more powerful.

Therefore, most of the sects or monks who want to capture him are definitely not for the rewards offered by the Hualong Sect. The most important thing is that he has three Five Spirits Buoyang Pills and that he can refine the Five Spirits Buoyang Pills. Ability.

Qin Fengming knew this very well, so he continued to fly as fast as he could, without daring to stop at all.

Looking at the jade map slip in his hand, Qin Fengming's tense mood that had been tense for more than nine months finally felt a little relieved.

Zi Yu Jian learned that at this time, he was only tens of millions of miles away from the edge of Yuanwu Continent. And with his escape speed, he could enter the boundless Hopeless Sea in just ten days.

Although there are also powerful sea cultivators in the Hopeless Sea, it is somewhat safer than the Yuanwu Continent.

But there is nothing wrong with the saying that things are unpredictable. Just as Qin Fengming was getting closer and closer to the Hopeless Sea, an extremely dangerous aura suddenly rose in his heart.

Qin Fengming, who was already extremely vigilant, suddenly became more cautious.

His spiritual consciousness was released at full speed without any reservation, and he quickly scanned the area of ​​two thousand miles around him.

Although no suspicious person was found, the uneasiness in Qin Fengming's heart did not weaken at all, but became more intense.

After a pause, Qin Fengming stopped in a desolate mountain.

He bent his body and sat cross-legged on the top of a mountain.

"Hehehe, the little guy is very sensible. He actually sensed my arrival. With such strength, it is not in vain that I personally went out and chased you for several months."

Just after Qin Fengming sat cross-legged on the mountain peak for a moment, he saw a space thousands of feet away from the mountain where he was. Suddenly, there was a slight energy fluctuation, and a figure seemed to appear out of thin air, suddenly appearing on the spot.

As an old man who looked to be in his sixties appeared, a calm laughter also appeared on the spot. There was no anger in his words and he seemed extremely peaceful.

This old man has a ruddy complexion and large ears, making him appear extremely wealthy.

If he met him in the secular world, Qin Fengming would definitely think that the old man in front of him was a wealthy man with a huge fortune.

"Since he is being targeted by seniors, no matter how much he considers himself extraordinary, Qin can hardly escape from seniors' hands. Knowing this, it is better to just sit back and wait for seniors to show up."

Facing the old man who appeared, Qin Fengming showed no surprise on his face. His eyes moved as he looked at the old man who was slowly approaching. His eyes flashed brightly. He stood up slowly, looking extremely calm.

"You are waiting for work. You can still say such words to me. It seems that you already know who I am. Do you think that you and your two companions in the Infant Transformation Realm in Xumi Cave can defeat me? "

The old man Fang, who had a calm face just now, suddenly changed his face, and an extremely powerful divine soul aura suddenly filled the air. This divine soul aura could almost steal the monk's soul. With the voice of the old man's words, suddenly Qin Fengming was involved.

As this divine soul aura surged out, the cultivation level of the monks in the middle stage of convergence was unreservedly revealed in front of Qin Fengming.

Faced with such a disturbance from the divine soul, Qin Fengming's expression remained unchanged. Mana surged in his body, and the majestic power of the divine soul permeated all around his body.

The old man's majestic divine soul attack, blocked by Qin Fengming's equally powerful divine soul power, failed with almost no success at all.

"Hey, the little guy's soul power is so huge, it's really beyond my expectation."

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