Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2404 Take action to fight

Although Qin Fengming is the youngest among everyone present, his fighting experience and quick thinking will not defeat anyone present.

When the Xuanyin Transformation Blood Formation was originally deployed, it was certainly not randomly placed in the valley.

After he dodged the attack of the Chaos Spirit Treasure, he accidentally or unintentionally stopped between Fu Qiong, the Blood Demon Ancestor, and the Sansha Saint.

With his intelligence, he would of course judge that the Chaos Spiritual Treasure would not stop attacking just Ke Xingxin. With Yehua's methods, he would certainly have to kill all the other people before he stopped.

However, Yehua's ability to drive the Lingbao does not rely on his own power, but has a close relationship with the Zhentian Palace. However, Yehua cannot continue to possess the majestic energy that drives the Lingbao.

After each attack, it is bound to regroup, so after attacking everyone's spirit treasures, their energy will be greatly reduced and they will stop on the spot.

There are four Mysterious Sound Transformation Blood Arrays blocking the way. No matter how powerful the Sansha Holy Lord's methods are, he can't easily reach the spiritual treasure directly and collect it.

The methods of the Sansha Holy Lord are indeed not comparable to those of Motian and Yinluo Holy Lord.

The purple sand grains, like a hurricane, were extremely sharp. They only briefly touched the red horse training offered by the Xuanyin Blood Transformation Formation and sealed it in the purple sand grain hurricane.

Sansha Shengzun, who stopped suddenly, was not overjoyed at how easily he accomplished the feat in front of Zihansha.

The huge energy fluctuations emitted by the magic circle in front of him made him feel depressed. The body almost only paused for a moment before it quickly shot to one side.

Just as he was shaking and rising, a breathtaking Sanskrit sound suddenly filled the air from the restraining wall.

This Sanskrit chanting sound had no offensive effect at first, but just for a moment, a red wave flashed out from the wall, and the sound waves surged forward like red waves, continuously. [So many good novels]

When the extremely sharp purple cold sand came into contact with the red waves, the previous sweeping madness suddenly stagnated and became like a river and sea, and began to rise and fall on the spot.

Faced with such a situation, Saint Sansha could not help but think anxiously.

But what left him speechless was that although the connection between Zi Hansha's tone and mind was still extremely close, among the layers of red sound waves visible to the naked eye, Zi Hansha found it difficult to take another step forward.

And the python in the other direction,

Under the attack of four red horses, there was a loud wailing sound.

Although he stabilized his body shape again under the careful driving of Sansha Holy Lord's spiritual thoughts, it was difficult to get close to the suspended Chaos Spiritual Treasure for a while.

After this delay, Qin Fengming and the others appeared outside Zhentian Hall.

"Giggle, fellow Taoist Sansha, you really have a wishful thinking. You sent the three tribes of this holy master to do a thankless task, but you want to take the spiritual treasure for yourself."

With a soft sound, two colorful giant palms of Holy Lord Yinluo suddenly flashed out. One palm blocked the Sansha Holy Lord who was moving in a flash, and the other palm struck towards the stopped and standing body. Yehua.

With two colorful palm prints, the figure of Holy Lord Yinluo disappeared out of thin air.

Motian, who followed closely behind Holy Lord Yinluo, appeared outside the hall. Although he did not launch any attacks, his body flashed with black light, and a black magic mist suddenly appeared and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

And its figure, wrapped in the majestic magic mist, also shot away quickly towards the location of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

In an instant, a huge sphere of black magic mist covering an area of ​​a hundred feet rolled forward. Wherever it passed, the vegetation in the valley disappeared one after another.

Although Qin Fengming and Holy Master Yinluo appeared front and rear, he did not rush towards the Chaos Spiritual Treasure. Instead, he turned around and waved his hand, and three puppets flashed out. , flew towards Yehua.

Ye Hua gave Qin Fengming the feeling that he was several times more dangerous than Yin Luo Saint Lord Demon Tian.

This feeling has existed since Yehua appeared. Even the Holy Lord Sansha didn't have the threatening aura that Ye Hua gave him.

Facing the three great monks heading straight for the Chaos Spiritual Treasure, Yehua didn't show any signs of anxiety. When he saw the three of them leaving the Zhentian Palace, Yehua's figure swayed and he wanted to enter the Zhentian Palace again.

He knew in his heart that he suddenly lost the majestic energy transmission. Without hearing any sound in the hall, he didn't believe that the ten directions formation of nothingness had been breached, and there must be some secrets in it. As long as he enters the main hall, he can regain control of Zhentian Palace.

After his body flashed and he narrowly avoided a powerful attack from Holy Lord Yin Luo, he suddenly saw three infant transformation peak puppets flying toward him, and Ye Hua's expression also paused slightly.

Naturally, he could tell at a glance that these three puppets were not made by the Immortal Mountain Sect. But the huge power exuded by the three puppets made Yehua dare not underestimate it.

With continuous movements of his hands, each of them already gave a fingerprint to the three puppets.

Yehua's movements were gentle, as if he were just tapping three times in the air. But as the three fingers pointed out, three majestic energy surged up, and instantly turned into three majestic giant fingers that were about ten feet in size, poking at the three tall puppets.

Before the huge fingers could reach the body, an extremely powerful blocking force had already surged onto the puppet's body.

Facing this scene, Qin Fengming's eyebrows suddenly stood up, and his figure shot out, flying towards the three huge fingerprints.

Based on his experience, he knew that even if these three huge fingerprints could not destroy the three puppets on the spot, if the three puppets missed the opportunity and tried to approach Ye Hua to compete with him physically, they would definitely be unable to do so. possible.

As Qin Fengming's body flashed, huge sword blades that were several feet in size and flashed with colorful light roared out.

The Qingling Sword Light was inspired by the Qing Yan Sword Technique, but at this time, it was completely different from the original sword light of several feet. Under the blessing of his majestic magic power, each one had grown to a size of several feet. .

The majestic energy contained in it must be dealt with carefully even if the monks in the early stage of aggregation see it.

Following the attacks of dozens of energy swords, a huge banging sound resounded.

The three fingerprints disappeared one after another before they touched the three puppet bodies.

The three puppets flashed and approached Ye Hua. With the six arms shaking together, huge fist shadows blocked Yehua's body.

The fair-skinned young man looked at the three puppets approaching and did not launch another attack. Instead, a faint smile flashed at the corner of his mouth. With a sway of his body, he turned into an afterimage and broke into the surroundings of the three puppets.

Qin Fengming, who successfully defused Ye Hua's attack, suddenly saw Ye Hua's expression flashing like this, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

With a flash of light in his eyes, his expression suddenly changed.

But just when he paused for a moment, Ye Hua had already flashed, passed through the shadows of the three puppets' rapidly swinging fists, and appeared behind one of the puppets in an extremely strange way.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a ball of yellow light suddenly flashed out and suddenly covered the puppet's body. Without making any sound, the puppet that was waving its arms rapidly suddenly stopped.

Without stopping, Yehua moved towards another puppet again...

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