Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2372 Nothing gained

The Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique is not only a mantra for cultivating the soul, but also a powerful body refining secret technique. The attacks struck by the running mantra contain the power of the powerful soul and have unparalleled physical effects.

Back then, the old man surnamed Li from the ghost world was only scratching the surface of the first level of cultivation, but Qin Fengming was already shocked. At this time, Qin Fengming had successfully cultivated the first level and the second level. The power he exerted was so powerful that even the gathering monks would be affected by it.

When Qin Fengming sensed the two colorful palms offered by Holy Master Yin Luo, his eyes could not help but narrow.

These two colorful palms contain some kind of strange aura. This aura is very similar to the power of the soul, and it is so powerful that it is as powerful as a river and an ocean. Before it even gets close, it has already been resisted by the powerful power of soul confinement of the Hua Bao Ghost Refining Technique.

Before the two sides could touch each other in the ghost-eating mist, a majestic sound of soul explosion resounded.

The majestic wind of soul power swept across, rapidly dispersing the ghost-eating mist.

Holy Lord Yin Luo did not lie. The ghost-eating mist that could suppress the monks' spiritual consciousness had no effect at all in front of her.

The attacks from both sides came into contact instantly, and amidst the two muffled sounds, crazy wind blew up.

Qin Fengming looked at what was happening in front of him, with a look of disbelief in his eyes. The Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique, which had never let him down before, had no effect at all under the attack of two colorful palm shadows seemingly casually launched by Holy Master Yin Luo, and was wiped out together with the opponent's attack.

Not only Qin Fengming was shocked, but also Holy Lord Yinluo's face changed at this moment, and there seemed to be a look of thought in his beautiful eyes.

Her two colorful palm shadow attacks are not ordinary secret techniques, but the most powerful means that Holy Lord Yin Luo relies on, called Luo Tian Dharma Seal.

At this time, she was very reluctant to use this secret technique with her cultivation level, but facing Qin Fengming's extraordinary strength, she still secretly activated this secret technique.

From what she thought, as long as she sacrificed it, she would be able to kill the young man in front of her instantly.

Seeing the secret technique being dispersed by the opponent's two huge fist shadows, Holy Lord Yin Luo couldn't help but be shocked.

Without any hesitation, he raised his jade hand, and a delicate hand grabbed the jade box on the stone table.

"If you want to get the jade box, you have to ask Qin if he agrees."

When the two giant fists of Huabao Ghost Refining Technique were blocked, Qin Fengming was only slightly startled, and immediately waved out his hands continuously. Immediately four rays of spiritual power struck at Holy Lord Yin Luo.

Faced with the opponent's strange skills, Qin Fengming knew that he could only use the secret technique of speed to entangle him, and then find other ways to seriously injure the opponent.

Although Qin Fengming felt that Spiritual Power Slash was difficult to compare with the Secret Technique of Transforming Treasure Ghost Refining, it was still a powerful secret technique. The spiritual power sword he offered at this time, if used with all his strength, could break even the magic weapon offered by a monk in the late stage of infant transformation with one blow.

After experiencing the baptism of Xuan Ni's divine light, Qin Fengming's magical power became pure and improved. His own pure magic power is far superior to that of ordinary people. After further purification, although he still cannot compare with the aggregation monks, compared with people of the same level, he is already far from the same level.

But the opponent he faced this time was not an ordinary monk.

Although Saint Lord Yin Luo moves gently and seems to be free of any anger, his power is so powerful that ordinary monks cannot compare with it.

Seeing Qin Fengming's four attacks approaching, nothing strange appeared on his charming face. Under the gentle dance of his jade hands, a group of colorful rays of light suddenly appeared, like waves surging, facing the four spiritual powers. Block away.

In the sound of chi chi, four huge energy attacks flashed with power and disappeared into the colorful glow. Under the flash of brilliance, there was no longer any sound.

Although Qin Fengming saw that his attack was easily resisted by Holy Lord Yin Luo, Qin Fengming was not surprised.

The Holy Lord Yinluo, who can withstand the attack of the secret technique of refining the treasure ghost, will not have any difficulty in facing the spiritual power.

But even with this move, Qin Fengming successfully stopped the Yin Luo Saint Lord's attempt to get his hands on the treasures on the stone table.

He raised his hand, and a bead flashing with radiant light suddenly appeared and shot towards Holy Lord Yin Luo.

At the same time, Qin Fengming waved his hands continuously, and suddenly hundreds of Qing Yan swords flashed out, like a huge rain of swords in the sky, completely covering the surroundings of Holy Lord Yin Luo.

Qin Fengming did not hesitate at all when he used it. His body suddenly flashed and he shot back towards the palace door behind him.

As soon as the magic formula in the body was activated, the ghost-eating mist that densely filled the hall quickly gathered. Two jet-black mist rolled up and swept in the two large pieces of ice where Fu Qiong and Master Huang Xu were. Under the flash of fog, Qin Fengming flashed out of the hall.

"Junior, what do you want to do?"

Just when Qin Fengming offered the ball in his hand, Holy Lord Yinluo, who sensed the majestic energy contained in the ball, suddenly changed his expression and let out a loud scream.

Qin Fengming, who was retreating in a hurry, had a fierce look on his face, his lips were tightly closed, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"Explode!" A loud shout protruded from Qin Fengming's pursed lips, and a huge energy that could destroy the world suddenly flashed into the empty tall treasure sealing pavilion.

Although the protection restrictions of Fengbao Pavilion were broken by Qin Fengming, there are still extremely powerful restrictions in Fengbao Pavilion. These restrictions are not to prevent monks from entering, but to protect the Fengbao Pavilion building itself.

This kind of restriction cannot be broken in a short time even if Qin Fengming uses Qing Yan's sword light attack.

But at this time, when the majestic energy explosion in the hall had just started, the extremely tough Fengbao Pavilion, together with the powerful restrictions placed in the pavilion, suddenly disappeared into the energy like a wind and the remaining clouds under the raging power of the huge energy. During the explosion.

Qin Fengming, who had just exited the hall, and two huge pieces of ice were instantly involved in the raging explosion energy.

The huge explosion lasted for half a stick of incense before slowly calming down.

Above the huge square, a huge pit several feet deep was revealed in the center of the square. The surface of this huge pit was smooth, as if it had been deliberately polished by humans.

The tall Fengbao Pavilion hall that originally stood there no longer had the slightest shadow at this time.

A hundred feet away from the pit, a young monk with some stains on his body stood on the spot. It was Qin Fengming who had escaped the explosion of the Scorching Sun Bead.

A dozen feet away from him, two monks, a man and a woman, were lying on the stone ground.

The two monks had blood all over their bodies, but it could be seen from their heaving chests that although they seemed injured, their lives were not in danger.

At this time, Qin Fengming's eyes were shining brightly, looking at the explosion place in front of him, his expression was gloomy and solemn.

Faced with the strange and powerful methods of Holy Lord Yin Luo, Qin Fengming gritted his teeth and directly sacrificed a Burning Sun Bead. Although the power of the Burning Sun Bead made him extremely satisfied, at this time, he felt uneasy in his heart for a long time. Something feels wrong.

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