In fact, due to the nature of Holy Lord Yinluo, he does not take human monks into his eyes at all, so he is unwilling to lower himself and imprison others at will.

The devil is cunning by nature. He knew that although his methods were superior to those of the same level of monks, he was still alone in the face of the entire human world. Therefore, as soon as he entered the fairy mountain, he captured nine people and then planted seeds on them. He broke the soul restriction and hid in Xumi Cave.

When he was outside Tongtian Peak, he would rather wait for several years and hold back without giving in to others, just to gain an overwhelming and shocking advantage at the critical moment.

"You are really a scheming person, and you have so many helpers by your side. Yin Xian, at this time, do you still want to stay out of the matter and live in peace with the devil?" Facing nine unknown monks from various continents, Qin Fengming His complexion only changed slightly and then returned to normal.

Turning to look at Holy Lord Yinluo on the other side, he spoke in a calm tone.

"Since the Demonic Fellow has released his trump card, he has already plotted against me. Even if I want to stay out of the matter, it seems I can't. Previously, I couldn't tell the winner with the Demonic Fellow. This time, the Demonic Fellow will leave it to me. Lord, as for the others, you Taoist friends should do your best."

Holy Lord Yin Luo is also a decisive person. She has already made a decision without Qin Fengming. With a wave of her hand, the magic weapon of the mountain-opening ax that has been driven by her circled and moved towards the sitting demon without any hesitation. The sky suddenly chopped away.

Holy Lord Yinluo's move had no intention of being sloppy. Just as her words rang out, Jubao had already appeared in front of Motian.

The two of them were only a few dozen feet apart, and with all their strength, they were naturally there in an instant.

"Hahaha, I have exactly this intention. If I can capture the immortal here, I will definitely become famous if I return to the upper world."

Motian faced the mountain-breaking ax and slashed at it. He laughed wildly without anger but with joy. He tapped his finger, and a huge hammer shadow flashed out in the air and collided with the mountain-breaking ax.

The fight between the two was just to bind each other, and neither one used his own magic weapon or secret technique.

Just as the two of them were fighting, the nine human monks standing on the spot shook their bodies almost at the same time. They each raised their hands. As their bodies shot towards Qin Fengming, the nine magic weapons also flashed out and were displayed in the air. It carries pressure and blocks people.

The nine people did not adhere to the principle of fighting alone. Under the secret transmission of Motian, the nine people actually took action at the same time, trying to kill Qin Fengming on the spot in one fell swoop.

Facing the nine monks of the same level who appeared in front of him,

Master Huang Xu and Fu Qiong were also greatly frightened.

Although the two of them consider themselves to have good means, facing a monk of the same level, if they face many people of the same level, it will be difficult for the two of them not to say win, but to be able to stalemate with them.

"Two fellow Taoists, retreat quickly. We are no match for the nine of them here. Only by retreating into the buildings can we have a chance of winning."

Seeing Holy Master Yin Luo take action, Qin Fengming quickly sent a message to the two people around him.

As he spoke, the nine great monks who transformed into infants were already swaying and shooting towards the person.

After hearing Qin Fengming's message, Fu Qiong and Qiong shot towards the buildings behind them almost simultaneously with Qin Fengming without any hesitation.

People are standing on the edge of the square, and behind them are tall buildings and dense buildings.

Just when the nine great monks heard Motian's order and jointly sacrificed their magic weapons and flew forward to attack, Qin Fengming had already left the square and hid behind a tall hall in a flash.

Faced with a group fight, even if Qin Fengming used his own methods, it would be difficult for him to gain a favor. And entering a group with dense restrictions, the opponent's numerical advantage will be greatly weakened.

Fu Qiong and Master Huang Xu naturally knew this.

"With the ability of two fellow Taoists, it is not difficult to have two people of the same rank at the same time. The two fellow Taoists only need to restrain four monks, and the remaining five can be handed over to Qin."

At this point, Qin Fengming certainly wouldn't hesitate. By secretly transmitting the message, he put most of the pressure on himself.

"Okay, just follow what fellow Taoist Qin said." Fu Qiong stopped without any hesitation.

Upon hearing this, Master Huangbeard's expression changed slightly, but he quickly nodded.

Facing several monks of the same level, Master Huangbeard believed that he was no match, but if it were two people, he would be absolutely sure to escape unscathed. If his true form appeared, it would not be impossible to kill the two of them.

Since Qin Fengming voluntarily faced five people of the same level, he was naturally happy.

Following the agreement of the two, Qin Fengming flashed and reappeared in front of the nine monks who had already approached the building group. With his hands waving, dozens of Qingyan swords glowed with dozens of huge energy blades, and then It shrouded five of them.

Fu Qiong and Master Huang Xu also used their own secret techniques to intercept the magic weapons of the remaining four people.

As their bodies swayed, six figures ran towards the buildings.

The nine great monks could be dispersed so easily. This is not Qin Fengming's credit.

The nine great monks came from different continents and had not known each other before. Naturally, the nine people were not happy about being captured by Motian and planting a soul restriction. However, Motian had also said at the beginning that he was a clone of a saint from the real demon world.

As long as they help him get what he wants in the fairy mountain, they can naturally release their bonds and regain their freedom. When their cultivation reached their level, they naturally didn't want to stop there, so they calmed down and willingly became Motian's followers. But all nine of them are great monks, so naturally everyone has pride in their hearts.

Regarding Qin Fengming, the nine of them didn't want to win with more, but under the orders of the devil, they couldn't disobey. However, when they saw people taking action separately and attacking separately, they still had other thoughts, so they no longer paid attention to anything. Attack the opponent directly.

Facing Qin Fengming's rapid attack, even though the five great monks faced it together, their hearts sank.

Dozens of sword attacks flashed in front of them. Although the power of each attack was not amazing, when they were gathered together, everyone was suddenly shocked. Everyone had only seen such a majestic and powerful attack once before, and that was when they faced the Demon Sky.

At this time, the five of them were suddenly alert. The young monk in front of them turned out to be a top existence no less than Motian.

Qin Fengming's attack this time, of course, did not use all his strength. He only used ordinary attacks and did not incorporate the majestic energy of the heaven and earth's vitality into it. But even so, the five great monks were shocked.

Although they were frightened in their hearts, the five of them were by no means timid. With clenched teeth and the use of their own magic weapons and secret techniques, Qin Fengming's attack was finally defeated by the joint efforts of the five great monks. Block it down.

"Haha, five fellow Taoists, if you have the guts, follow Qin into the group of buildings to fight."

Seeing that he had successfully stopped the five monks, Qin Fengming felt relieved. After laughing, he flashed and galloped towards the palace again.

Facing five people of the same level, Qin Fengming would certainly not be afraid, but at this time he was close to the two Yin Luo Holy Masters, and he did not want some of his secret techniques to be exposed to those two powerful enemies early.

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